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Chapter 73 No one wants to leave!

Chapter 73 No one wants to leave!
Bai Ye has made great progress these days!

On the third day here, Bai Ye's biochemistry skills were raised to lv3, and on the seventh day, Bai Ye's pharmacology skills were also raised to lv3.However, what surprised Bai Ye the most was the improvement of his medical statistics skills!

Looking at the medical statistics skill level of lv5, Bai Ye couldn't believe it, so fast?
In fact, it's just that Bai Ye didn't pay attention.

Since Bai Ye got the system in December, the first skill to upgrade to lv12 is statistics, and then he constantly analyzes the data for the students, and solves statistical problems for Zhang Hanlin, including counting and analyzing a large number of statistics every day after arriving here. The data, even sometimes after Bai Ye saw the data, he started to process it in his head.

It is very troublesome to deal with so much and complex data every day, but the progress is great!

It's just that Bai Ye has never paid much attention to statistics, so he has never paid much attention to the fluctuation of experience and the upgrading of skills.

Unexpectedly, I don't know if I feel that it has reached lv5!

Master level, what does this mean? It means that Bai Ye has already stood among the top group in this industry.

Bai Ye only realized these days that he really underestimated statistics before!
This is not just a subject of calculation, it is a derivative of mathematics in statistics, and it is one of the most practical derivative subjects of mathematics.

Moreover, in medical statistics, in addition to using a large number of methods to calculate the means to draw conclusions, there is also the arrangement and design of the experiment, how to choose the best experimental method, whether it is an ordinary blank control group, or use double-blind double simulation, Or more complex multi-group, multi-difference and multi-factor processing.

This knowledge is obtained and comprehended by Bai Ye on the basis of daily analysis of data and review of papers.

What Bai Ye read recently is SCI with a very high impact factor. These are the world's top journals, and their academic level and digital attainments are very high.

Gradually, Bai Ye became more and more comfortable handling the data from last year.

Moreover, Bai Ye's improvement is obvious to all. After all, when he first came, no one knew what the professional term Bai Ye meant. Although Bai Ye's English has reached level 3, it is only a professional level, and there may not be any problems in daily communication. .

However, academic terminology is not so simple. Through a lot of research and study, Bai Ye gradually made up for these deficiencies.

So everyone slowly accepted this studious, motivated and talented young man.

Especially Karius, this is an extroverted beer-drinking Dane, his parents are PhDs, and he has come to China for the third year this year, that is, he joined the experimental base here in 2014.

He witnessed Tu You winning the Nobel Prize with his own eyes, and he has a strong personality worship for Tu You.

For Bai Ye's joining, Karius originally refused, not because of other reasons, but because he was worried that Bai Ye would make the team less efficient. This is a Danish young man who pursues perfection in his career.

In fact, Tu You had already won the Lasker Award in 2011, second only to the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology.

Since then she has enjoyed worldwide fame and has been nominated for Nobel several times.

Every week, the laboratory organizes a dinner party, which can not only relieve the tense working atmosphere, but also enhance mutual feelings, and the most important one is a salon after the dinner party.

But Caris insisted on calling this salon a cocktail party, Bai Ye smiled without arguing.

After the dinner, everyone will rest here, chat, have juice drinks, coffee, and some exquisite desserts. Of course, there are also cocktails and beers.

This is a platform for academic exchanges, where everyone will share the latest academic developments in various fields, as well as their own attitudes and ideas.

The exchange of knowledge and the collision of academics will always be the spark for the progress of history.

Everyone here is a talent in various fields, and they are top talents. In the words of Karius, those who can speak in this salon are expected to enter the reserve for Nobel nomination.

Of course, this is an exaggerated statement, but it also shows the strength of everyone.

At first, when Bai Ye was passed by them, he might complain or be unconvinced, but now, Bai Ye has to admit that they have the capital to reject you.

Because you can't do them any favors, no one needs such a person.

What others think of you depends on your value.

Bai Ye was brought by Karis to this dinner party. Everyone changed from the previous strictness and showed their unique side.

Caris is a postdoctoral fellow in molecular biology at Harvard. He started today's salon with a bottle of wheat beer in his hand: "I read the latest article in "Nature" two days ago, and KZ Parker proposed a new technology called fusion. The means of extracting macromolecules from sexual complexes, I think this kind of separation can be achieved, I was thinking, artemisinin... If the complex produced after that reaction, just... I have some doubts about its effectiveness .”

"Caris, that's not your job. The latest magazine "Mitochondria" reported that you can try to restore the animal body for experiments. I think we can try it after your items come out. By the way, Daisy, you recently We can do more model mice, we may need animal experiments in the near future.”



Listening to everyone's exchange, Bai Ye remained silent, frantically writing notes in his notebook with the pen in his hand.

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly found that his skill experience was soaring rapidly.

With a thought in his mind, Bai Ye directly activated ten times the experience.

Most of the main experience this time is the knowledge of biochemistry, and Bai Ye's biochemistry has just reached lv3: 0/10000 points.

And after Bai Ye opened up ten times the experience, it seemed as if Bai Ye felt the professional knowledge in these people's mouths.

Every professional term seems to be verified by himself. This feeling is very magical. Bai Ye guessed that it should have something to do with the ten times experience pill.

But Bai Ye didn't care about this, because, three hours later, the system prompt sounded, Ding!Biochemistry upgraded to lv4.

However, at this time, the salon academic exchange has ended.

Bai Ye was taken aback for a moment, it's over so soon, no way!My ten times experience has not been used up yet, how can I do it?
I only have 6 ten times experience pills left, each of them is a treasure!

But this one pill has an effect five hours after taking it, and it cannot be interrupted, what should I do!
Bai Ye was a little anxious, but at this time Karius suddenly asked: "Bai Ye, don't you have anything to talk about today's topic?"

Bai Ye was a little confused, because basically everyone had expressed their thoughts, suggestions and ideas on this occasion.

And Bai Ye felt that he should not be qualified to speak, right?
Bai Ye was taken aback: "Me? Can I...can I?"

Karius smiled: "Why not! Why not! Everyone should have their own understanding."

Bai Ye looked at his remaining two hours, okay, I will arrange the next time!Less than two hours...don't even think about leaving!

ps: Thank you 10 Silent Brothers for your 500 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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