Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1082 Negotiating a Contract

Chapter 1082 Negotiating a Contract
Xia Jianying looked at Chen Kai worriedly.

"Is this really possible? Will it be a little too exaggerated? You must know that Eric is ruthless and scheming. If there is any sudden change, I'm afraid it will not be easy to handle."

Having said that, he suddenly let out a soft sigh.

"You know? If you can't make an appointment with him this time, it may not be so easy to ask him out next time. So we can only succeed in one fell swoop, and we can't fail."

Chen Kai nodded silently.

"I understand what you said, but as I told you just now, we don't have any choice at all. If I really call a group of people, it will definitely attract his attention."

"I'm afraid he will change the agreed place in the distance. Aren't we more passive? I did this after careful consideration. Of course, I don't mean that I am sure of winning, but this is the least bad choice."

Xia Jianying stared at Chen Kai quietly, and after an unknown amount of time, she finally patted him on the shoulder.

"I trust your judgment."

The two finally reached a consensus, and the next step is to invite Eric to come forward.

Xia Jianying was suddenly very nervous, and felt her heart beat a lot faster.

Seeing Xia Jianying's uneasy expression, Chen Kai comforted Yu Shi softly.

"Don't put too much psychological pressure on yourself. Whether this matter succeeds or fails, I will be grateful to you."

Xia Jianying forced a smile.

"You don't need to put pressure on me, but I can't relax my vigilance. I hope to catch Eric this time more than you, because my guilt is getting heavier and heavier now."

"To be honest, I just want to do more good things now, so as to accumulate some virtue for myself. What happened to Yang Fan really makes me regret it."

Chen Kai had no choice but to shake his head helplessly. This Xia Jianying was really strange. He was talking about Qin Xiang, but this person suddenly thought of Yang Fan, which made him even more unhappy.

Yang Fan is indeed too worrisome. It is too strange to see no one alive and no dead body.

If it was based on the plot of the TV series, Yang Fan must have gotten a blessing in disguise, and got some kind of expert help. When Chen Kai thought of this, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

"Am I a little too optimistic?"

Because the voice was too low, Xia Jianying couldn't hear what Chen Kai was saying, so she couldn't help asking.

"What did you just say?"

Only then did Chen Kai regain his senses, looked at Xia Jianying and smiled apologetically.

"I'm really sorry, my mind suddenly wandered just now, and I thought of some irrelevant pictures."

As if seeing Chen Kai for the first time, Xia Jianying looked at him with a very strange look, really not quite understanding in her heart.

Isn't Qin Xiang his wife?Even if they are divorced, it's not that the relationship has broken down, but that a villain is obstructing it.

Shouldn't he be thinking about how to rescue Qin Xiang?
Chen Kai seemed to see through Xia Jianying's thoughts, and couldn't help but sighed softly again.

"Let's not talk about this anymore, let's make a good plan and make an appointment with Eric in which restaurant."

Xia Jianying had no choice but to nod, and the two of them planned for quite a long time, and after making sure that the whole plan was seamless, they parted with satisfaction.

Xia Jianying patted Chen Kai's shoulder lightly.

"I must remind you again, this is our only chance."

Chen Kai didn't want to get entangled in this topic, but looked at Xia Jianying and suddenly smiled.

"We've been chatting for a long time, and I feel that if something really happens, it's probably God's test for me, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"Now I'm thinking, should we find a place to have a good drink or two, for our turning enemies into friends this time..."

Speaking of this, his eyes suddenly dimmed again.

"Also to pray for Yang Fan..."

Xia Jianying also had a solemn expression on his face.

"Of course we want to drink two cups, but we have to wait until An Ran rescues Qin Xiang. It's too inappropriate for us to talk about it now."

Chen Kai had no choice but to nod silently, and forced a smile.

"It's getting late now, let's go to the agreed place quickly."

Xia Jianying.They also nodded, and the two quickly got into the car and rushed to the place agreed with Eric. It was already 08:30 in the morning when they arrived here.

There was still half an hour before the meeting. Of course Eric did not come. According to the habits in their country, they are very punctual.

Chen Kai was a little relieved that he wouldn't come to meet even a minute earlier, because there was still enough time for arrangements.

Xia Jianying got out of the car and looked around, then pointed to a corner not far away.

"When Eric comes, I will chat with him in the dining room, and you will hide there. When it is about the same time, you will come out and control this person, and let him hand over the piano case."

Chen Kai nodded silently.

"You don't need to explain this kind of thing, but you have to be careful yourself. If Eric finds out that you are asking him out to help me, it will be bad for you."

Xia Jianying smiled lightly.

"You don't have to think so much."

Having said that, he turned around and walked into the restaurant. Chen Kai was waiting outside, praying silently in his heart that Eric would not change his mind temporarily.

It was already 55:5, and there were still [-] minutes before the meeting. Chen Kai glanced at his watch, feeling even more nervous.

There was still no sign of Eric, which made Chen Kai a little surprised.

Nine o'clock sharp.

Chen Kai saw a car coming from a distance, and with his intuition, Chen Kai knew that it must be Eric.

Chen Kai's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly hid, staring at the car.

Sure enough, the car stopped at the door of the restaurant. Eric got out of the car, smiled like a gentleman, adjusted his already neat suit, and then walked towards the restaurant.

Xia Jianying was already a little impatient, and when she saw him coming, she immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Mr. Eric is really punctual."

Eric nodded silently, stretched out his hand, and shook Xia Jianying politely.

"To meet an important guest like you, of course you must be prepared."

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries and sat down facing each other.

Eric asked straightforwardly.

"We don't need to talk about the redundant words. I hope you have already come up with a letter of intent for cooperation. If there is no problem, we can sign this contract today."

Xia Jianying nodded with a smile, took out the cooperation project book he had prepared from his briefcase, and handed it to Eric.

Eric observed carefully, for fear of missing any clues that would be unfavorable to them.

Chen Kai quietly watched everything inside through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the restaurant, with an angry expression on his face.

If you just look at the appearance, Eric doesn't look like that kind of despicable villain, but he just did such a disgusting thing.

The more Chen Kai thought about it, the angrier he became. Originally, he waited for them to finish talking and then suddenly appeared. Chen Kai felt his blood surge up, and couldn't help it anymore, and quickly walked into the restaurant.

Eric didn't expect Chen Kai to appear suddenly, a surprised expression appeared on his face, but in an instant he returned to normal and stared at Chen Kai coldly.

"I didn't expect that you would know my whereabouts."

Chen Kai glared at him.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, just return Qin Xiang to me quickly, and I won't embarrass you, but if you dare to say no again, I will immediately beat you all over the place."

Eric stood up silently, looked at Xia Jianying and smiled meaningfully.

"I'm talking about business with you, and now someone is coming out to stop us, shouldn't you say something?"

Xia Jianying smiled lightly.

"I originally wanted to say a word, but I heard about the grievances between you and Chen Kai. As a Chinese, I think the most decent thing I can do is to say nothing."

Eric took a deep breath.

"I understand what's going on. It turns out that this is a trap set up by your cooperation, just waiting for me to get into this trap."

Chen Kai nodded silently.

"After all, you are not stupid, then you should know that you have no other choice."

(End of this chapter)

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