Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 190 Another wave

Chapter 190 Another Wave

These people looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally said in unison.

"We just drank wine with that fool a few times, and there is no deep friendship at all. It's just that he called us today, and we thought this little brother was looking for a reason to buy us a drink. So I came reluctantly, who knew they would offend you."

Chen Kai nodded silently, but he didn't believe a word of what they said in his heart, but since everyone said that, Chen Kai was unwilling to delve into it.

"Since we're here, everyone might as well sit down and have a drink."

These few people glanced at each other again, feeling a little hesitant in their hearts, because they didn't know whether they had a place for themselves in front of Chen Kai.

Although Chen Kai spoke so politely, because they had offended Chen Kai before, and they were afraid that Chen Kai would seek revenge on him, they were always feeling uneasy.

Especially after seeing Chen Kai now, even some timid people's calves began to tremble.

Seeing them like this, Chen Kai felt a little funny in his heart, so he drank the wine in his glass and looked at them with a smile.

"I said just now that I told you to sit down and you just do it, and what you said has already passed for such a long time. If I don't mention it, you'd better not bring it up again. As long as you do things in the future, Keep your eyes open, don't offend me again, and we will all live in peace."

After saying these words, the five people obviously let out a long breath, and then sat down hesitantly.

Gao Ming was drinking with other people in another bar at the moment. There were several people in front of him, and Han, who was all bruised and swollen, had obviously been woken up by Gao Ming just now, but he didn't know why they were sitting together again now.

Gao Ming picked up his wine glass and looked at them meaningfully.

"I said you guys are fine, why did you come to offend me? You didn't even ask me what my family background is like. People say that knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle. If you are so reckless, you come to offend me." , isn't it? Kind of silly?"

These few people looked at each other, they were really not convinced by this sentence, but because they couldn't beat Gao Ming, they had to listen quietly.

And Gao Ming obviously didn't take them seriously, he knew that these people in front of him were all messing around in the world, and people like this were always ruthless.

Although he is convinced by himself now, it does not mean that one day he has entered the trough of life, and whether he will be retaliated by these people in front of him, he is in any case, that is another story.

The most important thing now is to drink up the wine in the glass, chat with them again, and then leave this place as soon as possible.

He suddenly remembered that in two or three days, you saw Chen Kai again, and felt that drinking with these people in front of you was really boring. You should find Chen Kai to see if he is free, and talk to him. He had a good drink or two together.

After making up his mind, he suddenly looked at the people in front of him and smiled.

"I said our matter should be over. If you have nothing else to do, I'm afraid I will leave. We will meet later."

As he spoke, he stood up and was about to leave here, but before he reached the door, he suddenly heard a cell phone ringing from among the few people behind him.

Originally, Gao Ming would never be interested in this kind of phone call, but what happened today, maybe he drank two glasses of wine too much, or maybe it was some other reason?
Anyway, Gao Ming stopped in his tracks, wanting to hear what this man had to say.

Because the distance is really far away, Gao Ming couldn't hear the phone call at all. He didn't hear who the person was at the other end, and he didn't hear what the other party said. He only saw the person in front of him nodding continuously, and then his face suddenly changed.

"Where do you say you are? You just went to five people. Didn't you expect that all five people would not dare to do anything?"

"Well, I also have a martial arts master here."

As he spoke, he looked at Gao Ming intentionally or unintentionally, and then waved to his companions, which meant that Gao Ming must not let him go.

Now even if someone wants to leave skillfully, he will definitely not leave, because he suddenly heard the words "martial arts master", you must know that he has been learning martial arts since he was a child, and he is very interested in masters.

So far, the masters he has seen, it seems that there is no one else except Chen Kai.

If this person is really like what I thought before, then there is nothing better.

The person in front of him hung up the phone suddenly, then looked at Gao Ming meaningfully, and smiled mysteriously.

"Master Gao, a friend of mine called just now, saying that there is a martial arts master in another bar, and it is not a problem for one person to fight seven or eight times. I know your martial arts are also very good. If you miss it, why don't you go and see it with us?"

In fact, even if he didn't say that, Gao Ming had already made up his mind and wanted to meet this person, so he nodded with a smile.

"Okay then, you guys lead the way, and I'll follow you to have a look."

When Chen Kai saw the five trembling people in front of him, he seemed a little impatient. Qin Yue finally felt that he couldn't hug him anymore, so he followed Gao Rourou's example just now, and leaned close to Chen Kaijiao's ear.

"Today we feel like we've had enough to drink, otherwise let's get out of here quickly, so as not to cause trouble."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly because if he hadn't seen Young Master Li calling just now, he might have followed Qin Yue's suggestion, because she suddenly felt that being here was really boring.

But seeing Young Master Li making another phone call in a mysterious manner, he suddenly became curious.

Chen Kai knew that Young Master Li must have felt that the few people he had called were unreliable, so he called some other people. Today, Chen Kai wanted to see what kind of people this Young Master Li could teach.

Gao Ming brought a few others to this bar, and one of them was a friend of Young Master Li. When Young Master Li saw his friend, his eyes lit up immediately, and he ran over desperately.

"Brother Chao, you are here. You must be the master for me. You don't know that this kid is very good at martial arts. Relying on his good martial arts, he acted recklessly here and beat me up just now. You must avenge me."

As he spoke, he pointed at Chen Kai and burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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