Chapter 103
"Yes, Master."

Gao Ming simply called Master again, which made Chen Kai completely speechless.

Brother Hu smiled helplessly: "I said Chen Kai, it seems that you, an apprentice, cannot be blamed no matter what."

Chen Kai couldn't help but also sighed, seeing that the injuries of Brother Hu and the military division were not serious, and he believed in Gao Ming, as long as he wanted to worship himself as a teacher, he would definitely take good care of them. It is really a very unwise thing to do here.

Because the longer I stay with Gao Ming, the less chance I can get rid of him. Of course, he can teach him a lesson and beat him away.

But he believes that Gao Ming will not let it go, as long as he is sure of one thing, he will definitely achieve his goal, which is somewhat similar to himself.

"Since there is nothing wrong here, there is no need for me to stay here. If you have anything to do, just call me."

After saying that, they turned around and were about to leave, Brother Hu and the military division immediately stood up and saw them off.

Gao Ming looked at Chen Kai helplessly: "Master, why bother?"

Chen Kai ignored him, turned around and walked straight to the door.

Gao Ming really wanted to catch up, but he suddenly thought of the principle that haste makes waste. Anyway, the future is long, as long as he can meet Chen Kai, then the matter of letting him take him as a disciple will definitely succeed, and catching up now may be counterproductive.

Chen Kai went out, took a deep breath, and strode towards my home.

But how far away, the phone suddenly rang.

Chen Kai connected the phone smoothly, and before he could speak, he heard Qin Xiang anxiously speaking.

"Where are you? Come here quickly, something very important happened to me."

In Chen Kai's impression, Qin Xiang has always had that kind of dignified and steady character, and unless something important happens, she will never speak in such a panic.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai immediately started running, because there was a traffic jam when he came, so he parked the car on the side of the road, and there is still a distance from there, but Chen Kai believes that with his own skills, it will not take much time to get there. too long.

Soon Chen Kai returned to his car, quickly got in, fastened his seat belt, and started the car.

The whole movement is done in one go, if there are other young women around, there will definitely be a nympho look on her face again.

But Chen Kai didn't have the heart to think about these things now, he had to rush to Qin Xiang's side quickly, if it was too late, there might be something he regretted.

On the other side, Gao Ming had already given Hu Zi and the military master a chance to relax and revitalize the blood, and he said some polite words to them. He suddenly thought that if Chen Kai were to leave like this today, even if he still had a chance to meet each other in the future, I am afraid that there would be such a situation in the future. strangeness.

"No, you have to forge while the iron is hot. If you wait for the energy to cool down, then it's really useless."

Thinking of this, he ran out immediately.

Huzi and the military division looked at each other, wondering what happened to Gao Ming suddenly, originally planned to have a good drink or two today and become friends in the future, but he didn't expect Gao Ming to be a bit of a talker. He left without even saying hello.

But I didn't expect Gao Ming to walk to the door, and suddenly turned around and punched them.

"I'm really sorry. I suddenly remembered that there are still some urgent things to do. We have a long time to come, and there will be a period later."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Brother Hu's face, thinking that he was still saying bad things behind his back just now, hoping he didn't hear it.

Just about to explain a few sentences, Gao Ming has disappeared.

Brother Hu had no choice but to shake his head and smile wryly at the military division.

Gao Ming quickly got into his car and walked towards the direction Chen Kai left.

At this moment, because Chen Kai was in a hurry, he didn't notice that someone was following behind him, mainly because he didn't expect Gao Ming to follow.

Gao Ming soon caught up with Chen Kai's car, with a smug smile on his face.

"Even if you go to the ends of the earth, I still have to let you be my teacher, and I want to learn all of your martial arts."

Chen Kai parked the car at the entrance of the company, and from a distance, he saw Qin Xiangzheng in professional attire looking forward to the entrance, waiting anxiously, seeing Chen Kai's car, and quickly ran to this side come over.

Chen Kai also hurriedly got out of the car, but before he could speak, he suddenly saw another car driving towards this direction at a very fast speed.

Chen Kai's brows immediately frowned, without thinking that this person must be Gao Ming, as expected, the car quickly stopped in front of Chen Kai and Qin Xiang, and then Gao Ming walked out with a smile on his face.

"Master, you run quite fast. Fortunately, my apprentice is not slow, otherwise I really couldn't catch up."

Before Chen Kai could speak, Qin Xiang beside him had already shown a puzzled expression.

Gao Ming extended his hand to Qin Xiang and introduced himself.

"My name is Gao Ming, and I am Master Chen Kai's new apprentice. I hope you will take care of me in the future."

Qin Xiang nodded slightly, but the incomprehension on her face became even stronger.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, I have never promised to take him as an apprentice, and I have never thought about it before."

After Chen Kai explained, he turned his attention to Gao Ming.

"I said you are a young man, why are you so shameless? Why do you always follow me? Haven't I already told you clearly?"

Gao Ming was not angry at all, he still looked at Chen Kai with a smile on his face.

"You see, for the sake of my sincerity, why don't you just accept me, and I won't cause you any trouble, maybe I can help you more or less in the future, after all One apprentice has many paths, one more enemy has many walls.”

Qin Xiang couldn't help laughing, and corrected: "Why do I remember that there seems to be one more friend and more paths?"

Gao Ming smiled more happily: "In these days, how can a friend have an apprentice?"

Chen Kai sighed helplessly: "I'll tell you again today, I didn't agree to this matter, and there's one thing I can't understand. , shouldn’t you go back and report? You always depend on me, what’s going on?”

Gao Ming suddenly put away his smile, and shook his head seriously.

"Brother Hu has already explained to you that I have been obsessed with martial arts since I was a child, and I have never met a master as powerful as you. I really admire your martial arts, so please accept me as your apprentice." .”

(End of this chapter)

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