Chapter 38
Facing his arrogant attitude, the coach was happy.

Next, let you see what it means to not know what is good or bad!
The coach sneered, and then shouted loudly: "Everyone come and see, today I will let you see what will happen to those who offend this coach?"

The students, who were already curious, immediately gathered around under the coach's appeal, watching the guy who appeared out of nowhere in front of him and pointing, but they directly expected his next tragedy.

"Bring the planks!"

The competition started, and the coach put his hands on his hips and shouted.

In an instant, a student ran over with a piece of wood in his arms, and then held it high above his head, standing in front of the coach.

Chen Kai propped his chin with his hands and looked at the scene in front of him with a half-smile.

The coach first glanced at Chen Kai triumphantly, found his gaze on him, thought he was worshiping him, and immediately became even more arrogant, then jumped up in the air, and chopped off the three stacked wooden boards with his bare hands.


The students present gasped, this was the first time they saw the coach truly show his strength.

What's more, I regret not taking out my mobile phone to record this awesome scene.

You must know that this piece of wood is a full three centimeters thick, and when the three pieces are superimposed, it is nine centimeters. This is how much strength and perseverance it takes to break it.

"it is good!"

"Okay, the coach is mighty!"

The students present shouted and applauded in unison.

After the students cleaned up the torn boards on the ground, the coach stood in front of Chen Kai showing off.

"How? If you regret it now, there is still time."

"Do you still want to fight?"

He couldn't believe that the tricks just now hadn't scared the guy in front of him who didn't know what to do.

Chen Kai shrugged and applauded cooperatively.

"Not bad, it really opened my eyes."

"However, after playing a monkey game, you just want me to stop making shots. You have a pretty good idea."

Thought this was an acrobatic troupe, and it was easy to say anything after making the client happy?
His special skill was actually called a monkey show by him. The coach's face was turned green and white with anger, his hands clenched into fists, and bones rubbed against each other, making a frightening sound.

Facing Chen Kai's unbearable humiliation, the coach quickly turned around and did a backflip, quickly folded his hands in the air, stretched out his right leg and drew an arc, and flew towards Chen Kai forcefully.

This is... Xuanwu!
The students exclaimed!

As soon as Xuanwu came out, no matter how powerful the recruiter was, he was doomed to be unable to retreat unscathed.

"Chen Kai, be careful!"

Qin Min screamed uncontrollably, he couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if this Xuanwu attacked Chen Kaike.

Just as everyone was holding the attitude of relying on the show, and even prepared to call 120, the next scene made everyone speechless.

I saw that Chen Kai had no intention of coping with it. Instead, he casually punched the coach's move directly, and his strong spare power made the coach take several steps back again and again.

"how come!"

Not only the students, but even the coaches couldn't believe it.

He couldn't believe that his special skill was easily deciphered by someone, or was he a little-known guy?
What is the origin of this man?
The coach was puzzled, but the burning anger in his heart made him have no time to take these things into consideration.

No matter how powerful you are, don't even think about getting out of here today!

"Come on, come on!"

Chen Kai hooked his fingers like teasing a dog.

"you wanna die!"

The coach roared, and the whirlwind kicked towards Chen Kai non-stop. The strong wind from the soles of his feet made the surrounding curtains flutter with the wind.

Chen Kai's eyes were fixed on his constantly moving legs.

It's now!

When he was about to kick himself, the cunning coach Gao Liguo quickly changed the center of gravity of his right leg to his left leg, and then swept with all his strength.

However, Chen Kai had already seen through his strategy. As early as the moment he rushed forward and his eyes changed, he had already anticipated the tricks he might use next.

It's just that I didn't expect this guy to be so stupid that he actually leaked the flaw to his opponent.

'boom! '

With a sound, coach Gao Liguo was kicked out, hit the wall, and then fell to the ground.

Chen Kai patted the non-existent dust on his hands, stepped forward step by step, stood in front of the Korean coach, and looked down at him.

"It is said that you are invincible. I really don't understand how you can be invincible with such strength? Could it be that you bought it with money?"

Chen Kai's big eyes were full of doubts, like a curious baby.

This innocent look is completely different from the murderous look just now, Coach Koryo almost vomited blood because of his look.

"How on earth did you notice it?"

Enduring the anger in his heart, coach Gao Liguo asked the doubts in his heart with a painful chest.

Even if you are not reconciled, you have to admit that you have indeed failed!
"It's very simple, don't you know that the most taboo thing when fighting an opponent on the battlefield is the change of expression?"

Even if it's just the slightest movement, as long as you show it, your flaws will follow.

It's just a pity that this arrogant guy doesn't seem to take this seriously at all.

But even if he doesn't show his flaws, he is not his opponent!
That's the point.

At this time, a woman who had been hiding in the crowd without any sense of presence flashed panic in her eyes facing such a scene.

Then he moved his steps carefully, step by step, moving backward, trying to reduce his sense of existence, so as not to attract anyone's attention.


Sensing the subtle movements in the crowd, Chen Kai directly picked up a wooden board on the table beside him and flew over.

With a scream, a woman in a white taekwondo uniform fell to the ground clutching her calf, frowning in unbearable pain.

"Yo, where do you want to go?"

Running away in such a hurry, she must be the woman who tripped Qin Min yesterday.

Although she doesn't look very good, she is too femme fatale, and she really doesn't deserve this face.

"A woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions is probably talking about someone like you!"

Chen Kai squatted in front of the woman, pinching her chin with his fingers so that she could not move, looked at her with cold eyes, slapped heavily, and looked at the redness and swelling on her fair face.

"Being a person and doing things, keep three points in everything. It's right to think about yourself, but if you go too far, the main thing is to be prepared to be retaliated by others!"

As he spoke, he pushed her away in disgust.

Qin Min watched this scene, and there was a ripple in his originally calm heart.

From childhood to adulthood, there is such a sweetness in the heart that is as still as water?
(End of this chapter)

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