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Chapter 80 Published to "cell"

Chapter 80 Published to "cell" (for collection)
It's a joke, but at this moment, everyone has an idea in their hearts.

These real scientists will not deny Chinese medicine, because any subject has obtained its essence through countless experiments.

For a discipline like traditional Chinese medicine, which has undergone constant revision and improvement for thousands of years, his theoretical system and treatment ideas are very scientific.

It's just that modern science is limited at present, and many things cannot be verified yet!

Science is meant to promote each other. If we can absorb the essence of both sides to develop each other, it will be the best of both worlds!

After everyone finished laughing, they began to raise their hands one after another:
"Although the quality of this article is very high and it is hard-headed, there are still many small problems. The first is the typesetting of the article. I think we should refer to the model of "Nature", because this is in line with international standards. It doesn't look too tiring, the typesetting of your article... you should learn more!"

"I think your writing style is very...very childish! Yes, very cute, just like a child talking, you can't do this in papers, you should read more international magazines and periodicals, and study hard to learn other people's writing Style, and... I think, Bai Ye, you really need to improve your English, many words are used very... very weird! That's right, that's it, you should learn more about medical English and professional English Books..."

"I think your article has too few citations, and it's still in those small journals. I don't think this is good. If you want to submit to those internationally renowned large journals, there will be many problems."

"It makes sense, but... I think this article is all dry goods and hard goods. You can try to divide it into two articles, because this article actually wrote two things. One is the retrospective analysis of the discovery of stable artemisinin compound. One article is about the value and extraction of artemisinin complex. In this way, not only one more article is published, but it is more detailed and serves multiple purposes!"

"This is a very meaningful article. At least in the field of artemisinin, this is a new discovery. I think you should try to submit to those better journals."

"Yes! If those shortcomings and flaws are corrected, I think these are two very valuable and high-level articles. You can try a journal with an impact factor higher than 10."



The people here have a certain status in the academic circle. Although they are not big names, they are all the backbone of the mainstay.

Moreover, they have been engaged in scientific research for a long time, so they are naturally very familiar with publishing articles. Bai Ye heard from Karis that among them, the number of SCI articles is more than 10, and they are all journals with good impact factors!
Bai Ye felt that what they said was very reasonable, so he took a pen and changed the drawing on his thesis. Bai Ye couldn't feel these shortcomings, but others could, so Bai Ye always respected these suggestions. Keep it in mind.

After the salon ended, Bai Ye was the last to leave the venue.

After returning to the dormitory, he turned on the computer, connected to the unique database here, and began to consult the periodicals of those foreign magazines.

Reading someone else's writing and writing it yourself are two different things. I thought it was an ordinary piece of writing, but when comparing his writing with his own writing, Bai Ye noticed the gap!

Just like those who comment on themselves, the writing is very childish!
That's right, the writing is as childish as a child's, just like a college student reading a composition written by a primary school student, no matter how good you use words, you can't hide the childishness in it.

It took Bai Ye a whole night to revise before he roughly finished the revision.

That night, Bai Ye discovered many problems in himself, and his English level needed to be improved. As the most widely spoken language in the world, many magazines, books, and newspapers would have English versions.

This is indeed just a language, but it also represents a medium for transmitting knowledge.

After Bai Ye figured it out, he made up his mind to improve his English.

The next morning, Bai Ye didn't even bother to rest. After drinking the pulse produced by the bottle system, he would immediately recover greatly.

Bai Ye got up and went to the place where the mice were kept. The two people he was most familiar with in this laboratory were Karis from the first group and Daisy from the fourth group.

Daisy usually exercises on the balcony at this time. In her words, there are two best things to do in the morning, one is reading, and the other is doing exercises (aerobics exercises, morning exercises).

Although Daisy is a single lady in her 30s, this does not prevent her from becoming a knowledgeable old driver.

Bai Ye saw Daisy in yoga clothes sitting cross-legged on the yoga mat, stretching her standard American figure...

Going forward, she said, "Dessie, excuse me, I edited the article last night, can you help me look at it if you have time?"

Daisy turned around, blushing, and said with a smile: "It's nice to be young, full of energy, so energetic after a night without sleep? Do you have time to practice together?"

Bai Ye smiled awkwardly: "Isn't this in a hurry to finish writing it for you?"

Seeing that Bai Ye blushed a little, Daisy smiled, took the paper and started to read it.

Half an hour later, Daisy stood up, and her height of nearly 1.7 meters made her look even more bumpy.

"Very good! As expected of the man I chose! When I first saw you, I thought you were very talented!"

Bai Ye smiled sheepishly. It was indeed Daisy who invited Bai Ye to join her group: "Desli, which magazine do you think I should submit to? I don't know much about foreign magazines."

Daisy pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Vote for "cell"!"

Bai Ye's eyes widened suddenly, and he was shocked: ""Cell"? No way? It's a magazine with the same reputation as "Nature" and "Science". How can I..."

"Cell" has published many major life science research progress, and it is one of the most authoritative academic journals in the world alongside "Nature" and "Science".

His impact factor in 2010 was as high as 31.957, which was higher than that of "Science" (31.027) and close to that of "Nature" (38.597), indicating that the articles it published were widely cited.

Although Bai Ye doesn't know much about foreign magazines, he has often been exposed to such top-level magazines, and he knows how powerful these magazines are.

To be honest, when Bai Ye was in college, the most powerful magazines he heard were those domestic magazines with the core of Peking University and the core of science and technology. Wherever he came into contact with such a high-end magazine, he was a little dumbfounded for a while.

Daisy glanced at Bai Ye curiously: "Don't you read the news?"

Bai Ye was a little surprised: "Does this have anything to do with watching the news?"

Daisy shook her head: "Do you think scientific research is independent of society? Remember, no matter any academic or scientific research, it develops closely around the needs of society and life."

After speaking, Daisy got up and went back to the laboratory, opened the notebook, entered the URL, and said to Bai Ye, "Take a look at what this is?"

ps: Thank you Mo Chu for the 1000 reward, Shennong brother for the 500 reward, Miss Funny Yu for the reward, as well as the book friend 20180916004517866, and the 100 reward for the little prince Hebadu, thank you all, next week It is recommended by the six channels, and it is decided whether to enter Sanjiang. I hope everyone will support it. Thank you brothers and sisters for the veteran!
(End of this chapter)

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