Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 239 Looking for trouble again

Chapter 239 Looking for trouble again
It's a pity that Chen Kai doesn't know these things, but what can he do if he knows, what he thinks about now is An Mengyao's safety, and he really doesn't want this girl to suffer any more harm, or put it in danger.

Fortunately, these gangsters did not kidnap An Mengyao again, but directly came to the company to trouble her. This made Chen Kai heave a sigh of relief, thinking that in the company, no matter how daring these gangsters were, they would not dare What do you think of An Mengyao in public?

When Chen Kai came to Qin Xiang's company, before he got out of the car, he saw the group of people from yesterday squatting at the door of the company.And they are forming a circle, discussing something in a low voice.

Chen Kai immediately understood that An Mengyao hadn't suffered any real threats, but because he saw these people at the door, he naturally thought that they were here to trouble him.

That is to say, no matter what the purpose of these gangsters coming this time, they haven't had time to do it yet.

Chen Kai let out a long breath, thinking that fortunately Ai Mengyao found out early, otherwise, he really didn't know what would happen.

And these bastards were obviously discussing how to act after seeing An Mengyao for a while, and they kept whispering, and several people around showed serious expressions, nodding or echoing a word or two from time to time.

An Mengyao had been lying on the window the whole time, looking downstairs, and when she saw Chen Kai's figure, she was also relieved, as if seeing a savior, she kept talking to Chen Kai.

She knew that Chen Kai couldn't hear her own voice, so she just used her mouth.

Chen Kai didn't understand lip language, but the general mouth shape could still be seen, so he made a silent gesture.

And then answer with lips.

"You stay there, don't come down."

This sentence was extremely simple, because Chen Kai also knew that An Mengyao couldn't understand lip language at all, and it would be a waste of time to say it too complicated.

Through the window, Chen Kai could clearly see the worried expression on An Mengyao's face.

She knew that Chen Kai was injured, and that the wound was bandaged by herself. Although she was very confident or admired Chen Kai's martial arts, but facing so many gangsters now, if she was injured again, things would definitely become very serious. Trouble.

An Mengyao really doesn't worry about herself at all now, all her attention is on Chen Kai, she doesn't even know whether her own safety is more important, or whether Chen Kai's physical condition needs more attention .

Chen Kai doesn't care about what An Mengyao is thinking now, he just wants to get rid of the gangsters in front of him quickly, lest they make An Mengyao worry.

After much deliberation, I feel that it is more appropriate to go straight to the point and save a lot of trouble. Thinking of this, I walked to the gangsters step by step.

They were squatting and discussing countermeasures. Suddenly, the gangster who was facing Chen Kai spotted Chen Kai and was walking over. His face immediately changed, so he winked at his gang of brothers. They also understood immediately, turned around at the same time, and looked at Chen Kai.

After seeing Chen Kai's figure, he immediately glared at him.

They had already made inquiries, and came to find An Mengyao when Chen Kai was not in the company, although their ultimate goal was not this girl, but Chen Kai.

But he also knew that with this girl in his hands, he could force Chen Kai to let go of everything.

Their method is undoubtedly correct, but it's a pity that Chen Kai is not an ordinary person, but a person with very good skills and a personality that hates evil.

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.

"Yesterday, you must have known my skills. It is impossible for dozens of people to hurt me. Now, do you guys think that you can change the outcome of the matter? Hurry up before I do anything. Leave, or what will happen next, no one wants to see."

The gangster squatting in the middle finally stood up, pointed at Chen Kai and said arrogantly.

"You don't want to be proud there. Do you know that the reason why you escaped yesterday was purely due to luck. Today we have already prepared, and what you just said is right, we have already learned about your skills. It is precisely because of this reason that the people we summoned this time are not ordinary people."

Chen Kai knew that it would not make sense to reason with these people, so he sighed softly.

"I know you still have some people in this city, and I don't want to keep entangled with you all the time. After all, when will the grievances be repaid, so I have a proposal, and I hope you can agree."

The gangster's boss was really interested, and looked at Chen Kai meaningfully.

"What do you want to say? I advise you not to go around in circles."

Chen Kai sighed softly again.

"Why are you in such a hurry? In fact, my method is also very simple, that is, you can call as many people as you want, and we will fight one family, but this time, the outcome is determined. If you lose, you will not be allowed to come Trouble with An Mengyao, if I lose, I won't care about it anymore."

The boss looked at his gang, and these gangsters shook their heads at the same time, because they still have more people lurking in every corner of the city, even if they suffer again this time, they will become more and more courageous , They believed that one day, the person they found would be someone Chen Kai couldn't deal with.

Seeing them shaking their heads, Chen Kai snorted coldly.

"I knew that you guys were just cowardly and afraid of death. So many people dare not fight with me alone. I really don't know what else to say."

The boss of this bastard couldn't stop anymore, he immediately widened his eyes, pointed at Chen Kai's nose and shouted loudly.

"What are you talking about? Do you really think you can win? You must know that there are many people here, you are as good as the sky, and you are just one person..."

Chen Kai interrupted him impatiently.

"Since you are so sure of yourself, you might as well come with me. I know a martial arts gym, and that martial arts gym is just right for fighting, and it won't attract the attention of others."

The boss looked at his group of brothers again. Those gangsters were hesitant, but there were also those with firm eyes. The boss found that there were more people who still wanted to fight, so he turned to look at Chen Kai.

"In this case, you should lead the way ahead, but don't be too far away, we really don't have that patience."

(End of this chapter)

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