Chapter 115
This sentence immediately attracted the attention of other guests in the corridor. Almost everyone believed that Qin Ying and the man were in a relationship, and now Qin Ying was on two boats, and found another handsome boy behind the man's back.

Qin Xiangxiang blushed, stomped her feet and pointed at him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What do I have to do with you? Why am I sorry for you? I came here to discuss business with you, but you want to plot against my colleagues..."

Chen Kai interrupted her, until this time, the more excited, the easier it is to complicate things.

"What's going on? You explain to me."

The man took the conversation directly: "What's the matter? You don't tell me what's the matter with yourself? This is our box, what kind of onion are you?"

Then he yelled towards the door: "Waiter, drive out all the idlers here, I don't know them."

Chen Kaili ignored him, but stared at Qin Ying quietly.

"Don't worry, tell me slowly, what happened? Why did you have a conflict with this man?"

Qin Ying sighed softly, and the female colleague next to him saw that there was a savior, and couldn't help it anymore, and shed tears of grievance.

"As I said just now, we are here to discuss business with this man."

While listening, Chen Kai grabbed the wine bottle on the table and poured himself another glass of wine, because he needed wine to calm himself down.

He understands today's situation very well, Qin Ying is definitely not the kind of woman who makes trouble out of nothing, and judging from the professional attire they are wearing, what they said is absolutely true, because if they come here to chat or date, they will definitely not have symptoms dressed up.

Chen Kai was even more aware that this must be a business partner who rebelled against each other and saw Qin Ying and her female colleagues looking beautiful, so he wanted to...

Thinking of this, Chen Kai sighed in his heart: "If I don't do something today, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass my own test."

He drove really well. With Qin Ying's introduction, everyone finally understood what happened.

It turned out that it was agreed to sign the contract in the private room of this hotel, but as soon as they sat down, the person opposite asked Qin Ying about her family situation.

Although Qin Ying felt that this question was very rude, in order to conclude a business deal with the other party, she told the truth.

The other party immediately smiled lewdly: "In this case, what do you think of me? I am also young and rich, handsome and handsome, and I am a man in a man's pocket. If you are my Wife, I have become the son-in-law of your family, and we will definitely create a new career in this city by joining forces."

Even if Qin Ying was able to remain calm, her colleague couldn't give birth anymore, so she stood up with glaring eyes.

"We are here to discuss business, so please be serious and respect yourself."

The man's expression froze for a moment, and then he laughed lewdly.

"I just noticed that Qin Ying is a great beauty, but I didn't expect you to look pretty when you were angry. Anyway, I was wronged a little today. There may be no hope for the beauty tonight. Let you, the little beauty, come and have fun with me."

Colleague Qin Ying raised her head angrily, unable to speak.

Qin Ying felt that it was time for her to stand up and say something, so she looked at the other party coldly.

"If you are dissatisfied with the business conditions, you can bring it up in person and we can discuss it. But if you have other thoughts, I ask you not to wishful thinking."

As he spoke, he protected the female colleague behind him.

"Now in broad daylight, sometimes in a hotel, even if you are bold, you should more or less think about the consequences, so if you are sensible, let's continue to discuss this business..."

Before she could finish speaking, the other party stood up and interrupted her.

"Of course we have to discuss business, but the beauty has to follow me."

As he spoke, he walked around Qin Ying, and looked at the female colleague behind her with a lewd smile.

"How much money can you earn from working in the Qin family for a month? As long as you follow me and take care of the uncle tonight, the money that the uncle gives you will never be spent in your lifetime."

At this moment, Chen Kai heard the sound of arguing, so he hurried over.

Qin Ying sighed, and looked at Chen Kai: "Fortunately, you are here today, otherwise, I really don't know how to end up, we are the only two people here today to discuss business, but they have so many people .”

After Chen Kai finished listening, he nodded silently, and drank the glass of wine he just poured for himself.

The bottle was already empty, but Chen Kai didn't put the bottle on the table, but held it in his hand.

The man's face changed immediately, even with his toes, he could figure out what Chen Kai meant by holding the wine bottle in this gesture.

Even his voice trembled a bit.

"I'm warning you, don't mess around, you should know that this is a place to discuss business, and it's not normal to make a few jokes on such an occasion."

Chen Kai frowned, thinking that this kid really has a bit of courage, he didn't rush to run away at this time, and he dared to argue here.

"Also, let me tell you that I am not an ordinary person. If you dare to do something today, you will be miserable in the days to come. I can even say that it is already very difficult for you to live."

No matter how well-mannered Chen Kai was, he couldn't bear it anymore after hearing this, not to mention his anger had already reached its peak.

Fortunately, I came to the same hotel today, otherwise, if something happened to Qin Ying and she was tarnished by this hooligan, Chen Kai would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

"Do you have anything to say now? If I'm going to fight today, after you come out, you'll find someone to tear me apart, even kill my whole family. Do you have anything new?" word?"

The other party was stunned, that was exactly what he wanted to say just now, but he didn't expect Chen Kai to say it first.

Chen Kai resisted the impulse and sighed meaningfully.

"If you still have some new words, you might as well say them all. If it's just what I said just now, I advise you not to say them, because I've heard calluses in my ears."

The other party was speechless, and he suddenly felt a very heavy pressure coming towards him. He was a son of a rich family, and he had never felt this way before.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Chen Kai sighed softly again.

"I gave you a chance to talk, but you don't seem to be in the mood to talk, so I guess, you may be more interested in doing it."

(End of this chapter)

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