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Chapter 70 Family Inheritance

Chapter 70 Family Inheritance
During the Chinese New Year period, visiting relatives and meeting with classmates and friends is indispensable.

The older generation's uncles, grandparents, and grandparents would also visit the Bai family to give something away in previous years, and this glorious and great task has been transferred to Bai Ling since Bai Ling was sensible.

Who makes parents look beautiful and talk sweet?Of course, Bai Ye was also happy to be at leisure.

As for the reunion of classmates and friends, Bai Ye was more embarrassed.

Because there are so many classmates of Bai Ye, so many that no one can remember that there is such a person as Bai Ye in the class.

There is no way, and no one else is to blame, because no one can think of a classmate who has been in the class for less than a year.

In fact, Bai Ye is kind and friendly, gets along well with his classmates, and has a very gregarious personality. If he really gets along for a long time, maybe he will have many friends, right?Of course, this is just Bai Ye's guess.

With fewer friends, there will be less time spent with friends, more time for myself, and more time for Bai Ye to think and study.

Boss Bai and Mama Hu have always cared about Bai Ye's education since they were young. Maybe they feel that they are uneducated and cannot let their children follow in the footsteps.

Originally they wanted to put Bai Ye in a private noble school for boarding studies, but after staying there for a while, they didn't like the environment, so they had to give up.

It's fine if there is no party, anyway, I am used to this kind of life, and I am happy to be leisurely and at ease.

Bai Ye doesn't like to squeeze into the circle, the circle is different, so what if you squeeze in?
On the evening of the third day of junior high school, the big family of Lao Bai's family wanted to have a dinner together, so they reserved a large private room in a big hotel in Pingyuan City.

Bai Donglin has five brothers and sisters, and Bai Donglin is the fourth child. He has an older brother and two older sisters.Although it can't be called a big family, but after Bai Donglin developed the mining industry back then, several brothers and sisters also took advantage of it.

The old lady and grandfather of the Bai family left early, and Bai Donglin's elder brother Bai Xiangli was in charge of family affairs such as gatherings.

At four or five in the afternoon, after everyone cleaned up, they went out early.

The relationship between the brothers and sisters of the Bai family is not bad. When Bai Donglin was about to return to Pingyuan City, the brothers and sisters thought that Bai Donglin was bankrupt, so they thought about buying a house for Bai Donglin in Pingyuan City together, and then looked at it. Is there any money-making project to take him.

But both Bai Donglin and Hu Caiyun refused, saying that they wanted to go back to their hometown to take care of the elderly after being tired all these years, so the group of people had no choice but to joke about it.

This is not surprising, because Bai Donglin helped a lot when their brothers and sisters were able to get up.So everyone was very polite to Bai Donglin and Hu Caiyun, and even called them respect.

Bai Xiangli has no education and has been working as a contractor in the village. Now he is building a building in Pingyuan City, and there is a construction company below him.

The two elder sisters also married into good families. The elder sister married the mine manager of a state-owned coal mine, and the second elder sister married a restaurant owner.

The youngest brother is called Bai Zhixin, who is the only scholar in Bai Donglin's generation, and now works in the system.

Pingyuan City is a county-level city, and Bai Zhixin is 39 years old this year. He is the director of the Education Bureau and has real power.

So this Bai family can be regarded as a small noble family!
Bai Ye would go home several times a year, so the family was familiar with each other, and there was no stranger. Even when he was abroad in those years, Bai Donglin would basically bring the whole family back every year during the Chinese New Year.

During the meeting, Bai Zhixin suddenly asked, "Xiaoye, are you graduating this year? What's the matter? Are you going to work or continue your studies?"

Bai Ye smiled: "Uncle, I'm going to take the postgraduate entrance examination. It's not easy to get a job if you don't take the postgraduate entrance examination."

Bai Zhixin nodded: "I heard that your grades have come down. How about your grades? Who did you apply for? My old classmate at the time was working in the Department of Education in the provincial capital. Maybe I can talk to you."

Bai Ye poured Bai Zhixin a glass of wine: "No need, uncle, I applied for the Shanghai entrance examination, and I got 461 points in the postgraduate entrance examination this year."

When Bai Xiangli heard this, he frowned: "Xiao Ye, can you do it with this score? Your elder brother passed the 510 test back then, and your 461 is not enough for the second line. I heard your father said that he would buy you a hospital? Don’t stop reading, let’s open a hospital together! Your uncle has no money, but we can open a hospital together!”

Bai Ye was taken aback!
What the hell?

510 points... 461 points... Returning to the second line...

Can this be the same?

Bai Ye was a little dumbfounded. This uncle regarded the results of the postgraduate entrance examination as the same as the results of the university entrance examination.

There is also the matter of buying a hospital. It turns out that Lao Bai's bragging is genetic?Boss Bai, this is not an exception!

But Bai Zhixin is different, he is engaged in education, and he was shocked when he heard Bai Ye's high score: "Brother, don't talk nonsense, what Xiao Ye said is for the postgraduate entrance examination, the total score is only 500 points, but I have never been 461." Heard the high score!"

Bai Xiangli was stunned: "Hey! You said that the exam is just the exam, and you still have to talk about it. It's really troublesome, hey? By the way... Is a postgraduate student equivalent to a Jinshi before? Yes, yes, our old Bai family has a Jinshi. Impossible! Im going back to my hometown, I will open my bottle of Nurhong, let's celebrate!"

When the eldest daughter-in-law heard this, she was dumbfounded: "Old Bai, what are you doing? That's wine that my daughter can only drink when she gets married. Why are you drinking it now?"

Bai Xiangli glared at his daughter-in-law: "What's wrong, when you raised a fucking girl, my father hid a few bottles of wine in the cellar and said he would drink it when our girl got married, but now she's 32 and hasn't married yet." , His grandpa has been dead for 5 years... No one wants something anymore, the second and third, hurry back to the hometown, let's drink that wine, if you don't drink it, who knows how long it will be!"

Uncle has a girl, who is said to start a business in the capital, came back before the Chinese New Year and hurried around for a while before leaving.

Bai Donglin smiled and toasted with his uncle and uncle and left. After the uncle drank, he calmed down a bit.

Generally speaking, the wine table is still very harmonious, and the matter of Bai Ye's postgraduate entrance examination adds a bit of festiveness to the atmosphere of the new year.

As for the competition, Bai Ye didn't take the initiative to mention it. Just like when Bai Ye won the Olympiad, Lao Bai and Hu's mother didn't know what happened. If the teacher of the school hadn't informed the parent meeting, they would have been confused until now. in the drum.

After drinking and eating, the second aunt who runs the restaurant suddenly asked: "Donglin, everyone is serious, Xiaoye has also passed the graduate school, and you have nothing to do, do you want to work with us? The situation in Pingyuan City has been so good in the past few years, and you can earn money for everything you do! Caiyun, tell me that your home is east."

Hu Caiyun smiled: "Second sister, you know Donglin's character, he is as stubborn as a cow, and he is tired from running around all these years, so he wants to take a good rest these years, let's talk about it when the second girl goes to college .”

Bai Xiangli is a direct person, he can say whatever comes to mind: "Donglin, my construction company is going to take over a new real estate project, you don't plan to come in?"

Bai Donglin: "Shall I move bricks with you?"

Bai Xiangli frowned and said, "Why did you move bricks? It's not vulgar. We are educated people now. The planning department of our company has been renamed to non-mechanized transportation research for wall materials!"

Ps: Thank you for the 500 rewards from book friends in the past I years, and the 20180916004517866 rewards from Dugu's Wolf King and book friend 100, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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