Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1096 Temporary Concealment

Chapter 1096 Temporary Concealment
Lin Hui looked at Chen Kai with some dissatisfaction.

"Why can you still laugh? Don't you know that I am almost crying now, how is this possible?"

"If I didn't see the face of this person, I would just be silently sad, but seeing someone who looks exactly the same, but it is not the one I miss in my heart, can you understand this kind of feeling? You know I have How sad is it?"

Chen Kai let out a long sigh and shook his head helplessly.

"You're wronging me for saying that, Yang Fan and I are very good friends, and my mood is almost exactly the same as yours."

Lin Hui shook her head in disbelief.

Chen Kai could only continue to explain.

"You are in love with him, and I am friends with him. Which of these two feelings is more serious? This is a philosophical question, and this is not the time to talk about such topics. I just want you to know that I have a crush on Wang Xiao The identity of the fish has also been questioned."

His gaze was fixed on the door of the office, as if he wanted to see through the door and see the chair where Wang Xiaoyu was.

"I don't think there are such similar people in the world, but we must be calm, anyway, he is already working in the company."

There was another smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If this person is Yang Fan, then there will definitely be more and more signs. Let's wait and see."

Chen Kai had already said this, so Lin Hui naturally couldn't say anything more, so she sighed softly, turned around and left the office very lonely.

The seats of the two were not far apart. From the day Wang Xiaoyu went to work, Lin Hui no longer had the mind to work, and raised her head to stare at him silently whenever she was free.

Wang Xiaoyu soon noticed a pair of eyes staring at her hotly behind her. Every time she turned around, Lin Hui hurriedly lowered her head, pretending to be serious about her work.

Wang Xiaoyu finally couldn't bear it anymore, stood up angrily, walked to Lin Hui's desk, and questioned loudly.

"What's the matter with you? You keep staring at me, making my back go numb."

Lin Hui didn't know how to explain, so she apologized softly.

"I'm sorry, but you look too much like my old friend."

Wang Xiaoyu shook his head helplessly.

"Then you can't just stare at me all the time, making people feel particularly uncomfortable to come to work. If I can't work with peace of mind, how can I be worthy of the public funds my boss gave me?"

"Can you change it? If you can change it, you should change it quickly. If you can't, I'll talk to Lao Ban and change my position. Otherwise, I really can't make any projects and plans. .”

Lin Hui had no choice but to bow her head and apologize again.

"I'm really sorry, I promise I won't stare at you like that again in the future."

What they said here had already attracted the attention of the employees of the company. They whispered among each other and kept pointing fingers at Wang Xiaoyu.

"I really think that this person is Yang Fan at all, how could it be otherwise?"

"Don't talk nonsense. If it's Yang Fan, why did you change your name and apply for the job again? Why don't you just come to work?"

"And if he doesn't like his previous identity, he can change to another company, or even to another city? Why come back? Isn't that a contradiction?"

"You guys should stop guessing. Why do I feel that there is something strange about it? I think our boss must have discovered some secrets in it, so he kept Wang Xiaoyu here."

Everyone has been discussing here for a long time, but there is still no way to reach a consensus. Some people say that Wang Xiaoyu is Yang Fan, while others insist that Wang Xiaoyu is a new employee in the company and has nothing to do with Yang Fan in the past. .

Wang Xiaoyu became more curious when he heard some colleagues' comments, and vaguely wanted to know who that Yang Fan was?How similar do you look to yourself?
It's a pity that the company doesn't have any photos left by Yang Fan.

Chen Kai fell into deep thought in the office. He felt that since Wang Xiaoyu had come to work, was it necessary to tell Xia Yuan the news?
Logically speaking, Wang Xiaoyu has nothing to do with Xia Yuan, and he doesn't even know each other, so what's the use of telling Xia Yuan that a person who looks exactly like Yang Fan came to Xia Yuan's company?
It can only increase Xia Yuan's doubts, but if you don't say it, one day Xia Yuan leaves the hospital and clamors to go to work in the company, how can the two of them not meet?
Once the two meet, Xia Yuan will definitely ask himself why he didn't tell her the news, and how should he answer at that time?
Chen Kai was dizzy thinking, holding his head in his hands, shaking his head helplessly and smiling bitterly.

"What's going on? I'm afraid I can't make up my mind. I should discuss this matter with Qin Xiang after I go back. I hope women's wisdom can be useful at this time."

After finally getting off work, Chen Kai couldn't wait to leave the office, quickly walked out of the company, and drove back home.

Qin Xiang heard the sound of Chen Kai opening the door with a key, and heard his anxious footsteps. She was a little worried, and ran out of the kitchen, asking anxiously.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you in such a hurry again? Did something happen again?"

Chen Kai rushed over and grabbed Qin Xiang's hand, and said a little excitedly.

"You can't imagine what kind of thing happened today. It's so unbelievable and unexpected. Do you remember the person I told you who looks exactly like Yang Fan?"

Qin Xiang's eyes lit up immediately, and she instinctively felt that there must be more to come.

"Have you seen this man again?"

Chen Kai nodded silently.

"I have not only seen him? How can I say..."

He coughed lightly, sorted out his emotions, and then continued slowly.

"It turns out that person is called Wang Xiaoyu, and he actually applied for a job in the company today, and some of his habits are exactly the same as Yang Fan's."

Qin Xiang looked at Chen Kai suspiciously.

"What does this mean? It's not that the result of the paternity test has come out. This person is not like Yang Fan's habit at all. I'm afraid it can only be some kind of coincidence?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly, staring at Qin Xiang seriously.

"If two people look exactly the same, it can be explained far-fetchedly by coincidence, but if the habit is the same, even the way to solve the problem is the same."

Having said this, Chen Kai couldn't help but shudder.

"If you still explain it by coincidence, don't you think it's too weird? I even feel a little creepy. This is simply impossible."

Qin Xiang still didn't understand Chen Kai's intentions, so she couldn't help urging.

"I really don't know what you want to say."

Only then did Chen Kai suddenly realize, remembering why he came back in such a hurry this time, so he sighed lightly, and held Qin Xiang's hand tightly.

"I'm a little hesitant, should I tell Xia Yuan the news?"

As he spoke, he told Qin Xiang about his concerns.

After Qin Xiang finished listening, she also had a serious face, tilted her head and remained silent for a long time, finally shook her head lightly, and cast her gaze on Chen Kai.

"I think this matter is probably temporary. It's better not to tell Xia Yuan. I'm worried that Xia Yuan may not be able to withstand the stimulation."

"She was not emotionally stable in the first place. After this period of recuperation, she finally recovered. Any stimulation at this time may make Xia Yuan's condition worse?"

Chen Kai let out a long breath, and looked at Qin Xiang worriedly.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about. If this is the case, then I don't want to tell her."

Just after saying this sentence, he suddenly realized a very serious problem, and said impatiently.

"Xia Yuan has been in the hospital for a long time, how should I arrange it next? If she is arguing to go to work in the company, what reason should I find to refuse?"

Qin Xiang also felt that this was a difficult question. After thinking for a long time, she finally shook her head gently.

"At this point, we can only take one step at a time. It's useless to think so much. As the saying goes, the plan can't keep up with the changes. Let's see how Xia Yuan will act next, just adapt to the situation."

(End of this chapter)

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