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Chapter 81 Successfully Published

Chapter 81 Successfully Published
Bai Ye looked down at the webpage on the computer, and after a minute, he was shocked!
What, Tu You went to Denmark for a meeting? !
"Nobel Laureate Tu You went to Denmark to attend the annual meeting of the anti-malarial group."

"Tu You will be the cover character of the next issue of "Cell" magazine!"


The website that Daisy logged into was in a foreign language, and Bai Ye did not expect to see so many related news.

Thinking of what Daisy said, Bai Ye seemed to understand something!
"You mean...to use this opportunity to publish to "Cell"? Is this...possible?"

Daisy smiled slightly: "Why is it impossible? Let's not talk about anything else. The level of your two articles is indeed of this level."

At this time, Daisy suddenly took out her mobile phone and said to herself: "It's [-]:[-] pm US time, I hope that guy is still there!"

After finishing speaking, Daisy dialed the phone, and the phone rang several times before someone picked it up:

"Dear Daisy, it's been a long time. It's said that you fell in love with a mysterious oriental man?" A slightly shrill voice sounded.

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about this issue. I heard that you are planning to put Professor Tu on the cover of your magazine next week?" Daisy asked bluntly.

"Well, malaria has started to spread again in Africa recently. This time the World Health Organization's anti-malarial team is meeting in Denmark. Major magazines and journals in the world are paying attention to this issue. It is said that "The Lancet" has recently launched a call for papers on malaria. .We also have this plan.”

Ke Ao and Daisy Li are also half alumni. Ke Ao is two years older than Des Lie, and after graduation, he moved to several large scientific research institutes.

However, Ke Ao is a person who pursues the quality of life. The long-term day and night experiments in the scientific research institute made him overwhelmed, and then he went to the editorial department of "cell".

Suddenly Ke Ao's voice changed: "That's right! I vaguely remember that you were in Professor Tu's laboratory. Did you make any major discoveries?"

Daisy glanced at Bai Ye, and motioned to get the notebook: "Well, I don't have one, but a member of our lab has a very good article. I think it's pretty good, so I'll ask him to send it to you? Is your email still the same as before?"

"Hmm! Yes, it's still the same mailbox, but... Daisy, friends are friends, I won't lower our recruitment standards for "Cell", please say hello to your friend in advance."

Daisy smiled: "Hehe, don't worry, read it first, and give me an answer after reading it, but thank you for the news, maybe I should read "The Lancet"..."

After speaking, Daisy hung up the phone, Bai Ye also got his notebook, and sent the email according to Daisy's instructions.

After receiving the receipt, the other party replied with an official receipt confirmation reminder.

Bai Ye was a little uneasy. After all, Bai Ye had never thought about a magazine like "Cell", because in his impression, such a journal with a high impact factor required an extremely high level, which was far beyond his control. Even Zhang Hanlin, such a The article with the highest impact factor published for many years is only 20.98 points.

Bai Ye was a little excited, and said without joking that it would be a great honor to be hired by "cell".

In fact, Bai Ye has plans in mind. If this article can be published earlier, and when he takes the postgraduate entrance examination, he can show the article he published on "cell" when he takes the postgraduate entrance examination, it will be like holding a Shangfang sword!
Not to mention the postgraduate entrance examination, even the postgraduate entrance examination, or even entering those large scientific research institutions, this article is enough!
Waiting was the longest. When Bai Ye was anxious, he felt his breathing, pulse, heartbeat and blood pressure speed up at the same time!
Can you hurry up?I was a little anxious at first, not to mention that there was an unscrupulous American curvy girl who was showing off her figure under the guise of practicing yoga!

Finally, Bai Ye noticed that Daisy's sweat flowed from her chin to her collarbone, and then faintly flowed along the supraclavicular fossa towards the sternal angle...

Hmm... the tight yoga suit is getting tighter...

A thesis suddenly popped up in Bai Ye's mind: "Deep Excavation and Theoretical Discussion on the Undirectional Movement of Sweat Space by Breast Shape". He feels that this article has a lot to do!

Just when Bai Ye was about to study "Whether peach buttocks will become a factor that hinders the development of history and is not conducive to human evolution"...

the phone is ringing!

Daisy suddenly turned her head to find that Bai Ye was short of breath, her face was reddish, her eyes were fixed on the phone next to her buttocks, and she smiled: "Nervous? Or excited?"

Bai Ye stared at the phone intently!It must be a mobile phone!Swallowed, licked his lips... nodded dully: "Well, the heartbeat is fast..."

Daisy picked up the phone: "Hello? Keo, how are you?"

The other side slowed down a little, and said: "The article is very good, and a new thing has been discovered, a stable artemisinin compound. Have you analyzed this substance? I suggest you try it. This substance is in our database. I didn’t find any relevant information here. I suggest that you can improve the various properties of this complex, this is a new direction, and I think you know better than me.”

Daisy naturally understood this matter: "Well, thank you, does that mean it can be published?"

Ke Ao: "Well, however, there is still a problem. Who did this data analysis? Did you find your mentor? Or another expert? This data analysis is really powerful. 15 years of data feedback, really It’s amazing, and the most important thing is the middle step, a stroke of genius! Can you recommend the author?”

Daisy smiled and said, "He's right next to me, you guys talk."

After finishing speaking, he handed the phone to Bai Ye: "Hello, Mr. Ke Ao, I am the author of the article: Bai Ye."

When Ke Ao heard that it was Bai Ye, he was a little surprised and said: "Mr. Bai Ye, hello, your information shows that you are only 24 years old! Is it true?"

"Also, how did you come up with your data analysis? Where...how did you..."

Ke Ao was talking to himself for a long time, and after a long time, he suddenly said: "Oh, I'm sorry, this should be your personal secret, I shouldn't ask so much."

"Your article has been accepted by us. I will send you an acceptance notice to your mailbox later. Please accept it. If there are articles of the same quality in the future, you can submit them to me."

After finishing speaking, Ke Ao hung up the phone, but Bai Ye was at a loss, he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, right?

At this time, the email came back, which was the official acceptance notice of "cell".

(End of this chapter)

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