Chapter 666
Seeing the shock of everyone below, Bai Ye smiled calmly, and then said, "I call this program Bai Ye program. Having this robot actually gives me some understanding of orthopedics."

As soon as Bai Ye finished speaking, there was a heated discussion at the scene.


Nothing beats the shock of the truth.

When Bai Ye said these words, everyone showed incredible faces!
The orthopedic robot's hand's subtle and delicate operation ability has shocked everyone, but I didn't expect that this is still just a little guy.

The really powerful one turned out to be the Bai Ye program!

A simple start made the atmosphere of the scene directly rise to a commanding height.

At this time, Bai Ye said solemnly and loudly: "Okay, now, I announce that the first Bai Ye Orthopedics Summit Forum is officially opened!"

Immediately, everyone below was aroused by Bai Ye's words.

When the crowd calmed down, Bai Ye said: "The main purpose of this summit forum is to promote the development of orthopedics, promote academic exchanges, and alleviate patients' illnesses."

"In the next two days, I will tell you eight hours a day. The content of these eight hours is all the content of this orthopedic guide. Our Baiye Research Institute has studied and analyzed all the regular drugs that exist and are used on the market. , to compare, analyze and compare. Select the most suitable set of research and treatment methods."

"Of course, for every drug and every material involved, we will tell you the research results according to the results of the meta-analysis."

"Okay, let's get down to business, let's start now!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Ye directly started his own introduction. This time he introduced himself, because he has a famous teacher buff. Since he was awarded the Yangtze River Scholar, Bai Ye has a kind of bonus for teaching.

So, soon, Bai Ye's lectures attracted everyone.

Because what Bai Ye said was not false, what Bai Ye said was the basics and clinical operation guidelines.

"The first content is the treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is also a very important disease now. The treatment of this disease requires about 200 billion U.S. dollars every year, and our current main diagnostic method was still in the United States. The guidelines issued in 2008, and my research found that there are actually some deficiencies in this guideline, especially in terms of age division..."

"For this reason, we specially formulated a brand-new diagnostic system... In terms of drugs, our research institute has not found any particularly effective ones, but in terms of comparison of multiple drug guidelines, we found that there is one from Singapore. A drug called IOPRD. The main ingredient of the drug is... After comparing with the drug in the 08 version of the guideline, we found that it has significant advantages in terms of reducing the side effects of the drug and enhancing the effect of the drug...especially in the combined treatment of bone fractures in the elderly. In terms of bone loss, the phenethylamine polysodium in this drug has significantly reduced the risk of senile fractures after being combined with the auxiliary drug phenolphthalein..."

Bai Ye spoke very seriously, and the people below listened even more seriously, maybe not only the people in the audience.

All the orthopedic staff who were watching the video were attentively listening to Bai Ye's lecture.

The interpretation of the guide is a very important thing. Don't think that you can do whatever you want after getting the guide, and think that you have mastered everything.

In fact, the most important thing about the guide is to help you think about how to better diagnose and treat diseases, how to achieve a more optimized treatment plan, and how to achieve the best treatment effect.

Therefore, after every word of Bai Ye was imprinted in the minds of these experts, he couldn't help clearing his mind, and there was a feeling of sudden enlightenment!



They felt that Bai Ye's guide had properly entered their thinking.

And in terms of drugs, Bai Ye listed the advantages and disadvantages of each drug in detail, and after the meta-analysis, he used the results to tell everyone how to better use the drugs together.

Those who came to the meeting included Singaporeans, and when they saw their medicines appear on Bai Ye's guide, they were pleasantly surprised!
There is nothing more satisfying than being recognized.

Those drugs have not been recognized by the European and American markets, and even some drugs have not obtained drug batch numbers at all, let alone marketed. However, these drugs are really effective, but they can only be operated locally. For various reasons, they cannot be obtained abroad. Better development.

At this time, the formulation of Bai Ye's guidelines has allowed many drugs similar to those in Singapore to be widely recognized.

The wisdom of the people of the world has never been lacking.

Therefore, Bai Ye did not research everything. In fact, as long as the best drugs are selected and used, the contribution is also great.

Soon, time passed by every minute and every second.

Two days is neither short nor long, Bai Ye's eight hours of lectures every day only made the progress of the guide only three chapters forward, to the green branch fracture.

But seeing that the time was getting closer, Bai Ye looked at everyone and said: "The first summit forum is coming to an end, maybe I haven't explained many things clearly, but when we leave, we will prepare enough guides, Everyone can use it."

"Medicine is never the private property of one person, it is a therapeutic discipline that serves the people, so, I hope, our efforts are valuable."

"Of course, I will talk about the follow-up guidelines one after another, but not publicly. After the first summit forum, I will establish the World Baiye Orthopedic Association. This is a free association purely for the development of the discipline. , and I am the first president, I will regularly conduct online and offline lectures, and everyone can participate together.”

"Bai Ye's orthopedic guideline is the designated guideline of our association, which can be used by any country and individual, without any profit-making nature."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he continued: "After the lecture, the next day will be mainly for the release of new products. We will display all the drugs used in this guide in the exhibition hall. You can participate at that time. I believe there will always be surprises." There will be."

Two days of study has convinced the participants of the meeting.

Because academics are not bragging, but real.

Bai Ye's meeting this time has left an indelible impression on the hearts of all the attendees.

All think of an association.

World Bai Ye Orthopedic Association.

A civil liberty academic group.

The last day is the release of new products, and everyone is full of curiosity about the new products in the guide that have only heard their names but have not seen details!

(End of this chapter)

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