Chapter 69

The fat man waited for news from Bai Ye, and he never hung up the phone.

Bai Ye suddenly asked: "Fatty, how many points do you have?"

The fat man sighed: "250! Damn, why did I get such a score in the test, and my mother slapped me, what kind of score is this!"

Bai Ye almost burst out laughing, the fat man always carries buffs wherever he goes, and even his scores are so vivid!

"Yezi, tell me quickly, how many points, I know you are awesome, tell me quickly, let me brag about it."

Bai Ye was speechless. This guy seemed to be heartless forever, and his brain axis was very skewed. When he was about to say the score, he suddenly heard a clear female voice from over there: "Wang Youfu! How many points did Bai Ye get in the test?" ?”

Bai Ye was about to speak when he suddenly heard Fatty: "Hello? Hello? Hello? Ye Zi? You have no signal! I'm going... why did you hang up..."

Bai Ye: ...

After hanging up the phone, Bai Ye opened the book and continued to read. The whole family went to play with their friends.

And Bai Ye was a little flustered, the report was going to be on the fifth day of the new year, and he had to go to Kyoto early on the fourth day.


These basic subjects must be studied hard. This is not just a matter of grades, because the more solid the foundation, the higher the upper limit will be.

Fortunately, Bai Ye learned Western medicine knowledge very well during his college years, and his foundation was very solid. With a certain foundation, it will be relatively easier to improve.

Human anatomy can be rough and can be thick, and it can be fine if it is fine. If a subject has an upper limit, then the upper limit of anatomy is very high.

There are many branches of anatomy, but what Bai Ye is studying at this time is related to the human body, mainly in two aspects, one is systematic anatomy, and the other is local tissue anatomy.

The structure of the human body is very complex, so the content of anatomy contains different levels, from the smallest cells to the largest organs, and the relationship between organs.

Systematic anatomy is the study of human organs with the naked eye during overall observation and dissection.

Cell anatomy is the observation of cells and intracellular structures with the help of special equipment such as microscopes and special techniques.

If anatomy is to analyze the human body from the structural point of view, then physiology is to analyze the relationship between various tissues and structures from the functional point of view.

This is the normal physiological basis of the human body, that is, the principle of the human body, but Bai Ye knows that the upper limit of these subjects is very high, but it does not mean that the current level of subject research is very high.

In other words, the human body is very mysterious, and the value and significance of every tissue and cell cannot be studied thoroughly now. The level of modern science determines the highest level of current research in this subject.

Because the human body is too mysterious, for example, 90.00% of the current diseases are incurable and can only be controlled and alleviated. In the simplest example, the cause of high blood pressure cannot be explored, and it is also incurable. It's a very realistic thing.

The development of medicine must rely on the means of modern science, but it must also draw on historical references.

Bai Ye was not in a hurry, nor did he activate 10 times experience,
Time passed slowly, and on the fourth day of the first lunar month, Bai Ye's physiology and pathology also reached lv3 one after another, while biochemistry and pharmacology only reached lv2, but the upgrade is not far away.

And in the past few days, there has been a lot of news about the results of the postgraduate entrance examination in the group. Everyone is rushing to tell each other, and the only thing they need to do is to announce the scores in the group.

"I heard that Liu Zhi scored 380 points in the test! That's amazing!"

"380, so high? I'll go, it's [-] points higher than me."

"A student in class four scored 400 points in the test, which is said to have set a record in our school."

"My God, 400 points, where did he report it?"

"Northern Chinese Medicine, but it is said that the report is a certain dean."

And Lu Peiyi and Duan Yue's scores in Bai Ye's dormitory are also good. If the score line is not too much worse than usual, the retest will definitely be no problem.

Lu Peiyi has a total score of 340 and Duan Yue has a total score of 331.They all applied to this school, so there shouldn't be any problems if there are no accidents.

However, the most mysterious Bai Ye has not shown his face for a long time, which makes everyone a little curious but also has a lot of expectations.

After all, Bai Ye is the one who participated in the Chinese medicine knowledge competition and won the first place in the country, so his score will definitely be very high!

Maybe it's because they surpassed them too much, so everyone didn't mention it, because there is no comparison at all.

However, someone sent the news that Bai Ye reported that He An was his tutor, and suddenly the whole school started to talk about it.

"Is Bai Ye too courageous?"

"It's called Yi Gaoren's boldness! Do you see that I also reported it?"

"You don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!"



Haishi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is also ranked first in the whole country, second only to Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine. Moreover, because of the special international status of Shanghai, this school has a unique advantage!
That is, foreign exchanges are very frequent!
If you are a graduate student in Haishi, if you are excellent, your tutor may send you abroad to do research projects.

There is no shortage of renminbi or US dollars in the subject and scientific research here, but what is lacking is talents, talents with innovative thinking and scientific research capabilities.

I'm afraid you won't be able to spend a lot of money if I give you a lot of money!Or don't know where the flowers are!You must know that project funds are not something you can spend randomly.

And He An is also a rather dazzling figure who is active in the circle of Chinese medicine. Therefore, for Bai Ye to apply for He An's graduate student, the people in the class have various feelings.

Choose, decide the gap!
Maybe you can't feel it now, but five years later, the gully of the gap has formed a natural moat!
Of course, there will still be a large group of people who are gloating, because the postgraduate entrance examination is not only the first test, the re-examination is also very important!
Many instructors value something else!

Therefore, there is often a popular saying in the postgraduate entrance examination circle: If you cross the line, you won't get a score!
For example, the initial test score is 500 points, and the interview is 100 points. The final score may be: initial test score × 10% + interview × 50%. In this way, even if there is a 10-point difference in the initial test, it will only be [-] points in the final stage. The gap is up!
Of course, the ratio may not be so obvious, but even if it is 1:1, 500 points in the initial test and 500 points in the interview, in this way, the gap will be evened out.

However, the person involved, Bai Ye, did not care about his re-examination. After all, there is still more than a month before now, and it is only the end of February. Pass.

Bai Ye is looking forward to the next month more than the retest!

(End of this chapter)

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