Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 207: Kowtow and beg for mercy

Chapter 207: Kowtow and beg for mercy
The man looked at the gentle and polite Chen Kai, and felt that if he wanted to hit him like this, he must not be there for a while, so he snorted coldly and walked in front of Chen Kairen.

"Why did you beat my wife? I don't know why we both need to know the reason. How do you beat my wife now? I'll make you pay back the capital with interest."

As he said that, he was about to attack Chen Kai, and the reason why he did this was not just to avenge that fat woman, but because he suddenly saw Qin Ying, he felt even more jealous in his heart, thinking why someone like Chen Kai could Standing with such a big beauty or even a big beauty like a fairy, but he is so strong and a fitness trainer, why can he only be with such a fat woman, and an underground lover?
Of course, this is just what I think in my heart. Naturally, I can't say these words, not only in front of so many people, but even if it's only the fat woman, I absolutely can't let her hear it, because I still point at it. People support themselves.

He just vented all his anger and dissatisfaction on Chen Kai, but he didn't expect that although Chen Kai looked gentle and fragile, he was a good fighter, and what was even more weird was that his body still had internal strength.

Of course the young man didn't know all this, so when he was waving his fist at Chen Kai with all his strength, Chen Kai suddenly held his palm with one hand.

He looked at the pig in disbelief, still thinking about what happened, but before he could react, that kind of kick hit his lower abdomen, and he immediately bent down in pain, Cold sweat also flowed out.

Chen Kai didn't wait for him to speak, and rushed over immediately, and started punching and kicking him to such an extent that even Qin Ying couldn't stand it anymore.

He intended to rush over to stop him, but then thought that this pair of adulterers must have suffered such a violent beating.

If I hadn't met myself and Chen Kai today, maybe they would bully others like this in the future.

That fat woman is obviously looking good-looking at herself, but she is not the only one who looks good-looking?
So it is obvious that this fat woman sees a better-looking woman and just curses like this, with a dirty mouth. If she doesn't teach her a lesson today, she might cause some kind of trouble in the future.
So Qin Ying gave up her plan to stop him. The young man was beaten and rolled all over the floor, but he couldn't escape from Chen Kai's palm.

The fat woman was dumbfounded. It's not that she has never seen her sweetheart fight before, and it is obvious that one fights several times.

Those gangsters couldn't get close to him at all, but now they were beaten violently by a young man who was weaker than him, and he was beaten helplessly, even to the point of crying for his father and mother, she couldn't believe it, but she couldn't Do not believe.

The young man couldn't bear the beating, so he could only beg for mercy. .

"I said you don't fight, it's not good for us?"

Chen Kai felt that these words did not seem to be begging for mercy, so he rushed over and punched and kicked again. This person only thought that he was in love with money, and he might be beaten to death, so he had to say something nice .

"I'm the eldest brother, you must stop hitting, otherwise it will kill you."

Chen Kai was so angry that he kicked him again, and the man screamed again.

"I will teach you a little lesson today, so that you know that you should be polite to others after you go out. I don't know what kind of relationship you have with this fat woman, but I think it is absolutely impossible for you to be a couple. Even if you are a couple, you are just doing it for Money is just being taken care of by others, a man like you should be a man with his tail between his legs, and don't come out when there is nothing to shame."

How could the young man dare to say anything else, so he kept nodding his head.

"Thank you for your lesson, brother, I will never dare again in the future."

The fat woman fell down early at the moment, and she was already sitting on the ground, not knowing what to do. If he still had reason now, he would have run away, but on the one hand, he couldn't let go of his little lover, on the other hand Er'er was already so frightened that her legs were so weak that she couldn't stand up, let alone run away.

Chen Kai approached the fat woman step by step, and grabbed his hair as soon as he reached out.

The body weighing hundreds of catties seemed to be nothing in Chen Kai's hands, and was dragged in front of Qin Ying just like that.

"Kneel down now and say something nice to Qin Ying, and I'll spare you. Otherwise, you know what will happen to you."

Only then did the fat woman realize that she had really offended someone she couldn't afford to offend this time. Although she had done such things before, the most she could do was quarrel with the other party, and then wait for her little lover to come and beat him up. Suddenly, it was enough to express the anger in his heart, and sometimes he would even do it himself, grabbing a little girl who was prettier than him.

She didn't stop until the other party's face was disfigured. She had never suffered any kind of loss, but now Chen Kai is so vicious, and her little lover has been beaten into that virtue.

He was already scared to death, and now he heard that made him kneel down, although he was very reluctant in his heart, but when he thought that Chen Kai's fist had really landed on him, even though his body was bigger and more resistant to beating, But I'm afraid it will be difficult to withstand a few punches?
Thinking of this, the fat woman got up tremblingly, and kowtowed respectfully to Qin Ying.

"Big beauty, I'm really sorry just now. It was my bad mouth that said some nasty things. I hope you adults will ignore the faults of villains. For the sake of my age, just let me go this time. I I promise you that I will never dare again."

Chen Kai saw that she just kowtowed and didn't show any distress, so he rushed over and kicked her to the ground.

"Apologize from the bottom of your heart, or I'll make you lie down in the hospital for at least half a month like your little lover."

The fat woman hurriedly got up, ignoring the pain in her body, and hurriedly kowtowed in front of Qin Ying.

Say sorry, slap yourself, and soon the fat face becomes more swollen.

Qin Ying's mood was really a bit depressed. Seeing this decades-old woman apologizing like a dog in front of her, she really didn't want to care about it.

So he turned around, still looking at the clothes he had just picked out, and said calmly to Chen Kai behind him.

"Let these two disgusting things disappear from my sight, I don't want to see them again."

(End of this chapter)

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