Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1081 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 1081 Lead the snake out of the hole
Chen Kai gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Yang Fan and I are very good friends. He is not short-lived. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't think he is dead, so the living must live well."

"You don't have to blame yourself too much. Instead of doing this to you, you should think about what kind of compensation you can make now."

This sentence awakened Xia Jianying. He looked at Chen Kai in surprise. He didn't expect that this young man could say such a profound truth. He said with some emotion.

"It turns out that I'm really old, and even a little confused. Isn't Yang Fan's father still in the ward? I think I should go and see him."

"After going through such an incident, the grievances between the two families can be written off. No, strictly speaking, I even owe Lao Yang."

Chen Kai nodded silently, with a look of affirmation in his eyes.

"You should have done this a long time ago. Although it is a little late to do some things, if you don't do it, it will bring you lifelong regrets."

As Chen Kai said, he pointed to the end of the corridor with his finger.

"Go straight along the corridor and turn the corner. The first room on the left is Yang Wang's ward. Go and see him. I think he doesn't want to see you, but it doesn't matter. You should at least try it. Try to express yourself."

Xia Jianying nodded gratefully, patted Chen Kai on the shoulder, and said earnestly.

"I only know now that you are really extraordinary, you are different from all the young people I know."

Chen Kai didn't want to discuss this topic now, so he just sighed lightly.

"Go and see Yang Wang."

Seeing Xia Jianning's figure disappear at the end of the corridor, Chen Kai sighed helplessly.

Now that the situation here is finally resolved, the next step is to rescue Qin Xiang wholeheartedly.

Chen Kai was really worried, for fear that Eric would harm Qin Xiang.

Xia Jianying had already walked outside Yang Wang's ward and knocked lightly on the door.

"Lao Yang, I'm Lao Xia. We haven't seen each other for many years. I didn't expect to be able to do this in such a way today..."

Xia Jianying suddenly couldn't continue, took a deep breath, and then spoke in a slightly choked voice.

"It's all my fault this time. I'm sorry for you. It's okay for us to talk through the door. Can I go in?"

Yang Wang's voice was contagious with anger.

"Xia Jianying, you bastard, you killed my son, do you still want to piss me off? Get the hell out of here, I never want to see you again."

Xia Jianying sighed softly, he had expected Yang Wang's attitude.

He wasn't angry at all, he just felt infinitely sad, thinking about how he could make some compensation, so as to make up for the guilt in his heart.

Chen Kai really couldn't find anyone to help. The only person he could think of was Xia Jianying. In desperation, he also came outside Yang Wang's ward.

He heard Yang Wang cursing Xia Jianying, and his heart was full of emotion. He knew that he couldn't get close at this time, and he could only wait until they finished talking.

Xia Jianying knocked on the door lightly again, but Yang Wang still refused to allow her.

Xia Jianying sighed helplessly, turned around and planned to go back, and come back after a while.

When he turned around, he immediately found Chen Kai standing there hesitating to speak.

Xia Jianying looked at him suspiciously.

"But what's the matter?"

Chen Kai walked over slowly, staring at Xia Jianying with pleading eyes.

"I need your help with something right now."

A hint of doubt flashed in Xia Jianying's eyes.

"How can I help you?"

Chen Kai sighed softly, and briefly said about Qin Xiang.

After Xia Jianying finished listening, she frowned.Quietly meditating, trying to find a solution.

Chen Kai did not bother.

After an unknown amount of time, Xia Jianying finally raised her head and stared at Chen Kai.

"I have a plan. I can propose to cooperate with Eric and give him very rich conditions before I can get the chance to meet him. Do you think this plan is feasible?"

Chen Kai pondered quietly, and Xia Jianying undoubtedly got to the point of the problem.

There is no way to find him now, the only strategy available is to lure the snake out of the hole, first lure him out, then control him, and force him to hand over Qin Xiang.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai nodded silently.

"Other than that, I can't think of any better way. It's just that you have to make a lot of money here, but it doesn't matter. You don't have to take it to heart. I will make it up to you later."

Xia Jianying patted Chen Kai's shoulder lightly.

"After this incident, I realized a truth, that is, money is just something outside the body, and the happiest family can be together in harmony."

"I don't care about money at all. Now, as long as I can save people, no matter how much money it costs me, I will not hesitate."

Chen Kai was moved after hearing this, thinking that if Yang Fan could really come back alive, he would be very happy to see Xia Jianying make such a change.

After the two discussed it, Xia Jianying immediately called Eric.

"Do you know who I am? I'm Xia Jianying. I heard that you are looking for a partner recently. I think we can cooperate. Would you like to consider it?"

Eric was a little puzzled. The phone call from Xia Jianying was so strange and unexpected. Why did he cooperate with him out of nowhere?

If he had really thought about it a long time ago, he has been in China for so long, why did he only receive a call from him today?

Eric couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart.

Xia Jianying had expected that he would ask such a question, so she coughed lightly.

"Now who doesn't know that your company occupies a very important market share, as long as we can negotiate a cooperation with you, it is equivalent to getting a ride."

"To tell you the truth, although my company looks very good on the surface, it has been running a deficit for the past two years, and I urgently need to find a strong company to help."

"After much deliberation, I think that only your company has this strength. As long as you agree to cooperate, I will give you very generous conditions."

This is simply an impeccable reason. Eric knew something about Xia Jianying's company and knew that what he said was probably true, so he asked with great interest.

"Then what about the generous conditions you can offer?"

With confidence in her heart, Xia Jianying spoke out the number in her plan.

"If we cooperate, when the market is harvesting, we will be wary. I will get 30.00% and you will get 70.00%. Is this enough to show my sincerity?"

Eric is a businessman, of course he knew what this kind of sharing meant, so he agreed at that time.

Xia Jianying made a victory gesture to Chen Kai.

"Shouldn't we meet and talk about such a big matter? We have to discuss specific cooperation matters, right?"

Eric nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I think it's only tomorrow morning. You can book a restaurant, whichever restaurant you want. We'll meet at the restaurant at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

After agreeing on a time, Eric hung up the phone.

Xia Jianying looked at Chen Kai, smiled and nodded.

"He has promised to meet, you are ready."

Chen Kai smiled gratefully.

"Thank you for your help."

Xia Jianying waved his hand, not letting him talk about it.

That night, Chen Kai didn't fall asleep all night, carefully thinking about various possible situations in his mind, and made up his mind to rescue Qin Xiang no matter what tomorrow.

At seven o'clock in the morning, after Chen Kai put on his clothes and finished washing, he called Xia Jianying.

"Shouldn't we have prepared earlier?"

Xia Jianying smiled and nodded.

"I was about to call you just now, but I didn't expect you to call first. Are you going to pay by yourself or should you ask for more help?"

Chen Kai hesitated for a moment, and said directly.

"I have thought about this question, but then I felt that if I brought more helpers, it would definitely attract Eric's attention."

"It's even more difficult to catch him. My own skills are not bad. I think I can catch him with my own strength."

(End of this chapter)

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