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Chapter 83 Chinese Medicine Master Exchange Group

Chapter 83 Chinese Medicine Master Exchange Group (for collection)
After taking a break, Bai Ye made a cup of tea, sat in a chair and fell into deep thought. He was summing up his gains and shortcomings in the past week.

The most important thing in learning and doing experiments is to summarize past experience.

In the process of summarizing, Bai Ye discovered many things, especially some thinking in Chinese medicine is actually very inspiring.

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine has been developed for thousands of years, and any subject has its meaning and value after so many years of continuous improvement.

Since the first industrial revolution, modern science and technology began to take off, and after the second industrial revolution, it has entered a frenzy of rapid development.

With the development of modern science, it brings technological innovations in all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, including medicine!

The development of modern medicine has brought hope to people, and many incurable diseases have been effectively controlled.

However, during this period of time, there was a gap in the alternation of old and new cultures.

The impact of the technological revolution brings not only technological and social progress, but also a series of impacts brought about by cultural shock.

Cultural self-confidence has become an issue that every nation has to pay attention to.

persist in?Still give up!
This... is really a problem.

To be or not to be, it is a question!

Chinese medicine culture has experienced repeated shocks during the period of the Republic of China, and it still survives to this day with its tenacious vitality.

The country is also paying more and more attention to the development of traditional Chinese medicine, not because of the protection of local culture, but because of its unique value and ability.

If we want to rise and develop, we must combine our own advantages with those of others, and embark on our own path.

This is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

This is not bragging, this is... the real idea.

Bai Ye also felt that if he wanted to develop Chinese medicine, he had to use modern medicine to analyze the things of Chinese medicine, so that people would accept it.

If there is anything in this world that everyone recognizes, it is modern science.

If Chinese medicine wants to be accepted by everyone, it is necessary to use modern scientific methods to decipher it.

This is the rule, everything, the rule of thumb, in Darwin's words, survival of the fittest.

Bai Ye took a sip of the tea, the fragrance of the tea permeated, and his taste buds remained true. If he hadn't thought about the thinking of Chinese medicine theory at that time, maybe... it would be impossible to analyze the tens of millions of data.

Since... since I can use the thinking of Chinese medicine to unlock the code, then... maybe there will be more things that I can slowly uncover.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye's heart skipped a beat, maybe... he will change his Chinese medicine and usher in a brand new blue sky.

Bai Ye opened his experiment manual, which recorded every thought of Bai Ye and the results of every experiment.

Three weeks have passed in just one month, so fast. Here, Bai Ye saw people who are working hard to contribute to scientific progress. Their dream is very simple, which is to break through the height of their field and realize their own value. , was honored to win a Nobel Prize or something.

The research on malaria parasites has also fallen into a bottleneck period. We have tried for so long and have not found a particularly effective way to respond to the new mutant malaria parasites.

Malaria parasites are evolving, and many malaria parasites have gradually developed resistance to artemisinin. Last year's treatment of malaria parasites seemed to be less effective this year.

So how can we break the shackles in this shackles?

At this time, Bai Ye suddenly thought of a question, since the five luck and six qi can be used as factors to be stripped in the retrospective analysis, can they be used as factors for this year?

For example, the climate was very dry last year, and the malaria parasite gradually mutated in order to adapt to the link, and last year's drug just targeted last year's malaria parasite, not this year's.

So...combined with this year's five luck and six qi, can it provide some ideas?
After thinking of this, Bai Ye didn't bother to drink tea. He opened his notebook and looked it up, including Africa's geographical conditions, environmental conditions, weather conditions, and various factors.

Calculated according to the heavenly stems and earthly branches of traditional Chinese medicine, Bai Ye was doing crazy calculations.

Chinese medicine is not subjective. It has its own calculation method, and the calculation is very heavy. Bai Ye later found out that he didn't know many things about Africa.

So... Bai Ye thought of his ten teachers.

Zhang Xuewen, Zhang Yimin, Xu Houdao and others.

What is the teacher for?

As a preacher, Bai Ye dialed the number and began to ask about the calculation of five luck and six qi about Africa.

These old people also frowned, a little tangled, after all, Bai Ye was the first person to apply the Five Luck and Six Qi to Africa.

So, Bai Ye created a group, pulled ten masters of traditional Chinese medicine into it, and started a discussion.

Bai Ye had to admit that the reason why a master is a master is definitely not for nothing.

They are knowledgeable, consider issues comprehensively, have extensive knowledge, and can often put forward special viewpoints.

Bai Ye is also studying hard.

Unexpectedly, the more the eleven people talked, the more lively they were, and when the discussion was unclear, they pulled people. One day passed, and there were 40 people in Bai Ye's group.

Bai Ye's group name was originally: Exchange Group of Masters of Chinese Medicine, but it was later changed to: Academician Exchange Group because it felt inappropriate.

Because only then did Bai Ye know that there were not only masters of traditional Chinese medicine, but also academicians of the National Academy of Engineering, masters of the Academy of Social Sciences, and so on.

A discussion about traditional Chinese medicine, about the environment, about the five lucks and six qi, about Yi learning, about scientifically raising grandchildren, about nursing home pension plans, about dentures and stuffing teeth, etc. finally came to an end.

When everyone closed the group, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences suddenly said: This group is good, you can discuss any issues in it in the future, and ordinary people can't drag them in randomly!

"That's right, look at the name of the group, the academician exchange group, the holy place for academic exchanges."

"In the future, entering the group will have to be strictly reviewed, and only 50.00% of the people agree to be pulled in."

"Okay, which master is the administrator?"

"Ah... the administrator is offline! The administrator's name is Handy Cunguanchi? Good name!"

"Well, I have to take antihypertensive drugs. I was too excited just now, and my blood pressure fluctuated."

"If you didn't tell me sooner, I haven't taken my insulin yet!"

"Hey... I forgot to pick up my grandson from school just now... It's over, it's over..."

"Okay, everyone has withdrawn, and we will discuss in the group regularly in the future to share and share experiences."



Bai Ye remained silent and went offline quietly. It's better to talk less.

This group of people is really powerful. They directly analyzed many factors in Africa from multiple angles. Several masters of traditional Chinese medicine also gave Bai Ye some suggestions, and after some discussion, they gave Bai Ye a prescription for him to try and After some analysis, after all, they dare not confirm this kind of thing, they can only provide an idea.

"White Tiger Soup with Guizhi"

Bai Ye was actually a little skeptical, because there was no malaria-cutting medicine in Baihujia Guizhi Decoction?

Thinking of this, Bai Ye slapped his head!
How can those who study Chinese medicine stick to medicine?

ps: Thank you Brother Mo Chu for the 1000 tip, the 500 tip for the squandered youth, and the 200 tip for Qiange Twilight.

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the veteran wishes all brothers and sisters who are still working and studying abroad a happy holiday.

There is a moon in the mid-autumn festival, the moon is in the sky, there is no moon in the mid-autumn festival, the moon is in the heart, the full moon is fate, the moon is full of hope, the full moon is reincarnation, and the friendship will always be with you. The veteran is here to wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family.

(End of this chapter)

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