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Chapter 697 Coal to Oil

Chapter 697 Coal to Oil

After Bai Zhixin arrived in Jinnan City, he directly brought a large amount of investment.

What's more seems to bring some policies!
What does that mean?

Bai Zhixin hoped to build a high-tech industrial development zone in Jinnan City. After submitting the plan to the province, it was approved not long after.

very smooth.

Therefore, Bai Zhixin can be said to have a smooth sailing in Jinnan City.

Chinese people are actually the most simple, the best people in the world, they don't care what the leadership is like, as long as they eat well, you can do whatever you want.

After Bai Zhixin came to Jinnan City, he vigorously developed the economy. After the opening of the advanced development zone, many companies were attracted to build factories here.

Even now, Hen Province and Shanxi Province continue to have some opinions on the issue of the Central Plains Economic Circle.

I want to bring Jinnan City into the development of the Central Plains Economic Circle in Henan.

Now Jinnan City's economy is developing very rapidly, and it has become a national demonstration city, while Pingyuan City is even more proud of the horseshoe disease.

Since the coal industry was booming at the beginning, after enjoying the honor of one of the top [-] counties in the country, it has fallen again and again, and has been continuously surpassed by the brother counties and cities behind it.

Ended up being forgotten in a corner.

But now it is different.

Now it is one of the top [-] counties at the national level, and its economy is developing rapidly.

The leadership attached great importance to Bai Ye's return home this time.

Not just plain city leaders.

Even the leaders of Jinxi Province and the relevant staff of Jinnan City gathered in Pingyuan City, waiting for Bai Ye's convoy.

That's right, this time Bai Ye went home with a lot of cards.

He brings a lot of people.

But most of them are foreigners...

There are many foreign friends in Baiye Research Institute, but they have no concept of Spring Festival.

So Bai Ye brought some technicians and wanted to come back to see what development potential Pingyuan City has, and it's best to dig it out.

There is another very important question.

At the beginning, the country was transformed for coal mines.

Constantly increasing capital investment, in 2016, a national-level coal-to-oil base and coal-to-gas base was built in Pingyuan City.

The investment is nearly 200 billion yuan.

This can be said to be a major event that caused a national sensation at the time.

But over the years, coal-to-oil and coal-to-gas have not made much progress.

The resources of Pingyuan City are also encountering some problems now, and they cannot be exchanged for development through the transfer of original resources.

It is necessary to use the productivity brought by science to drive development.

Only in this way can real development be achieved.

This is why China's economy has grown by leaps and bounds after the reform and development.

It is not because of the opening of commodity circulation that we can import and export such a simple thing.

The reason why the reform and opening up brought about rapid economic development is: the spillover of foreign productivity.

This is like a level with a drop. The opponent's level is too high, and it will continue to seep downward.

After the reform and opening up, foreign advanced productive forces have continuously poured into the domestic market, and the Chinese nation is indeed the most learned nation in the world. What are the advantages of the Chinese nation?
It's just learning!

Foreign advanced productive forces are constantly being learned, while domestic backward productive forces are constantly increasing.

Money is a currency, a measure.

The main reason for the progress of the country is the improvement of productivity.

After the introduction of advanced machines, people suddenly discovered that not so many people are needed to farm the land, and they can go out to work, which liberates productivity all of a sudden.

People are invested in new fields and industries, creating more and more value.

This is the job of development.

And when backward industries continuously liberate manpower, and manpower is continuously reinvested in fresh industries, the speed of economic development is extremely fast!

However, when the overflowing productivity has been learned by you, you may find that this kind of progress has stagnated all of a sudden!
At this time, it is a bottleneck period.

The development of Huawei is a clear example.

The reason why Huawei can now be tabooed by the United States to a certain extent, and even compete with Apple to a certain extent, is because Huawei has broken the dilemma of technology spillover.

The development of Huawei is no longer relying on your foreign technology.

But rely on yourself.

Therefore, in today's society, if you want to develop, you can only rely on yourself.

Only innovators are strong, and only innovators are prosperous.

Perhaps this is the loudest slogan of our time.

The success of Bai Ye Research Institute is even more so.

This time, Bai Ye Research Institute no longer broke the spillover of technology, he directly reshuffled the world's orthopedic industry, and even passed the technology to the whole world.

For a period of time, the stock of Bai Ye Research Institute will continue to rise.

Perhaps in a few years, he will become a behemoth.

This is where productivity comes in.

Bai Ye sat in the car, flipped through an economics book, and sighed.

He should have learned some knowledge from political textbooks in the first place, and he found that many things are still very reasonable.

There are seven to 80 people in this group, but these have been arranged properly.

Bai Zhixin had already arranged accommodation and other arrangements.

They are even ready to let everyone experience the Chinese Spring Festival.

Bai Ye's hometown is Xishi Village.

But they haven't been back for a few years, even the wedding is the capital where Bai Xiangli and the others came.

At this time, there were a lot of people with inch heads, and Bai Ye found that Lu Ping was at a loss.

Also wide!
The village, which originally had only two cars side by side, can now take four cars, and the road is very smooth.

The road from Pingyuan City to Xishi Village is filled with slogans.

When the car reached the entrance of the village, there was no way to leave, so Bai Ye simply asked the driver to stop.

When the motorcade behind saw Bai Ye stop, they also stopped.

There were a lot of people to greet and even more people to watch the fun.

This was also the reason why Bai Ye hadn't come back in the past few years.

On the one hand, it's because I'm busy, and I really don't have much time.

On the other hand, it is because the timing is not yet ripe. After all, there are a lot of things in his own company. It is a good thing to help and benefit his hometown, and it is possible.

But what this benefit requires is a question of method.

Giving money is the most useless way.

Road repairs or something...

Don't make an evaluation.

Bai Ye wanted to do something truly meaningful. For example, this time he came back, he invited many geologists and people from all walks of life, and wanted to find some sustainable development areas in Pingyuan City.

Among them is the coal-to-oil industry.

He hopes to form a joint venture with the government to study this together. After all, even though Bai Ye is not short of money, there are too many people who follow him to eat, and there is not a single place to spend money.

Cooperation is the longest way to maintain friendship.

Simply giving may be the most wrong way to preserve feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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