Chapter 78

This week's academic salon was held a little early, because there was no Karius, who was very good at mobilizing and activating the atmosphere, during the dinner.

But... this is pretty good, at least Bai Ye thinks so, at least these experienced babies can contribute more experience.

Today Bai Ye printed 40 papers, put them in his hand, and started to study seriously.

The discussion in this academic salon was related to artemisinin, and Bai Ye listened carefully, because artemisinin has been controversial since 1977 and has been innovating.

After so many years of development, one thing that has fully matured, otherwise it would not have won the Nobel Prize.

Everyone present analyzed the development of artemisinin from their own perspectives.

The first group analyzed the molecular structure of artemisinin and analyzed and speculated its development from the aspect of molecular structure.

The second group discusses its function, physical and chemical properties, reaction to human cells and metabolism.

The third group is the structural analysis of new malaria parasites, the response of artemisinin to malaria parasites, and the antibody of mutant malaria parasites to artemisinin.



Each group expressed their views, especially on the discovery and development of artemisinin, including the discovery process of artemisinin, development experience, and current difficulties, as well as a guess about the future direction of development.

In fact, for scientific research, having a reasonable guess is often very useful!
Only if you dare to guess, then you can go to the next experiment to verify him!

Although Bai Ye has not improved in level, his understanding of artemisinin and malaria parasites has become deeper and deeper.

Time passed quickly. Three hours later, Bai Ye's knowledge of physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology had improved to a certain extent. Although the experience value was not enough to upgrade, what surprised Bai Ye was that every item of experience Both have increased by about 2000 points.

Moreover, since Bai Ye came to the experimental group, the salon time has been automatically extended by two hours. Whenever this time, Bai Ye knows, um!My time is up!

So, he took out his printed papers and sent them to everyone one by one, saying: "This is the paper I wrote recently, which is based on the analysis of the use of different artemisinin compounds in the treatment of malaria from 2001 to 2015. I found a molecule during the analysis of the data, and when he is with artemisinin, it can improve the stability of artemisinin..."

"Then I experimented to combine this molecule with artemisinin in a special complex form, and their molecular structures will be at a special as to achieve a stable complex."

"This is the first paper I have written, so... I hope everyone can criticize and correct me, and provide valuable opinions. Then... I haven't decided which journal to publish to. I hope you can help me a lot! Thank you!"

The people below were a little dumbfounded when they heard Bai Ye's words. When they just received the paper, they thought they were not taking it too seriously, but after hearing Bai Ye's words, everyone suddenly frowned!

"A retrospective study on the efficacy and safety of stable artemisinin complexes"

What is Stabilized Artemisinin Complex?
Why have I never heard of this term!

Curiosity and bewilderment arose in this group of super academics from all over the world at the same time, and they opened the paper involuntarily. As soon as they opened it, everyone's eyes widened in unison.

Because the abstract that catches the eye is not a paragraph, but a molecular structure!

This molecular a new type of artemisinin?

It's not an artemisinin, it's a compound!

It's just... the artemisinin and this molecule are a bit strange, aren't they?

So, everyone began to read the article carefully,
Seeing the large number of data analysis tables in the first part, and the hands of each SPSS table data, everyone understood that this is a retrospective data analysis table.

It's just that this assumption and conjecture is very interesting...

This kind of paper that obtains new results by studying past data has two key points. The first is the source of your data. The reliability of the data must be guaranteed, so that the articles and conclusions are meaningful. On the basis of the most scientific, most effective, and most authentic data analysis methods to verify your conjectures and draw conclusions.The second is that what you want to get through the data is to verify the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of an experiment, or to discover new things through data analysis, or even to verify a particularly valuable event in the data!

This is also the core of this paper.

What the retrospective analysis must do well is the data analysis, because these big data are to support the authenticity of his thesis.

If we say that foreign papers are the most repulsive?
It must not be that the level of the thesis is low, but the authenticity and operability of the thesis!
What do you mean?
That is to say, is the experimental data in your paper true, and can you restore the experiment? After reading your paper, how likely is it to restore the experiment?

The significance of the thesis lies in the innovation of technology. If your thesis is fake, others will not be able to restore your experiment, or you will get completely different data after restoration, it will be meaningless except for wasting resources.

Therefore, your experiment can be very simple, and your data can also be very simple, but please respect science, respect facts, and don't falsify.

Bai Ye's data comes from the World Health Organization's census report, which is a big data sample calculated on the scale of tens of millions.

It can be said!
It's very hard!

It is difficult not to enter statistics, and it is difficult to calculate!

In fact, you must know that collecting so much data requires a lot of manpower and material resources. If it is meaningless, who will do it?

On the contrary, the value of this kind of retrospective research is very high, and the difficulty and focus is the analysis of data!
And Bai Ye is just the master of it!

Moreover, data analysis sometimes requires not only so many analysis methods, but also a kind of thinking.

And Bai Ye's discovery this time happened to be the dialectical thinking of Chinese medicine.

Nearly 40 academic researchers below looked at the papers in their hands with frowns.

In the abstract, the main background and purpose of the paper were written out. After everyone read it, they began to read the text of the paper, followed by data analysis.

When they saw the huge data analysis, everyone's eyes widened and they gasped!
Suddenly, the entire hall echoed with the sound of air currents!


But... there are always surprises in everything.

There was a fat man who ate too much. After inhaling, he couldn't hold back for a while, and even burped!


But... this does not affect their admiration for this data!

Ps: I received a lot of rewards from my friends today, the veteran is very grateful, thank you for your support!

Thanks to the old brother "The Style of the Han and Tang Dynasties" for the rewards, thank you!There are also new friends: Murong Xiaobai’s 1000 tip, Mo Chu’s 1000 tip, transit dusk, night lighting, Shennong’s 100 tip, and the [-] tip of the really good uncle!

Every support veteran will keep in mind, thank you for your support!Thank you, the veteran will strive to write something better, so that everyone can enjoy reading it!
(End of this chapter)

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