Chapter 12
Seeing that the three younger sisters were evading for various reasons, Qin Xiang had a headache.

It had been expected for a long time that the three of them would definitely shirk for various reasons, but they didn't expect that they would fight against themselves in such a collusion.

"Forget it, looking at you like this, even if you stay with him, I'm afraid it will make him very angry. But Chen Kai can't be in charge of me all the time, and he will be regarded as a member of our family in the future. You better be mentally prepared, sooner or later, there will be a showdown."

Qin Xiang stopped discussing this matter with them while she was talking. The company's recent accounting problems made her a little anxious.


With a sound, the door of the study was closed, and Qin Xiang once again locked herself in her work.

"Do you think Eldest Sister is angry?" Fourth Sister said.

"How is it possible? Sister, she is the most gentle and considerate, maybe it's just that the company is too busy."

"Yes, yes, fourth sister, don't think too much, the eldest sister loved you the most since she was a child, don't worry."

Qin Ying and Qin Min hurriedly comforted Qin Yue, but when they thought of Chen Kai, they didn't feel much better.

Bird Live.

After Xiaoxiao was fired, all employees in the company panicked, fearing that they would be fired for unknown reasons, and all of them stayed at their respective jobs honestly.

Looking at the mountains of documents in front of him, Chen Kai casually picked up one and flipped through two pages. Feeling sleepy, he couldn't help yawning.

"Ah~ Sure enough, being the boss of a company is not an easy task."

"What about the general manager, come over here right away!" Chen Kai made a phone call!

After the voice fell, he casually threw the phone in his hand on the table, and just returned to its original position impartially.

The general manager walked in with a respectful face: "Boss, what do you want me to do?"

Chen Kai pointed to the mountains of documents piled up on the desktop, "I'll give you two days to review all these documents. Except for the contents that must be reviewed by me, don't bother me with them."

"There is also no need to report to me the trivial things in the future. The company is so big, if I even manage to buy a toilet, what do I want you employees to do?"

The intimidating aura scared the general manager into a shudder, and he quickly replied: "Yes, yes, the boss taught me the lesson, I will go to review right away!"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the general manager's forehead.

As he said that, he immediately picked up the documents on the desktop and left the office as if fleeing, as if Chen Kai's office was a sea of ​​swords and flames.

The mountain of desktops was finally emptied, and Chen Kai felt much more comfortable.

Glancing at the time on the wall, I finally decided to go out for a stroll.

He is no longer the obscure wage earner he used to be!

Walking alone on the noisy street, looking at these high-rise buildings, I finally became the master of one of these high-rise buildings.With a lot of emotion in my heart, I stopped and went, and finally bought some men's daily necessities in a small supermarket and headed home.

When I got home, there was already a burst of rice smell coming from the villa, and my stomach, which had no feeling at all, was also making grumbling sounds at this moment.

"I am back!"

Pushing open the door, looking at the quiet house, Chen Kai shouted loudly.

"It's just right, it's time to come back. I was thinking of calling you to ask when you'll be back. Come here quickly, let's have dinner!"

Holding a pot of steaming tomato soup, Qin Xiang came out of the kitchen and carefully put the tomato soup on the table.

The remaining three sisters also came down from upstairs, each taking their own positions.Only the seat next to Qin Xiang was vacant, obviously, it was reserved for Chen Kai.

Seeing this, Chen Kai was not restrained, he walked over and sat down carelessly.

On the other hand, Qin Ying on the other side withdrew her arm in disgust, as if it was such a bad thing to be touched by him.

"I'm not used to being in contact with men, don't take offense." Qin Ying explained unnaturally.

As long as she thought that this guy might become her husband, she would feel panicked.

The scene of being bullied by him when she was a child is still vivid in her memory. That guy actually put chili peppers in steamed buns and tricked herself into eating them, causing her to be horribly spicy. She will never forget this account.

"Really? It's okay, just get in touch with me more in the future. I remember that you seem to like chili, and there is spicy fried chicken with millet next to it. You should eat more!"

Chen Kai deliberately brought up the past, and successfully watched Qin Min's face turn green, feeling extremely amusing in his heart.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, the sisters are still the same as before, just as ignorant and cute.

Qin Xiang, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at the pile of shopping bags piled up at the door, and suddenly remembered something.

"It's all my fault for being confused. Usually there are girls in the family, so I didn't think so much for a while, and even forgot to prepare daily necessities for you. My sister is too remiss."

Qin Xiang blamed herself angrily.

Although I don't like him very much, but now that I have joined this big family.Then he is a member of the big family, and if he fails to take good care of him, it is his own dereliction of duty.

In fact, this is nothing, they are all a nest of women, unexpected is normal.

"It's okay, I bought it myself. Besides, you don't know how to buy it, so I'll do it myself."

"Really?" Qin Xiang looked at Chen Kai innocently, afraid that he would be unhappy.

"Really, let's eat quickly, the food will be cold in a while."

As he spoke, he picked up a piece of pumpkin and put it in Qin Xiang's bowl.

When this scene fell into the eyes of the other sisters, it immediately changed their taste, and their eyes fell on the two of them watching the show for a while.

Although, there is indeed a gap between the elder sister's age and Chen Kai's, but if it is true love, these are not problems!
What's more, these sisters are all open-minded people, as long as the eldest sister and Chen Kai really love each other, they will definitely support them!

(End of this chapter)

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