Chapter 655
Looking at the crowd, Bai Ye continued: "The third thing is that this will be a major revolution in orthopedics! I believe that everyone will live up to this trip!"

Bai Ye hadn't finished speaking, and there was a lot of discussion below. If it wasn't for the order control at the scene and Bai Ye was still talking, there would have been an explosion below!
However, everyone still waited for Bai Ye to finish speaking!

Bai Ye looked at the crowd and smiled: "Okay, that's all I want to say, everyone can ask questions in turn."

As soon as Bai Ye finished speaking, the crowd began to raise their hands frantically!
Bai Ye randomly selected one.

When the woman saw Bai Ye pointing at herself, she was very excited, as if a concubine in the harem was chased away by the emperor's unveiling.

The woman was originally a reporter from a small magazine in China, and she immediately stood up excitedly and anxiously: "Professor Bai Ye, what I want to ask is... is this the beginning of Bai Ye Research Institute's official entry into the medical industry?"

The old reporter beside the woman was stunned!

Is the good question an advertisement?
It's clearly written in our notebook, we want topics!Want a topic!Be a gimmick!Be hot!
So the question we should ask: Mr. Bai Ye, is your company's advertisement intentional?Where is the meaning?
I remember looking at the woman with a melancholy face, covering my face, then looked up at Bai Ye, and sighed, young man, he is just not stable, and he will lose his chain at critical moments.


When I saw the handsome guy, I couldn't move or speak.

At this time, Bai Ye faced the microphone without thinking too much, and said directly: "I think everyone has overlooked a problem, and that is the predecessor of Bai Ye Research Institute!"

"The name of our Baiye Research Institute is Baiye Orthopedic Research Institute. From the very beginning until now, what we have been doing is how to treat orthopedic diseases, how to better treat orthopedic diseases, and relieve the pain of patients. Improve efficacy and reduce costs."

"Over the past few years, based on clinical experience, we have accumulated and learned past medical technologies, combined with our own continuous attempts to modify and improve those deficiencies, and concluded a set of truly effective medical solutions, which is what we have today. Said Bai Ye Orthopedic Diagnosis and Treatment Guide!"

"The same is true for the Checking and Balance Group and the Donglin Group. The development of a discipline includes not only the update of medical technology and diagnosis and treatment methods, but also the utilization of drugs, equipment, and treatment methods. Medicine is a modern and developing discipline. We combine The development of modern science and technology has continuously combined the level of modern science and technology with modern medical technology to research and invent more effective drugs and equipment.”

"And that's the case with the guidelines we formulated. Bai Ye's orthopedic diagnosis and treatment guidelines are a set of diagnosis and treatment guidelines that truly meet the requirements of the times and human needs, using the existing technology and the most advanced methods. I think this is my guideline. The most meaningful thing I have done in the past few years! It is also the thing I am most proud of!"

After Bai Ye finished speaking, the reporters below started to record excitedly. This is big news. What are reporters good at?
What he is best at is to find out the explosion point from a sentence!

And what is Bai Ye's explosive point?
Bai Ye said just now that Bai Ye's orthopedic guide is the most suitable and leading orthopedic guide for human needs at present!
For a while, the people below went crazy!
Bai Ye is too arrogant!
You made a guide for a subject by yourself, and you said that it is currently the world's leading guide. Isn't this a joke?
Indeed, everyone knows that you, Bai Ye, are very skilled in orthopedics and have superb skills.

However, a large subject cannot be compared by one person or one enterprise.

Bai Ye, you can do a good job in a certain field of orthopedics, and you can revise and participate in the compilation of the latest guidelines, but you actually wrote a guideline for orthopedics yourself. What are you doing?
Is it against the field of orthopedics of the World Health Organization?



As flamboyant as the "Break a Road" ad!

Immediately, countless hands were raised below, and everyone had questions to ask!
Bai Ye casually pointed, and coincidentally, it happened to be the older female reporter next to the young female reporter who had just been named.

At this time, the old reporter was educating the young reporter.

"Sakura, are you too nympho? We have prepared so many questions, you didn't ask any one, just asked a random question, and you will go to see what the leader says about you later!"

The woman sighed aggrievedly: "I was too nervous just now. Seeing that Bai Ye is so handsome and outstanding, I can't bear to ask those difficult questions. Besides... besides, the questions I asked are very good! You see The atmosphere at the scene..."

The older female reporter sighed: "'re still too young, nympho, and it's inevitable. After you've been in this circle for a long time, you'll get used to it. You'll get used to handsome guys, pretty boys, celebrities, rich people, like You master me, now it's the wind and snow..."

When the woman was chattering, she suddenly saw Sakura's face flushed, and she was telling herself excitedly!
"Master, master! Bai Ye ordered you! Boss Bai Ye turned over your cards! Wow! Get up!"

The old reporter was taken aback!
Suddenly dumbfounded!
Master Bai Ye flipped my cards?

Years of professionalism allowed her to regain her composure in a second, and then stood up in an instant with a professional smile on her face, looking at Bai Ye.

But after standing up, looking at Bai Ye's fiery eyes, the woman's mind suddenly went blank.

who am I?
Where am i?

what am i doing!
What questions do I have to ask!
Suddenly the old reporter couldn't remember what to ask.

Suddenly, she had an idea and thought of a question they had been gossiping these days: "Mr. Bai Ye, I heard that your wife, Mrs. Li Ziyan, is pregnant. I wonder if it's true or not?"

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect to ask this question.

It wasn't just Bai Ye who was stunned!

The people around were also stunned!

Because this is not an entertainment press conference.

This is a very formal, professional and full of academic atmosphere press conference.

How can there be this problem?
Everyone was puzzled and puzzled.

But there is still a lot of hope in my heart...

Everyone also wants to know this question.

So, hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at Bai Ye, waiting for an answer...

Xiao Ying at the side looked at the master with a full face. The master is indeed experienced and skilled. Such a problem is definitely a hot spot...

Bai Ye coughed, looked at everyone in embarrassment, and suddenly said with a smile: "This question, um... yes, that's right, my wife is pregnant, thank you all media reporters for your concern!"

Immediately, as soon as Bai Ye finished speaking, there was thunderous applause at the scene. It goes without saying that this is a blessing!
(End of this chapter)

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