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Chapter 665 Shocking the audience

Chapter 665 Shocking the audience
This day is a day that everyone is looking forward to, because on this day, the Bai Ye Orthopedics Summit Forum was officially held, and the summit forum was accompanied by the launch of Bai Ye Orthopedics' new products.

The two meetings were held at the same time, and what is the clue to the union of the two?
It is Baiye Orthopedics Guide!
Even the formation of the syndicate organization and the US FDA organization consortium did not affect people's enthusiasm for participating in this meeting.

Because of what?
Because Bai Ye never let them down.

Indeed, since Bai Ye's debut, every presentation of research results and every meeting held has benefited the participants a lot.

At that time, when Bai Ye held the First Aid Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Mo Haili of Sindis also held a meeting, and attracted many people, so there were not many people participating in that meeting.

But after that meeting ended, all those who participated in that meeting benefited a lot, and those who did not participate in the word-of-mouth content also regretted it after learning about it.

Moreover, it is precisely these people who have become active leaders in orthopedics on the world stage in the past two or three years.

Bai Ye opened up their thinking about orthopedics, as well as their thoughts on the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic diseases, which instantly broadened their horizons for experts and professors.

So, this time most people are here!

This time the forum is very intensive, and the venue is one of the largest in Kyoto, including a large exhibition hall.

The venue was set up a week ago, and the network platform was built at the same time.

Many people who participated in this meeting came with national missions, and they also had the purpose of trying. In fact, it is very important to choose a guideline, which determines the direction that the country will choose in the future of disease diagnosis and treatment.

Not all countries choose the guidelines of the United States and the European Union.

And Bai Ye has indeed made outstanding contributions in the past few years, and has also saved the people of many countries, when the cobalt-chromium alloy was most critical. SPOM refused to sell to many countries, but Bai Ye did not refuse that time.

Bai Ye's cobalt clear, cobalt chromium alloy compound, and even after the treatment of intestinal tumors, Bai Ye is very reasonable for the price positioning of the drug.

Hundreds of thousands of journalists from media outlets from more than 50 countries around the world came here, and they all hoped to get some latest news.

But unfortunately, no one can get in without an invitation letter, even the reporters of the Times Daily.

Keeping journalists out does not mean there will be no publicity.

On the contrary, for the live broadcast this time, Bai Ye will open a global live broadcast after the above application and approval. At that time, dozens of cameras in the venue will feed back clear information at any time.

The time is ready, and a grand opening ceremony begins.

It's not a fancy performance, but a high-tech feast, which is a plot specially planned by Bai Ye Research Institute.

Because the participants in this meeting are all professionals, so the fancy stuff is not as good as the real stuff.

When one orthopedic robot appeared on the stage and performed some difficult operations in a unified and coordinated manner, everyone was dumbfounded.

What is this ghost?

Robot dance?
Do not!
This is the machine dancing!
But why do they feel that the gorgeous mechanical arms of these robots are very agile, just like the data arranged in an orderly manner, neat and shocking!
And they soon discovered that the shock had just begun!
So, after a handsome dance, the group of robots began to show off their skills!

Why do they call it a show off, because they actually started peeling the grapes hanging in the air with three robots at the same time. On the huge enlarged display screen, everyone can clearly see the agility and subtlety of the operation.

What is this expressing?
Operational precision?
Everyone is puzzled.

The surgical robot Da Vinci has been relatively popular, and the Da Vinci robot can also peel grapes, but it is different if three machines peel skins together.

And what happened next made everyone even more excited!
As a pig was quickly placed on the operating table, several robots started operating simultaneously.

Nail it!
Hit the steel plate!
Insert Auxiliary Grinder...

Etc., etc.

These operations are delicate and powerful.

For a while, everyone understood that this was an orthopedic robot.

A very advanced orthopedic robot.

Orthopedic robots are familiar to everyone, but this technology is not yet mature, because orthopedic surgery is not exactly the same as other surgeries. The particularity and complexity of fractures determine that this subject is definitely not as simple as imagined.

But when these orthopedic robots appeared on the stage, everyone was dumbfounded.

Not only the people at the scene were shocked.

In fact, the members who were most shocked were watching the webcast, because the director deliberately made the screen more enjoyable.

But it is precisely because of this that people are full of incredible things about this place.

At this time, all the robots suddenly turned around at the same time to make a way, and all the robots bowed as a signal.

A clean, clean, generous and handsome man walked in calmly, dressed in a casual suit without being formal.

"Hi everyone, I am very glad to invite all my dear friends to participate in the first Bai Ye Orthopedic Summit Forum. I am Bai Ye. Thank you all."

Deafening applause rang out at the same time, not because of anything else, the opening robot dance alone was enough to conquer everyone.

"What you just saw is the first product shown to you in this forum, the orthopedic robot! Let us thank the robot for its performance again. Yes, you may be curious, because the orthopedic robot should be operated by someone, but I What I want to tell you is that our orthopedic robot has a special function, that is, memory entry, which is written according to a specific simple program, so that it can perform some simple operations by itself based on imaging data, which is what you just saw. Yes, of course, different performances in life are not trivial, so we should still seek truth from facts for patients, but where is the biggest bright spot of orthopedic robots?"

"That is, it covers me, that is, the combination of my clinical operation techniques for many years, which is added to the internal program through programming. This is the soft power of our orthopedic robot! What do you mean? For example, a patient, through the robot The preliminary imaging results can choose a treatment plan based on my experience, and recommend a more reasonable reset technique, which can bring some inspiration to everyone, or for simple patients, the robot can even be reset directly."

(End of this chapter)

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