Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 10 The fish is hooked

Chapter 10 The fish is hooked

No matter what the identity of the person in front of him is, Chen Kai is the boss of the company. As long as he climbs up to Chen Kai, no one else will be a problem.

Ben was already prepared for the woman in front of him to be angry and question himself, and even thought about the next wording.

Unexpectedly, Qin Xiang suddenly smiled without warning, and then put a hand on Xiaoxiao's shoulder.

Originally, he wanted to search for more beauties, but this is a good thing, just an unknown little anchor in the company has attracted Chen Kai's attention. If this continues, half of his plan has been successfully carried out.

It's just that the kid's actions were a little too irresponsible. They were already together but they were so tightly concealed that even the people under him didn't realize their relationship.

Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, it was a bit different from what she had imagined.

The general manager doesn't seem to be angry, but rather agrees?

"Boss" Xiaoxiao looked at her timidly.

It was only then that Qin Xiang realized that she seemed a little too excited, and immediately calmed down a lot, cleared her throat and said, "It's okay, I know now. What about you? I understand what you should do."

After saying that, he left, leaving Xiaoxiao who was alone on the spot and hadn't realized what happened.

Came to Chen Kai's office.

What I saw at a glance was the man's Erlang legs on the table, but the man was holding a mobile phone and playing games.

"You've had a pretty good life these days. It seems that you've adapted well, so I'm relieved."

Qin Xiang nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly leaned forward and put a big face in front of Chen Kai: "Actually, if you meet someone you like, you don't have to hide it, sisters know it all, sisters, they won't force you Do something you don't like!"

Regarding Qin Xiang who suddenly barged in and her strange behavior, Chen Kai couldn't figure out what she wanted to do?

Moved the chair quietly and finally got out of her aura, and felt much better.

"It's not eldest sister, why are you suddenly thinking so strangely?"

He suddenly rushed into his office in a good way, and he didn't say such a thing without beginning and end. Could it be that he was stimulated by something?

"I already know about you and Xiaoxiao, don't worry, Eldest Sister is very open-minded, leave it to me on the mother's side, I promise to make your lovers get married in the end!"

Qin Xiang put on an appearance of being a grown-up, and didn't mind at all that this man, who had a 1/4 possibility of becoming her husband, mixed with other women.

Seeing her self-sacrificing self-sacrifice, Chen Kai finally understood what was going on.

She was worried that she would marry him, so she couldn't wait to arrange him in the live broadcast company. Presumably that Xiaoxiao was also calculated by her, right?
"Sister, why are you so excited? The relationship between Xiaoxiao and I is just a normal colleague relationship. You must know what happened in the company. At that time, my ex-girlfriend humiliated me under the Quantum situation, so I had to use Xiaoxiao is mad at her."

A helpless smile appeared on Chen Kai's face, as if saying that this was just a joke of mine, why do you take it seriously?
"Really?" Qin Xiang didn't believe it. She did so much just to anger her ex-girlfriend?

"Of course it's true. Do you think I'm that kind of person?"

Chen Kai looked innocent.

"Tell me first, who told you that Xiaoxiao and I are together?" Chen Kai asked, daring to spread rumors behind his back, he must teach him a lesson!
"Xiaoxiao told me personally, otherwise you thought I would come to ask you in person." Qin Xiang rolled her eyes.


Chen Kai was a little surprised, obviously he didn't expect it to be her.

It seems that I really underestimated her. I thought she would change it, but I didn't expect it to get worse.

If that's the case, then I don't have to think about her anymore.

"Some people, you see her pitiful and want to help her, but unfortunately she wants to use you to climb up..."

Chen Kai had no choice but to smile bitterly. He didn't like keeping such a person by his side, so he immediately notified the personnel department to ask her to leave.

No one knows exactly what happened.

All I know is that this morning, Chen Kai just said that the celebrity that the company would focus on training was fired the next moment, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

Qin Xiang didn't say anything about it.

He even dared to lie to himself, wouldn't he have to go to the house to expose the tiles in the future.

Anyway, it seemed that she couldn't complete her task anymore, so she opened it as soon as she opened it.

The door of the office was suddenly pushed open, Xiaoxiao strode in, raised the mobile phone in her hand and stared at Chen Kai with wide eyes.

"Why was I fired?" She lost control.

"Don't you know what you did yourself? I gave you a chance, but how did you do it?" Chen Kai frowned.

"It's a pity that I was deceived by you just now. I didn't expect you to dare to deceive me. I'm afraid you don't know what the consequences of lying to the leader in the company are?"

Qin Xiang saw that she had no repentance until this time, and just felt ridiculous. Now that things have happened, does she really think that shedding two tears can do anything?

It wasn't until this moment that Xiaoxiao understood what was going on.

But just relying on his own words to expel him, isn't it a bit too decisive?
"Mr. Chen, you know the situation in my family. I can't live without this job. I was just obsessed with ghosts..."

(End of this chapter)

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