Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 117 Gao Ming is the owner of the hotel

Chapter 117 Gao Ming is the owner of the hotel
Chen Kai felt that there was really no need to use any more effort for this kind of person, but he was so scared that he peed his pants with just one hand, and if he used his other hand, he might even have to poop up.

Thinking of that scene, Chen Kai frowned immediately, he even smelled a faint stench, and his stomach contracted intermittently.

Gao Ming and the old man kept watching. Gao Ming wanted to say a few words, but was stopped by the old man. The old man's eyes told Gao Ming that it would be better not to intervene in this matter for the time being.

Because they believed that Chen Kai would definitely be able to handle this matter. Speaking of which, if Chen Kai couldn't even handle such a trivial matter, the old man's good impression of him before would be gone.

Chen Kai cut the mess quickly, Qin Ying gave Chen Kai a grateful look, and even the female colleague beside her looked at Chen Kai shyly.

Originally, they thought that they were doomed today. Although Qin Ying acted righteously, she was just two weak women after all. If the gangster really attacked them, it would be too late even if they were called.

But when Chen Kai saw the puddle of water under the man's feet, he suddenly felt extremely disgusted, and couldn't help kicking the man away.

The man never expected that Chen Kai would hit him at this time. When he realized it, his body had already flew up, hit the wall fiercely, and fell heavily to the ground.

He dared not speak out, looking at Chen Kai with some doubts in his eyes.

Chen Kai couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Look at your talent, you don't have to come out to mess around with orders like this in the future."

At this moment, the waiter of the hotel has rushed to the door. Seeing the scene in front of him, he did not dare to come in to persuade the fight. He just waited at the door dumbfounded, praying in his heart, let the boss know about this matter quickly, and obey the boss's instructions, what should he do? How to deal with it.

Out of the corner of Gao Ming's eye, he saw the waiter, so he waved to him.

The waiter looked around in panic, and when he was sure that he was calling, he walked in reluctantly.

"Don't worry, it's just a gangster making trouble here. Now call the general manager of your hotel here. I have something to say to him."

The waiter looked at Gao Ming in surprise, hesitating in his heart whether to listen to his words, but then he thought again, anyway, he could leave this ghost place temporarily, so he nodded emphatically.

"Then please wait here for a while, our general manager will be here soon."

Said that he ran away like flying, Chen Kai smiled lightly, he could understand the fear in the waiter's heart, but he felt a little dissatisfied in his heart, the attitude of the waiter was as if he was the bad guy.

Soon the general manager of the hotel arrived at the scene. In fact, he had already heard the movement here, but this kind of person has become a genius, knowing that no matter what, under the wrath of the guests, who will be unlucky, so he always Waiting quietly, thinking that when things subside a little, he will appear again.

So when the waiter came to call him, although he was still a little reluctant, he also knew that the matter would finally come to an end. If he didn't come out at this time, the chairman would know, and he probably wouldn't let him off easily.

So he followed the waiter and came to the box where Chen Kai was.

After arriving here, he immediately extended his hand to Chen Kai, and Chen Kai shook his hand politely.

But before he could speak, Gao Ming pointed at the man lying on the ground first.

"In the future, this hotel will not allow this person and his family to come in again."

The general manager nodded repeatedly, and it was only then that Chen Kai realized that the owner of this hotel was actually Gao Ming.

Then his face darkened immediately, and he stared at Gao Ming coldly: "What exactly does your family do?"

He couldn't help but doubt it, because if he was just an ordinary rich man, living in such a big villa was still reasonable, but if he was just an ordinary rich man in such a big hotel, then I'm afraid it really couldn't be justified.

Gao Ming looked up to the sky and laughed: "Our family just opened some shops for fun."

After speaking, he suddenly asked back: "How can you be interested in such a thing?"

Chen Kai was obviously very dissatisfied with the answer, so he frowned and looked at Gao Ming seriously.

"If you still want to drink and chat with me in the future, I think you'd better tell the truth. If you make me feel that you are not sincere, I don't need to continue to associate with you."

Seeing Chen Kai being so serious, although Gao Ming was somewhat reluctant, he still reluctantly said it.

Only then did Chen Kai know that this guy has his establishments in all walks of life, and the scale of each establishment is not small.

After hearing this, Chen Kai couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling that smart people are even more mysterious.

But now in front of Qin Ying and that girl, it was really difficult for him to ask too many details, so he sighed softly.

"Since you are the owner of this store, then I don't need to be polite to you anymore, you can find us a cleaner box immediately."

Qin Ying has been by the side all the time, quietly listening to the conversation between the two. At this moment, her eyes can't help showing a suspicious look, because she has never heard of it. Chen Kai once had a friend like Gao Ming, and he didn't know about them. When did the two meet.

She couldn't help but cast a puzzled look at Nan Zhutou, Chen Kai immediately understood, but now is not the time to explain these topics, you leaned closer to her ear and lowered your voice.

"Don't worry, since he is the boss, let's have a good meal here today. Anyway, I know that you didn't eat well just now, and now you have endured such a full stomach, so I will treat you as an apologetic apology." gone."

Qin Ying is not the kind of unreasonable person. Hearing what Chen Kai said, she hesitated for a while, and finally nodded reluctantly.

Gao Ming saw the exchange of eyes between the two, and smiled faintly.

"Actually, even if Chen Kai didn't say that, I would have thought about it a long time ago. In my hotel, besides me, everyone should be more or less responsible, so I ask the two girls to save face."

As he spoke, he beckoned another waiter.

"Didn't you hear what Chen Kai said just now? Hurry up and prepare the most luxurious room."

The waiter agreed, and was about to turn around and leave when Gao Ming suddenly pointed at the hooligan lying on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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