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Chapter 696 Chapter Family

Chapter 696
In a sense, the holding of the annual meeting can mobilize the enthusiasm of employees.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have gotten hotter and hotter over the years, and it would have gotten thicker and thicker.

This time, the annual meeting of the Bai Ye Research Institute was well publicized due to the participation of the media.

However, the current Bai Ye Research Institute is no longer the small dilapidated building it was in the past, let alone the small company that just started. Now it is a large international company. Although it is not the largest capital and the highest market value in the world, it is not even compared with the Johnson & Johnson Group. Probably not.


There is one thing that everyone can't compare to.

That's shares!
Bai Ye owns more than 50.00% of the shares of all the groups, and is the only large-scale Fortune [-] company in the world with independent property rights.

That's hard.

Which group in the world is not a cross-development enterprise, of course, there are exceptions to everything, such as the oil group under the Rockefeller family, and the steel tycoon, etc., relying on resources is still the largest consortium in the world.

The property rights and patents owned by Bai Ye are all independent.

Whether it is the check and balance group or the current Donglin group, all property rights and patents are independent.

Moreover, the most frightening thing is that Bai Ye still owns many shares of the group. It is this time that some companies that rely on the World Bai Ye Orthopedic Association to become popular, in order to hold their thighs and not relax, they took the initiative to send some shares to Bai Ye. Invite Bai Ye to be a technical shareholder.

Bai Ye did not refuse. The development of the industry cannot be done by one person, and these companies are very good, without too many power entanglements, so it is not a bad thing to develop.

Even Bai Ye thinks that the Syndis organization is not a bad organization!
If Synthes can always adhere to the original intention and constantly update technology, the effect after integrating resources must be better, and the effect achieved must be more significant.

Too bad he didn't.

After all, the original intention is the hardest and the easiest to forget.

Bai Ye couldn't even guarantee that he could always be like this.

Sometimes the most difficult road is not the most difficult road, but the road full of flowers and countless temptations.

The greater your ability, the more resources you have in your hands, and the same is true for all kinds of temptations you face.

For example, last night, Bai Ye saw with his own eyes a few celebrities from last night's annual meeting throwing themselves into the arms of a certain executive's car.

These things are all matters of your choice. Bai Ye doesn't want to interfere too much in other people's private lives.

On the second day, the annual meeting of the Bai Ye Research Institute was successfully listed on the homepages of major media websites and portals. In China, where the taste of the new year is getting more and more serious, this year's annual meeting also made everyone realize that the Spring Festival is coming in advance.

After seeing it, the employees of various companies forwarded it in Moments one after another, reminding their leaders: Chinese New Year is coming soon, and it's time to give bonuses for holding the annual meeting!
Of course, the annual meeting can not be held, but the bonus needs to be in place.

As one wished...

Many leaders also saw the news of this annual meeting.

After watching the annual meeting, many leaders immediately organized a high-level meeting, which highly conveyed the spirit of innovation and self-improvement.

After the meeting, the next day, the company organized employees to hold an annual meeting.

The theme of the annual meeting is: "Struggle is the most beautiful background of youth!"

This is what the leaders said, and it must be implemented.

Bai Ye also borrowed it yesterday.

Immediately, at the annual meeting, the leader pointed out: "Everyone must work hard. In just a few years, Bai Ye Research Institute has come to where it is today. What is it that relies on it? It is the spirit of self-improvement, the awareness of innovation, and The result of the hard work of each employee."

"Starting today, we have decided to add all this year's bonuses to our company in the form of shares. From next year, each of you will be the boss of the company, participate in the company's operation and dividends, and set up a special supervision team. Every penny and every effort of the company is counted..."

Well, everyone is fooled...

What they want to give to the leader is actually: the Bai Ye Research Institute has distributed money, and the lottery draws 20 billion... The house is a real estate in Kyoto. Is there a lot of money?We should also start giving out year-end bonuses.


What does leadership mean?
What the leaders want to understand and convey is that the development of an enterprise is inseparable from struggle, innovation, and enthusiasm of employees, and employees must be involved in the operation of the enterprise.

This time, everything is different.



The taste of the new year is getting more and more serious. In the first year of Bai Ye and Zi Yan's marriage, according to the tradition of the Bai family, they will be brought back to their hometown to meet their relatives and friends, and to go to the ancestral grave.

It's just that going home this time may not be going home in a simple sense.

The Bai family is located in a village in Pingyuan City under Jinnan City, Shanxi Province.

In that village is also a small prominent family.

After all, Bai Donglin's older sisters, older brothers and younger brothers are very up-to-date. The eldest, Bai Xiangli, is now the owner of the largest construction company in Pingyuan City. Although the two older sisters have retired now, her husband forced himself to be a high-ranking senior in Pingyuan City before retiring. In the future, the descendants and grandchildren have not yet graduated.

And Bai Donglin's younger brother is no longer working in Pingyuan City, and has been transferred to Jinnan City, a prefecture-level city, in charge of the Development and Reform Commission. Although the rank is not high, he is one of the standing committee members and the deputy mayor of Jinnan City, but Interesting post.

Now everyone knows that Bai Ye is the richest man.

Not only the richest man in China, but also the richest man in the world.

At that time, after Bai Zhixin went up, it happened that the check and balance group was blooming everywhere in Shanxi Province, building dozens of factories in an instant, solving a lot of labor closures, and even improving the economy of the entire TY city a lot.

The Bai family is not short of money!

His elder brother is the richest man's father, and he himself is worth tens of billions. His own nephew is the richest man, the world-class one. You say he is short of money?

Therefore, when Bai Zhixin came to Jinnan City, he did something drastic.

The superiors cooperated very well, and the Development and Reform Commission, which had the least power, suddenly became the most popular star unit in Shanxi Province.

(End of this chapter)

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