Chapter 74

Bai Ye was obsessed with listening to everyone's explanations, but many places are still a bit cloudy. After all, he is not a professional in that area, so it is understandable.

But at this time, it was time to test memory. Bai Ye clearly remembered what the 40 people present said just now.

Like an endorsement, recalling the doubts that existed just now, because there are too many things, and it needs to be integrated, so this requires a process, so Bai Ye frowned and summed up his own words.

In fact, everyone didn't have too many expectations for him, because whether an undergraduate student can understand is a problem, let him ask a question, well... Maybe this question will be ridiculous, maybe... No more questions to ask!

Although the salon upholds the principle of equal knowledge sharing for everyone, but first of all, you must be able to ask a valuable question, right?
Suddenly, Bai Ye raised his head, looked at Karis seriously, and said:

"Okay! I do have a lot of problems. First of all, Karius, you just said that there is a denaturation process when extracting and separating composite polymers... Then, if I add... …what do you think?"

The question was just asked, and everyone was taken aback!
This very good, because it is mixed with the new materials that others just put out in it. Bai Ye can ask this question, at least after integrating Karis's point of view with other people's latest ideas, and then asking Karis. Asked some unexpected questions.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they stared at Caris. They were also looking forward to what answer Caris would have, because Bai Ye's point of view was very constructive.

Caris was startled suddenly!Because he never thought of this possibility at all, he frowned, hesitated a few times before putting down the beer in his hand, and after thinking for a minute, he suddenly said: "The treatment of sex change should be just a means, and the final thing is Separation and purification, if possible, I think..."

As soon as Karis opened his mouth, he couldn't stop. As soon as he said a word, he immediately denied himself, because Bai Ye's idea was very creative, like an experiment that had not been tried.

Caris couldn't help guessing, his eyes rolled quickly!

He is conceiving all the conjectures. There are many limiting factors in the separation of polymer complexes. If it is imposed... Will it change the original function of the molecule!
But can the new molecular formula announced in "Nature" just now be realized?
Karis suddenly got up and was about to walk outside. He was going to verify his thoughts, when he heard Bai Ye asking again.

"Dessie, I have another question to ask you, that is, during the modeling process, that is, the malaria parasite..."

Caris sat down again suddenly, because he was very curious about how Dessie would solve this problem, and this question would also involve the remarks that Caris made just now...

1 minute... 5 minutes... three 10 minutes... two hours...

Time passed quickly, and two hours later, Bai Ye closed his mouth in satisfaction. Looking at his experience of rapid rise, he felt very relieved.

Yes, biochemistry: lv4: 8000/30000, as a selective question, I am very satisfied with the knowledge I got this time, these are some of the experiences and experiences of these people.

Bai Ye looked at the 8000 experience points that had just arrived with satisfaction, and looked at this group of top students with joy.

Suddenly, I feel that they are so kind, don't look at the faces from all over the world, but at this time they are so close that people feel like they are from the same village.


In the future, this kind of salon will come more often, and more talk and questions will be asked. The words of the elementary school teachers are indeed true. Don’t be ashamed to ask, study hard and ask questions. If you have a master who comes from afar, you must ask!
At this time, when everyone looked up and looked at Bai Ye, their eyes were full of shock!
This Bai Ye is obviously a man, why is he so chesty!Bah, it's fierce!Chinese is really the spirit of Boda!

But at this time, Caris looked at Bai Ye with an incredulous expression on his face: "You... you... the question just now was all your own thinking?"

Bai Ye's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that my question is very low?He nodded helplessly, and sighed: "That's cough, what I asked is not very good? Hey...I will definitely study hard!"

Everyone smiled awkwardly: "Well! Not bad, study hard, although you are still far behind, but... you are already very good!"

Bai Ye looked at this group of experienced babies, and said with golden eyes: "Yes! I will definitely work hard!"

In the future, this kind of salon must be a must, and you can't miss it once!

Good stuff!

By the way, I will participate in more activities and meetings in the future. When Bai Ye thinks of those experienced babies, he can't help being excited.

Xueba is good, there should be more Xueba in the circle of friends in the future.


These top students are all potential experience, adding friends, Bai Ye is a little excited when he thinks that he can also gain experience by using WeChat Moments in the future!
After figuring it out, Bai Ye felt that it was necessary for him to clean up his WeChat friend list.

In the following days, he returned to his usual work, feeding the mice as well, but now the team members who made the models were willing to give Bai Ye a chance to try.

Although modeling is not a very advanced technical job, it is still a difficult problem to study new modeling methods and explore how to simulate diseases!
Caris in the first group, seeing Bai Ye recording the data, would also explain some professional things, and even teach Bai Ye how to separate and purify substances.

Bai Ye occasionally exchanged questions, and Karius would explain them patiently.

Even, he will personally guide Bai Ye to do some simple extractions.

The cleaning up of the instruments in the second group is still the same as usual, but now Bai Ye can use these instruments, as long as it does not affect the next operation of these instruments, no one will interfere with Bai Ye.

As for the last year's data that Bai Ye processed, Bai Ye was still processing it, but on Thursday, Bai Ye suddenly discovered something different.

Bai Ye finished a large part of the hill-like data analysis abruptly.

This part is from 2001 to 2015, the therapeutic effects of various synthetic drugs of artemisinin on malaria in different regions in different years.

This data is huge, and the source of data collection is the World Health Organization.

While summarizing, Bai Ye suddenly discovered that there were certain problems in it.

What is the specific problem? Bai Ye hasn't analyzed the data yet, but Bai Ye is sure that there must be some kind of relationship!

After thinking clearly, Bai Ye started to make crazy calculations!
Bai Ye copied all the data from last year into his USB flash drive, then saved it into the computer, and began to sort it out.

He planned every item of data, which took Bai Ye two full nights.

ps: Thank you book friend 20171017184557796 for the 1000 reward!There are also friends Lonely v Ruxue and Wei Ruthless who gave a reward of 500, and Fei Feifeng who gave a reward of 100!Brothers, let this book have 4 more fans again, hey, work hard to break through 100 as soon as possible...

(End of this chapter)

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