Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 1097 Unstoppable

Chapter 1097 Unstoppable
The husband and wife had already discussed and decided, Qin Xiang went back to the kitchen to continue cooking, chatted for a while after eating, and then went back to the room to rest.

Nothing happened that day, but Chen Kai's heart settled down, and he already had a plan.

It is to stop Xia Yuan no matter what, at least not to go back to work in the company for a short period of time, let alone see Wang Xiaoyu, otherwise I really can't explain anything clearly.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Kai decided to go to the hospital to see Xia Yuan, take a look at the other party's tone, and see if she was too tired of staying in the hospital.

It's just that Xia Yuan's physical condition should have been discharged from the hospital long ago, because of taking care of Yang Wang, Xia Yuan.I feel that I should stay in the hospital for a longer period of time, and it will be more convenient to take care of him.

Therefore, he has not been discharged from the hospital. Anyway, the Xia family has plenty of money, so they don't care about the hospitalization fee.

Seeing Chen Kai coming, Xia Yuan's eyes lit up, and he quickly ran over to greet him, and couldn't wait to ask.

"Have you found out about Yang Fan?"

Chen Kai shook his head apologetically.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't bring you any good news. I just came here to see if everything is okay here. Is there anything that needs help? Is Yang Fan's father feeling better?"

Xia Yuan's eyes dimmed, and he shook his head lightly.

"There is nothing wrong with me. Yang Fan's father's body and spirit have stabilized, and there should be no more troubles. It's just that I always think about Yang Fan in my heart. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with Yang Fan's father in the hospital. Once I get out of the hospital, I should be able to go back to work."

Chen Kai immediately asked with a moved face.

"When will he be discharged from the hospital?"

Xia Yuan's reaction to Chen Kai was a little strange, and she couldn't help frowning.

"What do you mean? Do you want him to be released from the hospital, or not?"

Only then did Chen Kai realize that the question just now was a little out of control, and coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Looking at what you said, why don't I want him to be discharged from the hospital? It's true that you're tired of taking care of him during this time. If nothing happens, it's more comfortable to live at home. Who wants to stay in the hospital all the time?"

Xia Yuan reluctantly nodded, but there was still some doubt in his eyes.

Chen Kai continued to speak slowly.

"Don't go back to work in a hurry. Now that Yang Fan hasn't been found, you will definitely be more business-minded when you go back to see things and think about people."

Having said that, Chen Kai sighed softly again.

"For your health, you should rest at home for a while, and don't worry about the company's affairs. As for the salary... I will still pay it."

Chen Kai forced a smile, and continued.

"Speaking of which, your family is not short of this money. You didn't come to work in the company to earn wages, but even so, for humanitarian care..."

Speaking of this, Chen Kai suddenly couldn't continue, because he suddenly felt that it was not right to say these words in front of Xia Yuan.

Chen Kai shook his head hastily, and changed his words.

"Anyway, you should take care of your body first."

Xia Yuan felt even more baffled in his heart, and looked at Chen Kai suspiciously.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you talking upside down? Did something happen? Is there anything I can do for you? Don't be polite. I'm also an employee of the company, so I should help the company solve problems. "

Chen Kai hurriedly shook his head in denial.

"I didn't mean that..."

Xia Yuan hastily interrupted him.

"Don't say that you are thinking about my health. I am almost bored to death here. If it wasn't for taking care of Yang Fan's father, I would have already left."

"Now he doesn't need me to take such painstaking care of him anymore. He comes to see him after get off work every day, and didn't I just say that?"

Chen Kai couldn't help asking.

"What did you just say?"

Xia Yuan sighed softly.

"The way you look now is really worrying. Shall I call Qin Xiang and ask you to have an examination in the hospital and ask her to come and accompany you."

Chen Kai hurriedly shook his head repeatedly.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I really have no problem here. Let's continue the topic just now. What did you say?"

Xia Yuan had no choice but to sigh softly again.

"He can go through the discharge procedures now. At worst, I'll hire a part-time worker to take care of his food and daily life, and just spend a little more money."

Chen Kai really didn't know what to say, he secretly groaned in his heart, thinking that if he really did this, there would really be no reason to stop Xia Yuan from coming to work.

"Have you considered?"

Xia Yuan nodded firmly.

"Although I can't deny seeing things and thinking about people, it is precisely because of this that I want to go to the company, because there is Yang Fan's breath there."

Chen Kai really had no way to stop him, so he talked a few more words and left the hospital in a hurry.

As soon as he walked out of the hospital gate, Chen Kai called Qin Xiang to inform her of everything that happened here.

"What should we do? Xia Yuan has become determined after eating the weight, and must return to the company to work. Didn't he just meet Yang Fan now?"

Qin Xiang snorted coquettishly.

"What Yang Fan? The company guy is obviously Wang Xiaoyu."

Chen Kai could only nod his head in recognition.

"I'm really dying of anxiety."

Qin Xiang was silent for a while, then suddenly sighed softly.

"At this point, I'm afraid I can only come forward, but I'm not very sure, I can only say to try."

Chen Kai asked curiously.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

Qin Xiang sighed again.

"It's better not to tell you now, you hang up the phone first, I'll call Xia Yuan right away, and I'll tell you when there is something about this matter."

Without waiting for Chen Kai to speak, Qin Xiang hangs up the phone on her own.

Chen Kai looked puzzled, and couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.

"This matter is really a bit difficult to handle."

Qin Xiang dialed Xia Yuan's number, but she didn't have the intention to be polite, and asked directly.

"Where are you? In the hospital or somewhere?"

After getting an affirmative answer, Qin Xiang continued.

"My younger sisters also have their own busy schedules, so they can't come to accompany me every day. The company's business is also very tense recently, and Nanzhu spends even more time seeing each other every day."

"I'm quite lonely here. Today I came up with a whim and wanted to open a bookstore, but I'm just boring myself. After thinking about it, I thought of you. Let's open a bookstore, read and drink every day For tea, you can also look for Yang Fan."

At first, I thought that Xia Yuan would definitely not refuse, but I didn't expect that the other party didn't even think about it, and immediately rejected her.

"I'm not interested in business like opening a store. I still want to go back to the company to work, and I've already expressed my opinion to Chen Kai repeatedly in the afternoon."

As if he suddenly remembered something, he raised his voice and asked.

"Chen Kai just walked away from me. Did I call you to give you the idea to open a bookstore? What exactly is Chen Kai thinking? Do you dislike me going to work in the company so much?"

Qin Xiang hurriedly shook her head in denial.

"That's not what it means. Don't answer me in such a hurry. You can think about it for a few days."

After Qin Xiang finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

She patted her chest lightly and murmured.

"Xia Yuan is really difficult to deal with this little girl. There is nothing I can do about it now. I have to inform Chen Kai quickly so that he can get ready."

After speaking, he called Chen Kai again.

Chen Kai was also completely speechless.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of how to stop Xia Yuan's time from passing quickly. The next morning, Chen Kai came to the company early.

But he didn't enter his office, but waited at the door of the company.

He already had a premonition that Xia Yuan might not be able to wait until he came back to work, but Chen Kai had already made up his mind to come to work so early every day for the next period of time.

As expected, only a few of the hardest-working employees left the company, and most of the employees were either eating breakfast or on their way to work.

Suddenly Chen Kai saw a familiar figure, a very beautiful girl walking in this direction quickly in high heels, it was Xia Yuan.

Chen Kai was startled, and hurried over to meet him.

"Didn't I let you rest at home? Why did you come to work so early?"

(End of this chapter)

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