Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 238 3 Women Arguing

Chapter 238 Three Women Arguing
Lin Keke was so wronged that he was about to cry, because he heard what Chen Kai said next.

"What's going on? Where are you now? Tell me quickly, and I'll find you right away. Don't be nervous or compromise. Just hold on for as long as possible. I'll be there soon. will arrive."

Lin Keke was very reluctant in her heart, but after hearing such words, her nose even started to feel sore.

Chen Kai is also not in the mood now, guessing what these girls are thinking, he turned to look at Qin Yue, and nodded slightly.

"You must have heard what I said just now. An Mengyao is very dangerous now. I have to go to her, so I'm afraid I won't be able to go shopping with you today. After you finish shopping, go home early, and then go home be safe."

Qin Yue was worried about Chen Kai's injuries, so she also grabbed Chen Kai.

"Be careful yourself, because you still have injuries on your body. If you really can't do it, call the officials. After all, those are just gangsters. No matter how powerful they are, I'm afraid they will be afraid of the officials."

Chen Kai thought that it was not such a simple matter at all, although he really called the housekeeper, it might solve the trouble at that time.

But if these gangsters are not hurt, they will definitely continue to make trouble, and in that case, I am afraid it will be endless, so why not go there by yourself and show them your martial arts.

Chen Kai's image of these gangsters is really a bit too stubborn. If he fights these few times according to his previous experience, these gangsters will definitely not come to trouble again.

But having said that, since they really came here again, it means that these people still have hidden strengths, and I really have to be more careful.

Maybe the thugs they called this time are also some martial arts masters, and if they are a little careless, it is very likely that they will also be folded here.

Even though he said that, Chen Kai knew that he had to go, because An Mengyao's current situation was really too dangerous. If he didn't go, maybe such a beautiful woman would be coaxed by those hooligans The coaxing was ruined, and in that way, I'm afraid I will feel guilty for the rest of my life.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai couldn't help speeding up his pace.

Seeing Chen Kai leaving in a hurry, Lin Keke finally stomped his feet fiercely.

"This woman is really annoying, I really hope he really let those bastards..."

Having said that, Lin Keke suddenly stopped talking. Have you suddenly realized that these words are a bit too vicious.

But it was too late, both Qin Yue and Gao Rourou had guessed what Lin Keke wanted to say just now, before Gao Rourou expressed dissatisfaction, Qin Yue had already snorted coldly.

"So you are such a vicious woman? Let me tell you, if you really have no sympathy at all, Chen Kai will definitely not like you. I advise you to die."

Lin Keke's eyes widened immediately, looking at Qin Yue and glaring at each other.

"What are you talking about? Even if Chen Kai doesn't like me, he definitely won't like you, because you showed dissatisfaction just now, do you think Chen Kai's eyes can't tell?"

Qin Yue was really angry, with a secret resentment in her heart, this Lin Keke's eyes were really poisonous, just now Chen Kai said that he wanted to leave her, although he was unhappy in his heart, he really didn't show anything, it was just a slight look in his eyes. There was some reluctance, or a touch of melancholy, but even so, he did not hide it from Lin Keke's eyes. I don't know how he could tell that he liked Chen Kai, and it made Qin Yue feel unwilling What's more, Lin Keke just hit his own pain point.

Qin Yue recalled the last incident involving Chen Kai's bed, and couldn't help feeling hot on her face, thinking that she was so good-looking, if Chen Kai was really interested in her, she would definitely not behave so well that night of.

Although I felt very nervous lying in Chen Kai's bed at the time, after the incident, I felt a little regretful because nothing happened, but as a girl, it's not easy to tell others about this kind of thing, so I There is no way to tell Chen Kai.

"I said, Lin Keke, your words are really too much. Chen Kai lives in the same house as our sisters, and we can see each other every day. Have you ever heard of love for a long time? Even if you like me, the probability is no longer Low, that is much higher than the probability of liking you."

Seeing the two girls arguing non-stop, Gao Rourou couldn't take it anymore, because she had already seen many people around, pointing fingers at the three of them.

"I said, can you two stop arguing on the street? Chen Kai really left because of something. Didn't you hear the phone call just now? Even if you two have already fallen in love with Chen Kai, but At least have a little bit of sympathy for the girl who made the phone call, right? Her life and death are uncertain now, and what kind of torture she will suffer, but now you are jealous of a man here, so I don’t know what to say alright."

Originally, I thought that the two girls would stop arguing after saying this, but I didn't expect that after the two girls finished listening, they turned their finger on her.

Lin Keke snorted coldly, and looked at Gao Rourou with disdain.

"You don't pretend to be a good person here, do you think we don't know? You also fell in love with Chen Kai at first sight."

Gao Rourou's face was hot for a while, and she hurriedly looked around carefully.

"I said, can you keep your voice down? After all, this is a private matter for the three of us. Do you think it's interesting to talk about such things on the street?"

Only then did Qin Yue and Lin Keke realize that there were more and more people watching, and they felt a little embarrassed on their faces, but if they didn't speak now, it would mean that they had lost to each other, so they could only stare dissatisfiedly at each other.

Gao Rourou couldn't help but sighed again, feeling a little regretful in her heart, she shouldn't have said that just now, but she couldn't just watch like this, Qin Yue and Lin Keke continued to quarrel.

"I don't think we should go shopping today. First, Chen Kai has already left. Second, the two of you dislike each other. Now you don't even like me, so let's go home separately."

Qin Yue was not in the mood to go shopping, and Lin Keke wanted to find a place to vent her emotions, so they snorted at each other again, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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