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Chapter 680 The Crisis of the New Consortium

Chapter 680 The Crisis of the New Consortium
December is clearly a rowdy day.

Seeing that Christmas is coming, countless people are anxiously preparing for this beautiful festival.

It seems that this year's snow is much earlier than before. The snowy Christmas seems to be a beautiful meaning in the eyes of countless people.

After all, heavy snow heralds a good year, and there are similar proverbs in any country.

The joy of the children and the joy of the adults, but for many old people, this winter is a bit at a loss.

Most diseases are characterized by typical solar terms. Colds and pneumonia in spring and winter are the busiest times of the year for the respiratory department.

Just like the epidemic disease in summer and the restless high blood pressure in spring and autumn, it seems that patients will not be spared in every season, and there are so many sad days in a year.

For orthopedic doctors, winter is undoubtedly the busiest, tiring and most worrying season of the year. After all, at this time of year, many elderly people will accidentally slip and fracture.

This already seems to be a generally accepted reality.

The winter of this year is not destined to be so simple. Many countries have begun to snow heavily. Similarly, this year's orthopedics department is overcrowded again.

The orthopedic departments of major hospitals are all caught up in busy work.

In the organization of the new consortium, everyone was silent.

Originally, today should be a time of laughter and celebration of the harvest every year. If there are so many universities every year, they will definitely be secretly happy.

After all, they are not doctors, let alone benevolent people who save the suffering. They are just businessmen, and they will share a piece of the profits in any industry.

They joined the field of orthopedics not because of the industry, but simply because it is a violent industry. An ordinary bone nail costs thousands of yuan, imported ones even reach tens of thousands, and a fixed plate is more than tens of thousands yuan.

If there was such a heavy snowfall in the past and the number of orthopedic patients soared, they would be excited to open a bottle of champagne to share the joy of success.

But this year is different, no one can laugh.

Not only that, everyone in the entire new union was frowning, not knowing what they were thinking.

Lance Lynn looked at everyone: "Where's your inventory? Doesn't any company have inventory?"

Everyone is silent, do you think orthopedic equipment is just a backlog?Or can you ignore the backlog of medicines in the market?

None of these!
Under the market economy, in their well-established organization, they already knew how much they should produce each year, and even calculated how many products to produce next year this year, including how to intrigue with those foundries.

Terra looked at Lance, frowning a little, he really didn't want to think about whether the cooperation with Lance was good or bad!
Seeing Lance's unclear question, Tera couldn't help but said: "Miss Lance, there is a problem with the batch number and update of orthopedic equipment. In order to prevent excess products and take into account many comprehensive factors, we have always maintained a relative output ratio. Balanced state."

"So, in a technology industry like ours, inventory basically doesn't exist. Moreover, even if more products are needed this year, as long as the foundry increases production, it won't take long to solve this problem. problem, there will be no such behavior as out-of-stock.”

Lance was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became speechless!

As Tela's voice fell, the entire office fell into silence!
Now that the entire new consortium is facing the situation of unequal supply and demand in the world today, how to solve it has become a serious problem.

This year, who would have thought that such a thing happened just now when the cooperation between the new consortium and the foundry was suspended and the industrial structure adjustment was proposed.

At present, there are not many countries that have joined the New Consortium. After all, the New Consortium is still the most influential orthopedic organization in the world. Similarly, the influence of the subsidiaries of the New Consortium is also great, so most European and American countries and even some developing countries All use a complete set of guidelines from the new consortium.

Using the guidelines of the New Consortium means using the equipment and drugs of the companies affiliated to the New Consortium.

No problem!

But the biggest problem is that the new consortium does not have enough medicines and equipment to provide so many countries!

How to do?
How to deal with it?

This has become a big problem plaguing the new consortium.

After a long time, Lance finally broke the silence. He looked at Terra: "Mr. Sindis, how do we deal with this matter."

Terra froze for a moment, and said: "What needs to be done now is to distribute evenly. Only in this way can most countries maintain a balance without too many emotional problems. Then we will increase the production of foundries, or cooperate with The Chinese side communicates to see if they can cooperate again, after all..."

Lance shook his head and refused before Terra finished speaking!


"First, the current products of our new alliance can't satisfy so many countries at all. Instead of distributing them equally, we should give priority to providing supplies to several countries. The United States and France must be satisfied."

"Secondly, I don't think foundries need to negotiate with China. It is impossible for them to agree to it now. Our new consortium still lacks foundries. Recently, we can definitely increase our efforts, focus on supporting, and expand the scale of foundries. We will not We need a foundry, we can do it ourselves!"

Lance's words caught everyone's eyes. The main reason why the foundry has been doing foreign products from the beginning is nothing more than cost and resource issues. If you leave this issue, you don't need to consider it at all.

Besides, how many employment problems can be solved by foundries, these governments will definitely welcome them, and will strongly support and encourage them.

It is also possible to do a foundry by yourself, at least you will not be taken down by others, such as today's situation, which countless people did not expect.

After everyone discussed it, it can be regarded as an interim decision.

Terra looked at everyone and couldn't help but sighed. He was thinking about a big problem, which was the cost of the foundry and the cost of technology.

The main reason for OEMs to make money is the low cost of resources and labor. If a large number of factories want to recover their costs, they must have a lot of cheap labor to work continuously, so that they can quickly recover their costs within a few years and start making profits.

After all, the lifespan of the foundry is not very long. With the update of technology, the assembly line in the factory building, product design, etc. need to be updated. If there is no large order to support you within the time of the foundry this year, this...

This is a serious crisis!
This is also the reason why Sindis has not been engaged in foundries for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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