Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 189 Unexpected

Chapter 189 Unexpected
It's okay not to say this sentence, after finishing this sentence, Chen Kai's curiosity was suddenly attracted.

He looked at the man in front of him meaningfully.

"Well, I'm waiting for you to call someone now. Didn't you call just now? I'll wait here for an hour or two. I want to see what kind of people you invited here .”

Young Master Li looked at Chen Kai confidently.

"Be proud, you can be proud here now, don't look at your brain now, I will ask you to wake him up in a while, and I will call someone in a while, and you will know what kind of good fruit you have. Today If I can get you out of here alive..."

Having said that, he deliberately sneered twice, as if it grew in his hand.

Chen Kai didn't feel much about it yet, but Qin Yue and Gao Rourou beside him couldn't bear to listen any longer. The two girls felt a little upset when they heard the fight.

Although he knew that Chen Kai would definitely be able to protect them, but seeing Young Master Li dressed in such a smooth manner, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

If they really found some hooligans, it would be really bad luck. Although Chen Kai could beat dozens of hooligans, but if they really found a large group of people, then But what to do?

Moreover, some of these hooligans have also practiced martial arts. Even if Chen Kai is really good, how can he deal with so many martial arts masters at the same time?

Gao Rourou couldn't bear it at first, so she walked slowly to Chen Kai's side and lowered her voice.

"I said that a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses. Since we have already beaten this kid, let's take this opportunity to leave here quickly, so as not to wait for him to really call someone..."

Chen Kai smiled and shook his head.

"I know what you are going to say, but things are not like that. Although not many ordinary people know me, some people on the road must have heard of my name. If I am really This hooligan scared away, how can I gain a foothold in this city in the future?"

In fact, these words are also correct, it's not that Gao Rourou doesn't understand this truth, Qin Yue originally wanted to persuade her, but after hearing what Chen Kai said, she also dispelled the idea of ​​persuading her.

Although he was a little worried in his heart, he also believed in Chen Kai. Since he was so confident, the group of people called by Young Master Li must have nothing to do with them.

Seeing that Chen Kai was still so calm and composed, First Young Master Li felt a little uneasy, but he couldn't remember who Chen Kai was, because if he was really powerful, he would Should not have heard of.

I don't know how long it took, but Young Master Li had already gotten a little impatient for waiting, when he suddenly heard the roar of several cars' engines coming from outside.

First Young Master Li's eyes lit up immediately, because he knew that the person he called had arrived, which meant that he could finally vent his anger for the grievances he just said.

So he snorted coldly at Chen Kai.

"Now, I can give you a little time, or give you one last chance. If you kowtow and beg for mercy now, I won't pursue it anymore, but if you dare to say no again, I will call someone right away, It can cut you to pieces."

Chen Kai had no choice but to sigh softly. Chen Kai had obviously heard the roar of the engines of several cars coming from outside, and he could still tell what kind of car they were.

So a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, because he knew who it was.

But he deliberately didn't say anything, because he really wanted to know how the few people called by First Young Master Li would react when they saw his respectful appearance.

Soon, five people came to the door of the bar. These five people were all in suits and their hair was combed brightly. Young Master Li greeted them immediately with a smile.

"Why did you come here? I just met a very arrogant kid..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a very strange atmosphere shrouded in the surroundings. It turned out that these five people were obviously called by him, but now they seemed to be unwilling to talk to him at all, and instead looked at him in unison. He looked at Chen Kai blankly.

First Young Master Li still didn't realize what happened, he licked his face and smiled.

"That's right, it was this kid who beat me. I invited a few of you here today. I have nothing else to do. I just want you to teach me a lesson from this kid and vent my anger."

These people still didn't move. Even though Young Master Li reacted too slowly, he found that something was wrong at this moment. He looked at the few people he had called with some doubts and then looked at Chen Kai with the same eyes.

"Do you know each other?"

Still no one paid attention to him, but Chen Kai took a deep breath.

"We have finally seen each other for a long time. I always thought that you offended me and never dared to show up again, but I didn't expect that today because of this second idiot, we would meet again."

Hearing that Chen Kai was in front of so many people, First Young Master Li still called himself the second idiot and immediately jumped up again, yelling at those people.

"Did you hear that? You want to know who I am? This kid dares to call me the second idiot. It's really tolerable. Who can't bear it? Hurry up and teach me a lesson."

These five people still didn't intend to talk to him, but lined up respectfully and stood in front of Chen Kaijiao, bowing at 5 degrees.

"I'm really sorry. In fact, since the incident last time, the few of us wanted to apologize to you, but you have been too busy. It happened that I finally met you today by such a coincidence, so today Let me tell you formally, please don't count the faults of the villains, it's our actions that are unreasonable."

First Young Master Li's eyes widened immediately. He originally thought that the few people he called were all big shots in the world, and it would be effortless to deal with a small bar waiter.

I even thought that Chen Kai would be able to kneel down and beg for mercy in less than 5 minutes, but I didn't expect these five people to see Chen Kai, just like a mouse seeing a cat, and they are so respectful, which is really a bit embarrassing. It's unbelievable.

Chen Kai didn't speak, instead sat down on the chair again, poured himself a glass of wine with a very elegant gesture, and then said as if nothing had happened.

"It's over when the matter is over, so I don't plan to trouble you again, but today's incident really makes me feel dumbfounded. What is the relationship between you and this fool?"

(End of this chapter)

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