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Chapter 84 People rely on their strength to cheat...

Chapter 84 People rely on their strength to cheat...

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, rather than sticking to a certain medicine.

This is a scientific research institute, and Tu You is from the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine. How could there be no traditional Chinese medicine here?
According to the ancient prescription, Bai Ye found the corresponding traditional Chinese medicine.

He began to experiment over and over again. He first boiled the traditional Chinese medicine and looked for the active ingredients in it.

But just at the beginning, Bai Ye encountered a problem!

With so many compounds, how do you determine what the active ingredient is?
In fact, Bai Ye now has a feeling that traditional Chinese medicine is a golden mountain, but modern technology is like an axe.

Obviously knowing that there are many precious things in this golden mountain, but they can't get them out, and they are helpless.

You can only go to those soft places that are easy to dig to dig for gold.

Perhaps one day, modern technology is developed enough to dissolve this golden mountain and remove it piece by piece.

This treasure trove will truly astound!

Bai Ye first injected the decoction into artemisinin-resistant rats, but... the effect was mediocre!
As a result, Bai Ye was indeed a little embarrassed. After a lot of work, he didn't expect his guess to be wrong!

So where to start?
Change the structure of artemisinin?Creating new artemisinins?But the experimental team has done too much.

Too hard too hard!
How to do?
Bai Ye was a little weak.

Maybe that high-level task can't be completed at all!

Not to mention the ultimate mission.

Bai Ye sighed, a little relaxed.

Just when Bai Ye was speechless, he suddenly remembered the book "Processing Experience and Classification of Traditional Chinese Medicine" that he had obtained back then.

After Bai Ye opened it, he searched for it, because at that time, he remembered that there were only modern studies and classifications of 45 common Chinese medicines.

Bai Ye wasn't sure if there was Artemisia annua in it.

After opening it, Bai Ye actually had a lot of expectations in his heart, and he slowly opened the directory:

"Licorice...Bupleurum...Codonopsis...Goji Berry...Artemisia annua!"

found it!
Sure enough, there are!

This is a handbook of traditional Chinese medicine 200 years later, which records the processing methods and research progress of traditional Chinese medicine.

Bai Ye turned to that page expectantly and began to read it.

"Artemisia annua, a traditional Chinese medicine, is a plant in the Compositae family...it has the function of clearing away deficiency heat, cooling blood and removing steam, relieving summer heat and cutting off malaria..."

Bai Ye understands these things, and he even knows that Artemisia annua is taken before it blooms, and the leaves are the best, because this way you can get the most artemisinin.

Next is the grade evaluation of artemisinin Chinese medicinal materials, and the preservation and processing of traditional Chinese medicines.

These are not what Bai Ye is looking for, what he is looking for is the research progress of modern medicine!

Bai Ye continued to turn backwards, sure enough!
There is artemisinin, and there is dihydro (hydroxyl) artemisinin, which is the great invention of Tu You, and there will be generations of research progress on artemisinin.

But what surprised Bai Ye was...

There is no "Stable Artemisinin Complex"?
Well... It seems that my article is not enough to be recorded in history...

Bai Ye smiled awkwardly, and continued to turn back. Sure enough, I saw it!
"Variable polycarboxy artemisinin - the second innovation of artemisinin" time: 2018-12-12, magazine: "cell", issue number: 20181201, author: karrisi-pall, dasily-belak... Guidance Teacher: Tu You.

After Bai Ye opened it, seeing the journal number and name on it, Bai Ye was taken aback suddenly, isn't this... Tu You!And Karis, Daisy...these are all acquaintances!

But they all discovered this variant polycarboxy artemisinin at the end of 2018. Bai Ye checked it carefully, and it clearly described the discovery process of this artemisinin.

In 2018, there was a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the medical team sent by the state to aid Africa. He happened to use Baihu Decoction to cure the local epidemic malaria. After returning to China, Tu You’s team worked with him to study a period time.

Finally, a substance called stable artemisinin complex was successfully isolated and purified in traditional Chinese medicine.

This complex can react with the nucleic acid in the malaria parasite under special circumstances.

This nucleic acid and stable artemisinin complex form variable polycarboxy artemisinin in cells of the human body.

This variant polycarboxy artemisinin is the key ingredient in the treatment of artemisinin-resistant malaria parasites.

Bai Ye was a little dumbfounded. This series of news made him feel that his brain cells were not enough!
It turns out that the key lies in the stable artemisinin complex that I discovered?
As long as the artemisinin complex reacts with the nucleic acid in the malaria parasite under specific circumstances, the so-called variable polycarboxy artemisinin can be obtained.

Is it really possible?
If possible, I can complete all my advanced tasks, intermediate tasks, and advanced tasks!

The more Bai Ye thought about it, the more excited he became.I... ahem... Do you want to be the man who saves the world?
Thinking of this, Bai Ye suddenly felt guilty...

I am so dazzling... Will I be envied by others?
Moreover, it is obvious that I am cheating, okay?

It was so obvious that it was on and off, which made Bai Ye blush a little.

Bai Ye thought to himself: Actually, as long as I study more, I can research this thing.

Um!As long as you give me time, it's okay if you don't hang up.

And... And I discovered that the stable artemisinin complex is a real strength!
After comforting himself, Bai Ye immediately started his operation, malaria parasite nucleic acid?
Bai Ye originally wanted to find Daisy directly, because although she was in charge of making models, she was mainly studying the physiological functions of malaria parasites, but after a second thought, Bai Ye dismissed this idea, how to explain?

There is no way to explain it!

By the way, what is written in the book?

The TCM doctor who aided Africa was called Tan Bao, and what he gave the patient at that time... was "White Tiger Plus Guizhi Decoction"!
Bai Ye found the mouse that was used for the experiment, extracted the tissue with the malaria parasite, and then began to separate it under the microscope...

Plasmodium is a single-celled organism that reproduces by nuclear fission into schizonts.

Bai Ye obtained the nucleic acid in the nucleus during nuclear division.

Then Bai Ye reacted the stable artemisinin complex extracted from the original experiment.

This reaction is more complicated and requires a catalyst!

And their catalyst is a unique substance in the red blood cells of the human body.

How to find red blood cells?
Let's bleed directly!
After thinking it over, Bai Ye directly used a vessel to drip his own blood into it, and then divided it into several parts.

He put one of them into Plasmodium as a sample invaded by Plasmodium, and then used the other as a reaction site, adding nucleic acid and stable artemisinin complex.



Bai Ye observed under the microscope, suddenly a little surprised!

Really did it!
It seems that I am really the man who saves the world...even if I hang up!

Besides, people rely on their strength to cheat!Why report it!
 Thank you Lonely Dongxin, Fenghuojuecheng 666, and Weixin for the 100 rewards, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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