Chapter 283
Chen Kai had no choice but to smile awkwardly.

"Actually, you don't need to doubt at all. Lin Keke and I have known each other for a long time, but we haven't had a chance to introduce them to you. It is very likely that something happened at home today, and we are staying here temporarily. Here, so please forgive me a little bit.”

Qin Yue and Qin Min immediately became tense, thinking that the two sisters were already a little embarrassed because of their relationship with Chen Kai, but now there is another such beautiful girl, even though Chen Kai has said they are friends, But who knows what is the relationship between these two people?

Unmarried male and female unmarried...

But soon something that worried them even more happened, Lin Keke asked with a sweet smile.

"Please tell me where is Chen Kai's room?"

Qin Min and Qin Yue's hearts immediately raised their throats nervously, wondering what the hell this Lin Keke was doing, why did he have to live in Chen Kai's room when he came here?
Just as he was hesitating whether to tell her, Qin Ying had already pointed in the direction of Chen Kai's room.

Lin Keke smiled sweetly again: "Thank you."

Then he took the luggage and walked towards Chen Kai's room amidst Qin Yue and Qin Min's incredible expressions.

Qin Yue and Qin Min had no choice but to glance at each other, and lowered their heads at the same time, the hatred for each other became more serious, and the two girls were complaining to each other.

If it wasn't for robbing him, Chen Kai might have already become his own person now. Of course, I am embarrassed to say these words, especially now that there is Qin Ying in the living room.

Chen Kai also looked helpless, but now that Lin Keke has entered the room, he can't call him out, right?Thinking that I haven't finished my meal anyway, let's make dinner first. I will arrange where Lin Keke sleeps this night.

Anyway, there are a lot of rooms in this villa, just clean out one, and then take out a set of clean bedding, and simply arrange it.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai walked into the kitchen. The preparations were almost done just now. Chen Kai cut up a few more dishes and quickly made a sumptuous dinner. Because there were guests, he added more than usual Two dishes.

After bringing all the food to the table, Chen Kai called his sisters to eat together.

The girls were already hungry, and Qin Xiang stopped reading and walked out of the room.

Lin Keke was still in Chen Kai's room, and Chen Kai felt that he had to go and call him no matter what, just stood up and walked into his room.

"I know you didn't eat at night, so let's take a bite now."

Lin Keke was thinking about something with his head down, obviously he didn't notice that Chen Kai had entered the room, and was startled by the sudden voice

"Really, we didn't make any noise when we walked?"

Chen Kai smiled in the future: "You are the real one. You were obviously out of your mind thinking about the problem. You didn't even notice that I walked in. Now you blame me. It's nothing else. Dinner is ready. .”

Lin Keke didn't wait for him to finish, and immediately ran out, because he had already inquired from others before, saying that Chen Kai made a good dish, and he wanted to try it for a long time, but he never had the chance, and now he can finally get his wish up.

When she ran to the restaurant, Chen Kai thoughtfully took a chair for her to sit down, Lin Keke stopped being polite, smiled at everyone, sat down and started eating.

Because suddenly there was an outsider, so during the meal this time, the four sisters said very little, especially Qin Min and Qin Yue, they didn't say a word during the whole meal, and even Chen Kai felt I'm not used to it.

Lin Keke didn't know whether it was because of embarrassment, or because she thought she was really full, and suddenly put the chopsticks on the table, stood up and bowed slightly.

"Thank you for your hospitality, I'm full, now I'm going back to my room."

Then he turned and walked into Chen Kai's room.

Immediately afterwards, the four sisters had finished eating, and Chen Kai was the last one, and then they cleaned up the dishes and washed them in the kitchen.

Soon Chen Kai finished washing the dishes, returned all the tableware to their original positions, and walked out of the kitchen.

Seeing these sisters sitting in the living room watching TV, I thought I don't need to bother them anymore, I have to ask Lin Keke why he ran away from home?
If there is a need for help, you can also do your part.

Thinking of this, I didn't disturb these sisters, but please know that I returned to my room, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw Lin Keke was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, and Chen Kai knocked on the door.

"Now don't say that I walk silently."

Lin Keke suddenly raised his head: "Are you full too?"

Chen Kai didn't answer this question, but walked into his room slowly, took out a chair and sat down.

"When I was at the door just now, I asked why you came out to stay overnight. I know that according to your family conditions, you can go anywhere. Why do you have to come to me?"

Lin Keke didn't seem to be interested in this question, so he lowered his head again and continued playing with his phone.

Chen Kai sighed helplessly: "I'm asking you a question, did you quarrel with your family members and then ran away from home? If that's the case, you are really wayward, it doesn't matter if you leave home like this , but do you know how worried your family will be?"

Lin Keke finally put away her phone and looked at Chen Kai impatiently.

"Actually, it's not what you think at all. After I got home today, my dad suddenly called me to the side, and said to me with a serious face, let me go to my classmate's house to stay for a few days first?"

Chen Kai frowned immediately. What kind of reason would Lin Keke come out to spend the night?
Chen Kai thought about it, and felt that the most likely thing was that Du Keke's father had encountered some kind of revenge against his family.

Seeing that Chen Kai hadn't spoken for a long time, Lin Keke couldn't help asking curiously.

"What are you thinking? Do you think I haven't told you the truth? I can indeed go to the hotel, which will be more convenient, but I'm a little worried."

Chen Kai asked subconsciously.

"What are you worried about?"

As soon as this question was asked, Lin Keke frowned again and shook her head slightly.

"I don't know the specific situation at all. I just think that your martial arts are very good and can definitely guarantee my safety. That's why I came to you. Otherwise, do you think I'm so rare for such a villa? The place where I live I'm afraid it's not as good as this time."

(End of this chapter)

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