Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 9 Three fires when the new official took office

Chapter 9


Facing the threats and lures from the general manager, the little girl had no choice but to timidly nod and agree.

After some intense ideological struggle, the little girl finally came to Chen Kai's office, and gently knocked on the closed office door.

"Come in!" Chen Kai's lazy voice sounded from inside.

The girl opened the door and walked in, standing in front of Chen Kai hesitantly, as if she was going through some great test.

His appearance made Chen Kai amused: "What are you doing? You are so nervous, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

I don't know what Chen Kai said, her face flushed immediately, and she became more and more nervous.

"What's your name?"

Although he didn't know why he was so nervous, but looking at her youthful look, Chen Kai wanted to tease her.

It's just that what the little girl did next surprised Chen Kai.

She actually took off her clothes in front of her, what kind of place did she think her office was!
"Put on your clothes first!"

Chen Kai turned around angrily. At this moment, he felt that he had misjudged the person.Perhaps in this live broadcast company, there shouldn't be such a pure girl.

Seeing him turn around angrily, the little girl thought that she had made her angry, and immediately panicked: "I really don't know how to please people, I'm sorry...I..."

"Put on your clothes!" Chen Kai emphasized again, but this time his tone was much cooler.

Out of inner fear and shame, the girl quickly picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on.

It wasn't until she put on her clothes that Chen Kai turned around.

"Why are you crying? Are you still wronged!" Taking out a piece of paper and handing it to her, Chen Kai didn't know what to say to her for a while.

Facing her appearance with pear blossoms and rain, Chen Kai couldn't help but soften his heart in the end.

"What's going on here? You said you took off your clothes as soon as you came into my office, and I haven't done anything to you yet? You've been wronged before I said I was scared." Chen Kai He frowned, not knowing what was going on with her.

The girl who was still sobbing non-stop when she was wronged, suddenly stopped her tears when she heard Chen Kai's words.

Didn't he arrange for the general manager to let him in just now?

"My name is Xiaoxiao, and I'm the company's newly signed anchor. I'm only 21 years old this year. Because my younger brother is going to college, I came to the company in order to pay him more living expenses..."

After the employee who claimed to be Xiaoxiao narrated, Chen Kai finally understood the whole story.

But she was still very angry about the way she chose in the end, "I have promised the company will try my best to cultivate you, why do you still choose this way?"

Even if you need money urgently, you shouldn't choose to sell your body. What's the difference between doing this and those...?
Xiaoxiao knew that he had misunderstood her, and quickly explained: "The general manager forced me. He said that if I don't make you happy, the company won't cultivate me, so I can only..."

She clutched at her collar in pain, if not, how could she humiliate herself here.

"Forget it, this is your own choice, and I will not sympathize with you. The cultivation I promised you will not be changed because of anyone's words. Go out, and don't disappoint the cultivation of the company."

Chen Kai waved her to leave.

It is indeed a pity for her experience, but this is her own choice, so it is not worthy of sympathy at all.

It's just that some people seemed a little too presumptuous in not cleaning him up, and now they dare to interfere with themselves.

Thinking of what the general manager had done, Chen Kai was very angry and asked him to come to his office directly.

Don't you like to let people undress so much, let me undress you enough today!
"Boss, do you have any special orders for me?" The general manager nodded and walked forward with a wretched smile on his face.

Chen Kai smiled suddenly: "Why did I come to you, you should know in your heart, right?"

"Eh?" The general manager looked at him suspiciously: "If the boss doesn't say anything, how could I know?"

"Xiaoxiao was arranged by you!"

"Yes, is the boss dissatisfied?" The general manager lowered his head guiltyly, and looked at Chen Kai's face quietly: "It must be that Xiaoxiao's ignorance has angered the boss, so I'll teach her a lesson!"

That little girl actually dared to complain in front of the boss, damn it!
"I haven't finished my sentence yet, where do you want to go?" The general manager just stepped out of his foot when Zhang Kai called back: "She is quite sensible, but I want to see women naked more than seeing naked women." I saw you running naked in the company!"

The general manager was dumbfounded.

See a big man running naked?

"You don't want to?" Chen Kai raised his eyebrows.

"Will you like it, as long as the boss wants to see me do anything!" After the brain worked quickly, the general manager immediately took off all the clothes on his body, leaving only a pair of underpants on his body.

Offending no one can offend the boss, and the consequences of offending the boss are not something he can afford.

In an instant, the company exploded.

The general manager ran naked suddenly, but still obeyed the boss's order.The employees who were bullied by the general manager on weekdays felt very relieved and felt very relieved.

"I didn't expect that the general manager who usually flaunts his might will have such a day. He deserves it!"

"If you want me to say that our boss is too perverted, he is so good at it, hiss~"

"What are you talking about, the boss must be messing with him..."

After the general manager ran away, the employees once again gathered together to discuss in a low voice, all lamenting that the new official was appointed as the boss of the third fire.

But only Xiaoxiao knows what Chen Kai does and why.

In an instant, she seemed to suddenly understand why he was so angry in the office just now.

Because it was not his own will to let him go to the office from the beginning, and all of this was the general manager's own initiative. Is he venting his anger for himself?
Maybe she hasn't realized it yet, but at this moment, there is a smile from the heart on her face.

But at the thought of being rejected by him, Xiaoxiao felt sore again.

She must get this man, at any cost!
But what she didn't expect was that Qin Xiang, the general manager of the Qin Group, found her the next day!
"I got involved with my brother, didn't you?"

Qin Xiang looked cold and domineering in her black professional attire!Those eyes looked at Xiaoxiao who was a little scared in front of him with a smile.

"I..." Xiaoxiao just wanted to say no, but inexplicably, she stopped and nodded unexpectedly...

(End of this chapter)

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