Chapter 116
There was a look of fear in the eyes of the other party, and he couldn't help but want to back up, but his legs had already started to tremble, and he couldn't move anymore.

Chen Kai couldn't help saying, raised the wine bottle and smashed it down hard on the top of his head. There was a sound of glass shards, followed by a scream.

Although the other party had already been mentally prepared, when the bottle fell on his head, he still couldn't help it, making him make a sound like killing a pig.

The people around were stunned. They were sure that Chen Kai must be the boy that the other man said, and the boy usually eats soft food, but it seems that he has never seen such a hard person after eating. Pass.

The person who was beaten was also a little confused. On the one hand, of course, he was a little dizzy because of being hit by the wine bottle, and on the other hand, he really didn't expect that Chen Kai would actually hit him so hard.

He covered the top of his head with one hand, but because the opening on the top of his head was too big, blood kept flowing out, dripping onto the ground and staining the floor red.

"Good boy, you dare to hit me, do you know that I haven't bled since I was six years old, do you know who my father is? You dare to hit his precious son, have you thought about the consequences? "

Chen Kai was not at all surprised that he could say these words. Although he didn't know who his father was, he must be a son of a rich family when he thought of his arrogant appearance just now, and it is impossible for ordinary poor people to go to such a place Let's talk business.

But Chen Kai insisted, no matter what kind of background the other party has, since he dared to provoke the sisters of the Qin family, he would be obliged to do so, let's not talk about the future?Let's get rid of this one first, and let it out after a bad breath.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of repenting at all, instead he yelled loudly and loudly, which made Chen Kai a little bit unbearable. He threw the remaining half of the beer bottle on the ground, and walked slowly to the other party's room. In front of him, he grabbed his collar violently.

"I know you have a lot of background, and you've probably heard of your father's reputation, but so what? Of course you'll go to jail if you commit a crime, and if you offend me, I'll still make you miserable If you are capable, you can call your father, if he is as ignorant as you, I will destroy him together."

He didn't grit his teeth when he said these words, but said them in a very ordinary tone, but it was precisely because of this that the other party felt that this was not a threatening word, and he suddenly felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

He hasn't been so scared for a long time, his head is still bleeding, and the wound still hurts, but he can't feel it anymore, he just feels that his blood has been solidified, and the man in front of him seems to have come from hell Those who come out from inside, why are you not even afraid of your own father?
One must know that no matter how powerful a person is in this city, they will give him some face. Why is this Chen Kai not paying attention at all?

But Chen Kai no longer gave him time to think about it slowly.

He grabbed his other hand: "I know you don't believe it, it's because you haven't suffered enough, I want to give you a little more food, maybe you will believe it."

The other party was so frightened that he didn't know what to say, and suddenly nodded heavily: "I believe, I believe everything you say now, please let me go."

Chen Kaijiao shook his head lightly: "It's too early to say those words. You have not been punished for your mistakes, and you want to ask for forgiveness. If all the death row prisoners are like you, then what's the point of the law?"

The other party wanted to refute, saying that even if he made a mistake, the law still governed him, thinking that no matter how serious the crime was, as long as he paid enough money, the punishment would be reduced correspondingly, and he could even be exempted from it at all. punish.

As the saying goes, the son of a thousand gold never dies in the city.

What's more, at most, it was just molesting Qin Ying and her female colleagues, and they didn't take any action. Even if it was a severe crackdown, it seemed a bit too heavy to suffer like this.

Seeing the other party's eyes flicker, Chen Kai knew that he still hadn't repented, so he sighed in his heart.

"Would you like to hear the sound of bones breaking?"

He didn't expect the other party to answer, he just liked to say a word before doing it.

Since his debut, he can't remember how many people have said the same words, but every time he finished saying this sentence, he would hear a crisp and pleasant voice.

Chen Kai thought the sound was better than any other music, but it was too short.

The other party screamed like a pig butcher, covering the top of the bleeding head with one hand, there was no way to cover the crippled hand, but covering the crippled hand, there was no way to cover the bleeding on the top of the head.

He was flustered for a while, and his expression was extremely funny. If it wasn't for such a bloody scene that made Qin Ying and her female colleagues feel a little horrified, they might have laughed out loud by now.

"If you want your other hand, you should hurry up and apologize sincerely."

The man covered the wound on the top of his head with his hands, raised his head and cried while walking in front of Qin Ying.

"I'm really sorry, I really didn't do it on purpose just now, I didn't know you had such a powerful helper, I hope you adults don't count the faults of villains, and for the sake of my youth and ignorance, just let me live. "

Qin Ying suddenly felt a very strange smell permeating the room, looked down and saw the man at his feet, and there was a pool of water stains at some point, and that strange smell came from here.

Qin Ying immediately understood what happened, and immediately took a step back, fearing that the puddle of water would stain her shoes.

Chen Kai also frowned, thinking that this man was so worthless, he was so frightened that he peed his pants with just one hand, and he didn't know whether he should be said to be cowardly or not. Said he was as timid as a mouse.

At this moment, the surrounding crowd were convinced that the man who peed his pants was really a liar, and immediately burst into laughter.

"What are you doing? It turns out that you are a big liar, and you pretended to be so similar just now, and you said that you are the son of the chairman of the group. I think this must be a lie, right?"

"That's right, if the chairman of that group knew that his son was so cowardly, he would definitely lose his old face. Maybe he would have to find someone to kill his son himself without the need for others to do it."


The man's mind is blank now, and he can't hear the evaluation of him from the people around him at all. He only thinks about how to get out of here as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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