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Chapter 71 A New Beginning

Chapter 71 A New Beginning

On the evening of the fourth day of the lunar new year, Boss Bai drove his family to the station to send Bai Ye to the station. Bai Ye bought a sleeper, so he could sleep even in the car.

The next afternoon, Bai Ye did not see Tu You, but was directly taken by a staff member to a Dongshan Experimental Base under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After arranging the dormitory and clothing, Bai Ye finally saw this huge experimental base.

The people in the experimental base just went to work today, because of the Spring Festival, they had a holiday for a few days, and everyone just arrived.

There are a total of 5 experimental groups here, in charge of different tasks.

At around eight o'clock in the evening on the fifth day of the lunar new year, everyone was called to a large exhibition hall like a reporting center, where Tu You was standing.

"I'm glad to see you all again... Now, we should be back on track. We finished the last experiment a year ago. Let me summarize the results of our work in the past year."

"Since 2005, the World Health Organization announced the use of artemisinin combined therapy strategy to treat malaria. In the next 10 years, many malaria patients were indeed saved. However, since 2011, different scales of artemisinin-resistant diseases have appeared Sexual Plasmodium. In 2016, we collected samples for malaria emerging in South Africa, and after we found many structures of this new Plasmodium..."

"This year, our work is as follows: The first group: the comparative experiment of new artemisinin, based on the molecular structure of dihydroartemisinin, we will try to study the efficacy of new artemisinin molecules. List of groups : Karis, Meika, Dan Qiao... Li Yuan, Zhao Xing."

"The second group is responsible for making comparisons to the new artemisinin complexes discovered by the group...and simulating biochemical reactions. Team list: Misery..."

"The third group, mainly analyzing and cultivating new types of malaria parasites..., group list: Tony Damu..."

"The fourth group: now in charge... wait for the fifth group to develop a model and conduct animal experiments. Group list: Akasola, Makaya..."

"The fifth group: Responsible for the cultivation of experimental mice and new malaria models. Leaders: Daisy, Qian Liang..."

After finishing speaking, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, not himself!But... I'm just a student, maybe I'm not on the list, after thinking it over, Bai Ye didn't worry about it anymore.

After half a minute, Tu You suddenly said: "In the next month, there will be a trainee participating in the experiment, and your group can ask him to help if needed. Come up, Bai Ye."

Bai Ye walked towards the stage, but on the way, he heard people around talking a lot: "Yeah? This man is so young!"

"Chinese, still so young? Can he attract Professor Tu's attention? Has he achieved any achievements?"

"Could it be that you have participated in some large-scale projects?"

"I guess he published a powerful paper, which made Professor Tu's eyes shine!"

After Bai Ye came to the stage, he heard Tu You introduce to everyone: "This is this advanced student. His name is Bai Ye, and he is a fifth-year student at Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

Bai Ye bowed to everyone: "Hi everyone, my name is Bai Ye..."

As soon as Bai Ye finished speaking, he heard the discussions below.

Suddenly, a person raised his hand.

"Hello, Bai Ye, I'm the group leader, Karius, I have a question, have you published any papers? If you have any papers related to our group's work, I will allow you to join our group for study."

The person who raised his hand was a foreign man, about 35 years old. Hearing his question, Bai Ye shook his head in embarrassment: "I haven't published a paper yet."

Karis shrugged, "I'm sorry."

Next came the leader of the second group, a black woman wearing red-rimmed glasses: "Then you must have participated in some projects, are you interested in talking about it?"

Bai Ye was silent for a while, took a breath, raised his head, looked at everyone present sincerely, and said seriously: "I'm sorry, I haven't published any papers, nor participated in a project, my school is very average, just An ordinary university of traditional Chinese medicine. Maybe you didn’t understand. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Bai Ye. I am 24 years old and a fifth-year student at Jinxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I have no papers, no projects, and no patents. I know that all of you are the best talents from all over the world. You may have a lot of sci, proud projects and patents. But I sincerely hope that you can give me a chance to learn, I am willing to do anything, I Willing to learn anything!"

Bai Ye's English was very good, and his tone was very sincere. He was neither humble nor overbearing, and looked at everyone present sincerely.

Everyone looked at the boy in surprise, including Tu You.

Tu You originally thought that Bai Ye would tell everyone about his glorious achievements, telling everyone that he was the champion of the Chinese Medicine Knowledge Contest.

But Bai Ye didn't. On the contrary, his posture was very low and he was very humble. Although he seemed to have a low posture, he needed a lot of self-confidence to say these words.

Only a person with a strong heart will admit his own shortcomings on such an occasion!

Tu You looked at this neither humble nor overbearing young man, and suddenly looked forward to it. How far will he grow in a month?
One month is very short!

However, it is enough to change a person's thinking habits.

Tu You didn't expect Bai Ye to achieve much after one month, but he hoped that after one month, Bai Ye could establish a correct thinking.

Because... the future of Chinese medicine needs this kind of thinking!

It can be said that Tu You is currently the academic representative of Chinese medicine in the world, because his discovery of artemisinin saved a large number of malaria patients and conquered the world with its curative effect!
Tell the world, this is Chinese medicine, this is Chinese medicine!

The Chinese Medicine Knowledge Contest requires those under the age of 35 to come to the Nobel Experimental Group. What is the purpose?
The purpose is to cultivate a clinical leader of traditional Chinese medicine who can have modern scientific research capabilities!

That's the purpose!

Bai Ye is very clear and understands that the road he has to walk is very difficult.

But Bai Ye is also very clear that he is on the right path!

There was some applause here and there, but no one expressed their desire for Bai Ye.

Just when Tu You was about to make arrangements, suddenly a nice girl rang:

"Our fifth group is short of a person who feeds the mice. Maybe you can come to us! But... this job is easier, maybe you can go to other places to help."

Bai Ye was taken aback, and quickly said thank you.

"The first group needs a person who records data..."

"The second group needs someone who packs up the instruments..."

"The third group needs someone who classifies Plasmodium..."

"The fourth group needs to be temporarily free from work, but there is a job to register last year's experimental report."

Bai Ye looked at the crowd and sincerely said thank you.

Seeing this, Tu You smiled and didn't speak, at least she took the first step.

ps: I received a few tips from a few new students today. I am very happy. This book has added a few more fans. Thanks to "Nobody Said" for the 1100 tip, "bukq" for the 100 tip, and book friend 20180913101051299 Reward: Thank you for your support!
 In the next month, Bai Ye will spend in the experimental base, please continue to support, the story behind will be even more exciting, the new book is beyond the catastrophe, everyone's support is to continue the immortality!

(End of this chapter)

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