Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 206 Nonsense?

Chapter 206 Nonsense?

Unexpectedly, that fat stupid woman didn't know that someone was watching her, and she was still talking.

"A woman like this can tell at a glance that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. She must not be a good person. Otherwise, how could she let her daughter dress up so beautifully to seduce men?"

Chen Kai finally couldn't listen anymore, Qin Ying also blushed.

Chen Kai rushed in front of the fat woman in three steps at a time.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The fat woman was taken aback, but immediately refuted.

"What did you say? What did you say I said? I'm so happy here, buying my own clothes, why are you rushing here when you have nothing to do?"

Chen Kai didn't bother to chatter with her, so he stretched out his hand and gave him a big mouthful. Hearing a crisp sound, the slap print immediately appeared on the fat woman's face.

The fat woman stopped doing it all at once: "You dare to hit me? I think you have taken the courage of your ambition. Do you know who I am? You wait here for me, don't run away."

Qin Ying was a little startled when she saw this move. She didn't expect Chen Kai to protect her so much. She thought it was just a few words in the past, but she didn't expect Chen Kai to make a move. She was a little surprised At the same time, there was a little gratitude, but also an inexplicable feeling, which slowly surged up from my heart.

In fact, she also wants to do the same, because the four sisters lost their father since they were young, and the only support is their mother, but it's okay for this fat woman to scold her, but she has to scold her own mother, which makes her really unbearable up.

Hearing that it was the fat lady who wanted to call, Qin Ying immediately took over the conversation.

"It's obvious that you are looking for trouble when you have nothing to do. You just said something dirty, don't you know? I think beating you is light."

The fat woman didn't do anything anymore, pointing at Qin Ying while making a phone call.

"You two adulterers..."

As soon as these words were uttered, I suddenly felt that something was wrong, because I didn't know whether Chen Kai and Qin Ying were a couple or a husband and wife, and it couldn't be said that they were committed by adulterers.

And saying this as if he had some ambiguous relationship with Chen Kai?
But the words have already been spoken, and it is too late to change them.

Chen Kai was even more furious, thinking that this fat woman is still so dishonest after being slapped, there must be something to rely on, but judging by her virtue, I am afraid that she may not necessarily go back to find her parents.

Maybe he was looking for some kind of man, and the man who can make this kind of woman so arrogant and domineering must be a bad boy, and he must not be a rich businessman.

The fat woman's phone was finally connected, and her voice became sweet and greasy at the same time.

It's hard to imagine that a woman of this age and figure can make such a sound. Chen Kai felt his stomach constricting. He reluctantly held back the desire to vomit, and stared at this man coldly. fat woman.

I just heard the fat woman talking coquettishly on the phone.

"Husband, something is wrong. I was slapped in the mall right now. Come quickly. If you don't come, I won't be able to live. This kid is very arrogant, and his mouth is not clean." scold me."

While talking, he even started to cry, seeing this fat woman crying and wiping away her tears was really funny, if it was in normal times, Chen Kai might have burst out laughing.

But seeing Qin Ying's aggrieved face now, he couldn't help feeling distressed, so he sighed softly.

The "husband" in the fat woman's mouth didn't know what to say to the fat woman. The fat woman finally hung up the phone, then stared at Chen Kai with wide eyes.

"Let me tell you, my husband will be here in a while. If you have the ability, you can wait here. You must know that my husband is a fitness trainer. If you want to fight, even ten or eight of you can't beat him."

Chen Kai could only shake his head and smile bitterly, thinking that he didn't know how many people had said similar things to him before, but the people who said these things before were all men, and they were all people with heads and faces, like the fat and handsome man in front of him. The pig-like woman told herself that this was probably the first time she had said such a thing.

"Don't worry, since I beat you today, I won't run away easily, and I also tell you, no matter what kind of person the husband you are looking for is, he will only be beaten in front of me."

The fat woman was speechless, so she had to wait patiently. Sure enough, after a short time, a young man hurried over.

Chen Kai laughed immediately after seeing this person, because this really verified his guess.Judging by the age of this young man and the age of this fat woman, it is impossible for them to be a couple anyway, and not only Chen Kai understood at this time, but even the audience who were attracted by the quarrel just now had their end.

Qin Ying thought in her heart that she also said that other people are adulterers. It is very likely that this fat woman herself has this kind of virtue, and what she said to others just now must have been scolded by others before, and she said it out of desperation. He didn't choose to say anything, so he blurted out.

Thinking of this, Qin Ying also raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, but soon realized that this fat woman had insulted her mother, and her face immediately sank again.

After the young man walked in, Chen Kai found that he was as strong as the fat woman said.

But Chen Kai still didn't take it seriously, seeing on his body that he ran to those two steps just now, even if he has martial arts, his body is not much higher.

Today, if he speaks politely, it's fine. If he dares to speak rudely, I have to show him some good looks today.

When the fat woman saw the young man coming, she immediately ran and rushed towards him. For a moment, Chen Kai worried that what kind of thing would it be like if the fat woman's body weighing more than 300 kilograms really threw herself into the young man's arms? What kind of scene?
But unexpectedly, the young man stretched out his arms to hug the fat woman, and comforted her softly.

"Oh my wife, why are you crying? You must not cry. After you cry, your eyes will be blurred, and then it will not look good."

If you just listen to the voice, you must feel that this young man is hugging a big beauty like a flower, but seeing the scene in front of you, coupled with the voice just now, even the audience can't hear it. After going down, some people even showed retching expressions.

The fat woman immediately cried to the young man.

"I was shopping here for clothes just now, and suddenly that man rushed over and beat me, so hurry up and teach him a lesson."

(End of this chapter)

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