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Chapter 679 Counterattack

Chapter 679 Counterattack
After listening to Lance-Lin's words, Terra didn't make a sound, he thought differently from Lance.

When Lance thinks about problems, he has always been used to looking at big problems from the perspective of the superior. This is an advantage, but... Terra is different. Terra has grown from scratch, step by step to today.

His father gave him a platform, and he relied on this platform to gradually grow up. Therefore, Terra is good at starting from the perspective of a small entrepreneur and thinking about some more realistic problems.

For example, what will happen after their product supply is insufficient for a short period of time? This is not something that can be solved with just a single industrial adjustment. What if there are other units entering the market at this time?
And the foundry, is it really as simple as Miss Lance said?

This is just an assembly line production, where it can't be done!
But is this the case?
How long does it take to run-in a product, how long does it take to train a group of skilled workers, and where is the resistance of the foundry to choose?Where does cheap labor come from? This is a problem!

However, there is one thing Lance said is right, that is, this is just the opponent's plan to delay the attack, and it cannot be delayed!
Compared with their own losses, Bai Ye and the others will only lose more by operating in this way!


In an office, Bai Ye, Sun Piaoyang, the newcomer Shou Wei, and some members of the Bone League were all sitting together. These days, Bai Ye was with them every day.

Shou Wei and Sun Piaoyang's old friend, old partner, Sun Piaoyang did not start from scratch, and also has a very unusual family background, and the cooperation between the two has never stopped.

This time, it was Sun Piaoyang who introduced the two of them to each other, and they hit it off and formed the Bone Alliance.

After all, this time it was the Xin Consortium standing on top of this group of people, which was disgusting.

Shou Wei is a businessman, but the businessmen of his generation have a kind of gangster spirit. Those who have gone through troubled times are not like today's people.

Bai Ye looked at the crowd and said, "It's been really hard for everyone during this time."

Shou Wei waved his hand: "Xiao Ye, I'm a generation older than you. When you are a nephew, don't talk too much when you see outsiders. This time, your matter is just a fuse. I have long seen that those people are not happy. It’s pleasing to the eye, the foundry fee is getting less and less every day, and the requirements are getting stricter every day, you say you want to start your own company, but those people raise the patent fee again and again, making you lose money doing it!”

"So, if you don't show them some color, you won't know how many eyes Prince Ma has!"

Everyone echoed, this Shou Wei is of high seniority and is righteous, many of these people have mixed with him, and Shou Wei's words are very important in this group of people.

"However, Xiao Ye, everyone is listening to you now, so what do you say!"

As soon as Shou Wei finished speaking, everyone looked at Bai Ye.

Bai Ye hummed: "Everyone continue to produce according to the model I gave you at that time. You can't let the workers rest without wages, and you can't let the big guys go hungry. We still have to earn money. I, the check and balance group and Donglin Group has contacted you, and we have already completed the pattern of the new product during this period of time, and we will continue to produce according to the pattern.”

"It's better to work overtime, and you can pay more overtime pay. After all, every new product of our products will have an advantage in tomorrow's competition. Although the new consortium looks like a tiger, it has lost a lot of foundries. In addition to the adjustment of industrial structure and the upgrading of products, what is likely to be done now is to shrink the market and adjust the structure.”

"And what we have to do is to attack in an instant at that time and occupy the market! When the time comes, we will take down the market, and they can't do anything about it. The European and American markets are huge, but the world market is even bigger. Xinlian is now able to Only the European and American markets are maintained, so the remaining free market is our world!"



After leaving the office, Bai Ye contacted his assistant and took an overnight flight to Boston, where he had a meeting waiting for him tomorrow.

During this time, Bai Ye was running around every day, dealing with various organizations.

At this time, Monica organized many companies in the world other than the new consortium. Many of these companies' products are good, and they are all conclusions drawn by Bai Ye after analyzing the existing drugs on the market.

After all, it is impossible for Bai Ye Research Institute to cover everything. At this time, other companies are needed to fill this vacancy.

At this time, Bai Ye discovered that many companies were actually doing very well, but they did not develop due to various reasons.

When Bai Ye discovered these companies, he began to contact them one after another, and even wrote these drugs into the guide to help publicize them. These days, the cooperation has been smooth.

After all, they and Bai Ye are already tied to the same rope, and they are both prosperous and hurt, so naturally it is impossible to joke.

The purpose of Bai Ye's visit this time is to gather these people together, hold an emergency meeting, and then start various actions.

The process went very smoothly, especially with Monica in the preparations, everything was developing smoothly.

When everyone saw Bai Ye coming in, they couldn't help sighing that they were young and promising. At this age, they could stand at the top of the industry and scold Fang Qiu, but not everyone could do it.

After Bai Ye sat down, he looked at the crowd and said, "I've been waiting for a long time."

Everyone quickly declined, no one dared to show off in front of this young man.

"Okay, don't waste everyone's time. Now let's talk about the progress of the matter and assign tasks. Now we have temporarily reduced the market size of the new consortium, and I have already prepared the foundry. Everyone's The products are being produced on a large scale, and the patent fees and foundry fees are all designed according to the original contract. In order to coordinate the plan, I must personally supervise and supervise.”

"No matter what the future holds, this time I hope everyone will not make mistakes!"

"The second thing, which is also the most critical thing right now, and something that must be done starting tomorrow, is technology sanctions!"

"The advancement of Bai Ye's orthopedic guidelines is clinically recognized, and our products are unquestionable. Starting tomorrow, all manufacturers will do whatever they can to bombard papers. We will contact all available journals for academic publications."

"Since Liangjian can't be subtle, what we have to do this time is to directly compare our products with those of the Xinlian Group to get the pros and cons. I have already made a form for everyone's tasks and sent it to the group Here, everyone strictly follows the form to make the paper, this time, it is our chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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