Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 282 Unstoppable

Chapter 282 Unstoppable
Chen Kai was stunned, thinking to himself what happened?I myself originally lived here on loan. Although it is said that this is a villa, it has nothing to do with me. It is said that I and you are friends, but there is no reason for you to temporarily live in someone else's house.

If it is his own house, of course there is nothing to say, not to mention that there is only one Lin Keke, even if there are three or a few people, Chen Kai doesn't care, but at this stage, coupled with his own identity, he can bring a friend to the house It's kind of embarrassing to come.

Seeing that hesitant look, Lin Keke snorted dissatisfiedly.

"You are really not cheerful at all. It's late at night, and I haven't finished my meal. You just let me stand at the door like this, and you didn't even mean to let me go in and sit for a while, isn't it a bit Can't say enough?"

Chen Kai thought to himself that a girl came to stay at my place in the middle of the night, which is a bit unbelievable, but if it is really necessary to go out to stay overnight, at least you have to say hello in advance, right?

What's more, your family is so rich, if you really don't have a place to live, there are plenty of hotels in this city, you can choose whatever you want, so why come to me?

Lin Keke became more and more dissatisfied: "I said you are really annoying, do you really want me to stand at the door and chat with you like this?"

Chen Kai had no choice but to sigh softly: "To be honest, I really think this is a bit inappropriate, because this is not my own home, I just live here, as for the specifics I'm afraid I can't tell you why."

Lin Keke interrupted him impatiently: "Then I don't care anymore, I've already come anyway, look at my luggage, you really have the heart to let me carry these things on my back ?"

As he spoke, he suddenly looked at Chen Kai with extremely resentful eyes.

"I won't stay here for too long. It's just a two or three days stay at most. Of course, I will give you some money when I leave, because I never like to live and eat for nothing."

Chen Kai became even more puzzled. He looked Lin Keke up and down, and finally couldn't help asking.

"You really want to spend money, why don't you stay in a hotel?"

Lin Keke stomped her feet half aggrieved and half coquettish.

"I said, are you finished? Let me tell you, I have come today. You have to let me live if you want, or you have to let me live if you don't want to."

As he spoke, he picked up his big and small bags, and rushed straight into the villa.

Chen Kai had no choice but to stop her in a hurry.

"Okay, okay, I know, you are definitely going to live here today, but I have to at least say hello to the owner of this house, otherwise it seems that I am a bit..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Keke interrupted him.

"Then why are you still standing here? Why don't you go in and ask the owner of this house for instructions?"

Chen Kai then sighed again, closed the door and walked into the room.

Qin Yue and Qin Min were still sitting on the sofa, still ignoring each other, but when they saw Chen Kai coming in, they suddenly asked in unison.

"Who the hell is it?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately noticed that the two people asked this sentence at the same time, so he lowered his head with a blushing face.

Chen Kai felt that talking to these two little sisters might not be worthwhile, so he smiled lightly.

"There is a friend of mine at the door. If I want to stay here, I have to ask my eldest sister for instructions. If my eldest sister has no objection, I will let him in."

As he spoke, he went up the stairs and knocked on Qin Xiang's door.

Qin Xiang was reading a book in the room, when she heard the knock on the door, she answered casually.

"Who is it? The door is not closed, come in."

As soon as the words were finished, the door opened. Qin Xiang saw that it was Chen Kai, and her eyes flashed with surprise. Thinking of the scene where the two slept together last time, her face immediately turned cold.

"No one ran into your room today, so if you still want to be in the same room with me today, I advise you not to think about it. Shouldn't you be cooking in the kitchen at this time? Why do you want me? "

Chen Kai smiled wryly and shook his head: "A friend wanted to stay here with me. I'll come over and discuss it with you. If you think there's no problem, I'll let him in."

Qin Xiang looked at that one curiously: "What kind of friend? Did he come from somewhere else? Why don't you go directly to the hotel?"

Chen Kai thought, if you ask me this question, who should I ask?

But he knew he couldn't say that, so he forced a smile again.

"What's going on, I don't know the details, anyway, people have already arrived at the door now, I'm afraid it won't cause them any trouble, and she said that she will give some accommodation fees when she leaves."

After Qin Xiang heard this, she couldn't help laughing: "What are you talking about? We're not opening a hotel anymore, and you said we were your friends? What's the point of staying here for two days? Anyway, there are still many rooms in our villa, you can choose one at random, clean it for her, and arrange to live in it, can't you?"

With the elder sister's permission, Chen Kaichi really felt relieved, thinking that if he didn't allow it, he would rather live here, and I'm afraid he really has to take him to the hotel tonight.

Fortunately, these four sisters are all reasonable people, thinking about walking briskly to the door of the villa, when Lin Keke opened the door, Lin Keke was already a little impatient, and kept dodging at the door, seeing When the door opened, he looked at Chen Kai with a cold face.

"You are really disgusting. Let me tell you, I have never been in such trouble as I am now when I go to live in someone's house."

As he said, he picked up his luggage and rushed into the house.

"I don't care if the family agrees or not. Anyway, I've already come, and I've waited for such a long time. Even if I'm not allowed to live, I'm afraid it's not justified."

After speaking, the person had already walked into the door, Chen Kai sighed softly, closed the door of the villa again, and followed Lin Keke into the living room.

Qin Yue and Qin Min immediately widened their eyes when they saw such a beautiful woman.

"Are you Chen Kai's friend?"

They had no way not to react like this, because Lin Keke looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, how could Chen Kai meet friends with such a big age gap?

Lin Keke immediately understood what the two sisters meant, so she turned to look at Chen Kai.

"You explain to these two sisters that I am indeed your friend, otherwise these two sisters might not let me live here."

(End of this chapter)

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