Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 13 Treating like an emperor

Chapter 13 Treating like an emperor
"What are you two brats talking about!"

Qin Xiang glanced at Chen Kai in embarrassment, and then immediately changed the subject, "Are you full? Hurry up and help Chen Kai carry the things up, so many things, do you want him to carry them alone?"

"No, I can do it myself."

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Chen Kai readily refused, then walked over, picked up all the shopping bags, and went upstairs directly.

After entering the bedroom on the second floor, Chen Kai really saw what luxury and luxury are.

Qin Xiang looked at the empty room and said: "You can live in it first, and then you can buy some clothes again when the time comes. The cloakroom is empty, and then you can buy what you need in the future."

"Would you like to go upstairs for a visit? Qin Min and Qin Ying's rooms are also upstairs, and you can visit each other in the future."

Chen Kai nodded: "Okay, I've never seen a girl's bedroom before!"

Especially with the styles of their sisters, it was hard for him to imagine what the room would look like?

Follow Qin Xiang all the way to the third floor, but the two large rooms on the third floor are empty.

"These two little girls must have gone to the basement floor to play games. Forget it, don't look for them, anyway, we will see them later."

Qin Xiang was helpless, and the two returned to the second floor again.

In the room, Qin Xiang patiently helped Chen Kai organize the clothes in the suitcase. Although he had already bought a lot for him, there were still many personal clothes.

While smoothing the shaft marks on the clothes, Qin Xiang said: "The basement floor of our house is specially used for entertainment. There is a game hall, a swimming pool, and KTV. If you are bored, you can go there to play .”

"Ok, no problem."

"Then I hung all your coats here for you, and I folded your trousers and put them in the small grid over there. This cabinet is specially used to store shoes and socks. The shoes are on the left, and the socks are on the left." On the right, everything has been sorted by grid."

"Okay, thank you, sister Qin Xiang." Chen Kai said.

Qin Xiang, who didn't do much housework usually, sweated a lot after such a toss, and then she took off the outer coat directly, and the sweat-soaked clothes stuck to her skin, revealing her exquisite figure.

Chen Kai looked at Qin Xiang whose back was turned to him, hesitated for a moment, then looked away, and continued to shave the clothes in his hand.

After sorting out everything in the suitcase, there are only some underwear left.

Instead, the shoes, underwear, and underwear were all custom-made from a high-end brand store, and they hadn't had time to unpack them when they were delivered.

At this moment, Qin Xiang held these boxes and said: "You will send these to my room later, and I will clean them for you, so it will be cleaner. And the underwear needs to be changed every day, so it goes without saying. If you change it, if If you don't want to wash it, you can give it to the nanny."

"When my mother was away, I would wash the underwear of the third sister and the fourth sister, because I was always worried that the nanny would not wash it clean. After all, these are intimate clothes, so we must pay attention to hygiene."

Chen Kai had no choice but to nod his head, there was a beautiful woman who was willing to help, so what could he refuse.

After moving all these boxes to Qin Xiang's bedroom, I once again felt the luxury of a rich man!
Not only is Qin Xiang's bedroom twice as big as her bedroom on the second floor, but she can smell a faint fresh floral fragrance as soon as she opens the door. I'm afraid this perfume is not easy to buy.

The white-lighted cloakroom is full of clothes and countless accessories. There are five or six pieces of just one sweater, and as for the high-heeled shoes, they are piled up on the ground.

The balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is covered with small close-fitting objects, which is enough to show that Qin Xiang never hands off other people's objects that are close to her skin.

"Sure enough, she is a delicate woman!" Chen Kai was speechless to himself.

"What did you say?"

Qin Xiang suddenly appeared behind her.

Then he closed the floor-to-ceiling windows and pressed the switch to lower the electric curtains.

"What are you looking at? Don't you know that girls' personal belongings are not allowed to look at casually?"

Chen Kai nodded embarrassingly, "That sister Qin about I go back!"

It always feels weird to be alone and widowed in the dormitory.

"Help me unpack all these boxes first, I hate unpacking boxes the most, especially this kind of gift box."


"Sister Qin Xiang, everything has been dismantled, what to do with these trash boxes?"

Looking around, he didn't find a trash can in the bedroom.

Doesn't this woman usually throw out trash?
"Just throw it in the garbage room." Qin Xiang said without looking back.

Garbage room?
"where is it?"


It was only then that Qin Xiang remembered that Chen Kai had just arrived and was not yet familiar with the villa.

"Forget it, I don't need you here anymore, you go and play, I'll let the nanny clean up later!"

Finally relieved, Chen Kai quickly returned to the room and closed the door as if fleeing, then rushed into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Fortunately, I didn't blush, otherwise it would be too embarrassing!"

"My God, did I fall into the Pansi Cave?"

Seeing in the mirror that he had completely lost his strategizing self, Chen Kai had doubts for a moment.

Qin Xiang is simply a goblin, and there are three other younger sisters!
A man in his prime, facing four beautiful women, who can remain indifferent?

Although this treatment is comparable to that of the emperor, but the emperor is too miserable, the harem is just a decoration!

After washing his face, he fell on the bed and swiped his phone, looking at the news in the work group. Although he had already slipped to the bottom, he didn't read any of them, and his heart became more and more irritable.

(End of this chapter)

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