Chapter 102
Chen Kai originally thought that after he uttered this word, if the other party was sensible, he would definitely run away immediately, and he would definitely not dare to entangle in front of him.

He had said similar words to several people before, and there was never an exception. But after saying this word today, Gao Ming not only didn't leave, but stood there without moving.

Even still looking at Chen Kai with that kind of very sincere eyes, which made Chen Kai feel a little uncomfortable.

He suddenly realized that Gao Ming was a difficult master, which made Chen Kai suddenly have an ominous premonition, feeling that Gao Ming might depend on him.

"Why don't you leave? Don't you still refuse to admit defeat? Do you still want to continue to compete with me?"

Chen Kai looked at him helplessly and asked.

Gao Ming shook his head slightly, and suddenly a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You don't know, although my family is decent, but I like to practice martial arts since I was a child, and because of this, my family found some complete poems for me. Although I can't beat you, I think you have already lost your strength in the fight just now." I understand that I have put in a lot of hard work in martial arts."

Chen Kai didn't refute. If it wasn't for what Gao Ming's subordinates did to Qin Yue, Chen Kai would have a good impression of Gao Ming, because not many people like Gao Ming are willing to work hard these days.

Moreover, he cultivated internal strength at a young age, which somewhat surprised Chen Kai. He could imagine how much suffering this young man had suffered, and how long ago he was like him, but his luck was a little bit better.

"For the sake of our fate, I think you still accept me as an apprentice. In fact, I sometimes did not report to me what I did under that gang, so I didn't report the matter of kidnapping Miss Qin's family before." I don't know, if I knew, you are such a powerful master, I would definitely have visited you long ago."

These words were so long-winded that Chen Kai frowned.

"You said that you are a young man, why are you so annoying when you talk?"

Gao Ming laughed instead. Now he is only worried that if Chen Kai doesn't say a word, then the scene will really be unstoppable. As long as the other party is willing to speak, it means that this matter still needs to be discussed. At least he didn't Then beat yourself away.

Gao Ming thought, no matter what, let Chen Kai accept him as his apprentice, as long as he learns from him for three to five years, I am afraid that few people in this world can beat him.

As the saying goes, when you meet a master, you can't miss it. Gao Ming knows that if you miss Chen Kai, it will be really difficult to find such a master of martial arts in the future.

"So you have to accept me as an apprentice, teach me more in the future, maybe I won't be so verbose."

The pig was completely speechless, he didn't expect Gao Ming to be such a person, his previous premonition was indeed correct, this kid obviously wanted to depend on him.

This made him a little embarrassed. On the one hand, he had never thought of taking an apprentice, on the other hand, Gao Ming's background was a bit complicated.

If you keep this person by your side, troublesome things in the future will be very troublesome. There are already so many things happening one after another, plus a disciple of the witness, it is very difficult to help yourself If you are busy, maybe you will cause trouble everywhere in the future.

Gao Ming seemed to see what Chen Kai was thinking, so he patted his chest to assure him.

"Don't worry, haven't I already said that? As long as you accept me as an apprentice, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Chen Kai thought to himself that he had to suppress this matter first, as for the future, it depends on how things develop in the future, if he really has a relationship with Gao Ming as a teacher and apprentice, then he has no choice but to act according to the sky.

"There's no need to talk about this matter. I think you should send your wounded brothers to the hospital first."

Brother Hu was already impatient with listening to him, but seeing Chen Kai talking seriously with him, he didn't dare to talk too much, and the strategist of the Flying Eagle Gang showed a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, he felt that Things start to get interesting.

At this moment he finally heard Chen Kai think of himself, Brother Hu struggled to get up from the ground.

"Our injuries are not serious, and I'm afraid we don't need to go to the hospital now."

Chen Kai thought for a moment that Brother Hu was afraid of spending money, and he couldn't help but secretly laughed, because Brother Hu was not a person who was in distress, so why didn't he want to go to the hospital?
Brother Hu seemed to see Chen Kai's suspicion, so he quickly explained.

"Although we had a fight just now, this kid wasn't particularly heavy when he played."

Chen Kai frowned, because when he came in just now, I clearly saw that Brother Hu had been beaten to the ground, unable to even move, why are you saying such things now?

Gao Ming smiled next to him and took over the conversation.

"Although I acted according to orders, my subordinates knew the seriousness. Although I injured them, they were not fatally wounded, and I was merciful in my actions."

Chen Kai nodded silently, because after a lot of contests, he already had a certain understanding of Gao Ming's methods. He knew that if he really wanted to let Brother Hu and the military division die, their bones would probably have been frozen at this moment. up.

"Since Brother Hu doesn't want to go to the hospital, as the murderer who injured them, shouldn't you do something?"

Gao Ming's eyes lit up immediately, because Chen Kai didn't continue to drive him away, as long as he stayed here for a while, maybe Chen Kai could accept him as his disciple.

Chen Kai immediately guessed Gao Ming's thoughts, so he snorted coldly.

"Don't think too much about it. You were the one who hit him in the first place. Of course, you have to deal with the consequences."

Gao Ming nodded again and again: "What you said is that they are only bruises at most, they are all skin traumas, and they will be fine after a few days of rest."

While speaking, he had already walked in front of Brother Hu, using his internal energy to relax his tendons and activate his blood circulation.

After some recuperation, Brother Hu suddenly felt that his body was much more comfortable. He looked at Gao Ming with admiration in his eyes.

"I said Brother Hu, you don't need to hold grudges too much. We just say that we don't know each other. From now on, your business will be my business. If you need me, just speak up. As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face and see the Buddha's face. With the face of my master here."

Chen Kai frowned: "When did I promise to accept you as an apprentice? You do your job well, and we'll talk about the rest later."

(End of this chapter)

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