Chapter 39
The woman who had been taught a lesson saw how powerful Chen Kai was, so she didn't even dare to fart at this moment, and cowardly shrank aside.

The other students present admired Chen Kai's superb martial arts from the inside out. They, who had been promoted to the Huaxia Empire, were even more proud of their country's kung fu at this moment.

Especially when they saw their coach humiliating their country's martial arts, but in the end they were slapped in the face by reality, and the students no longer took the coach seriously.

Such a coach is not worthy of staying in the Chinese Empire to earn their money!
"I want a refund, I don't study anymore!"

The crowd did not know who yelled first, which immediately attracted other people to echo, and all the students in the classroom clamored for a refund.

Gao Liguo's coach was like a rat crossing the street, everyone was shouting and beating him. Amid so many people's resistance, he had no choice but to leave the classroom in embarrassment.

"Master, we are willing to spend as much money as you teach us martial arts!"

"Yes, master, our Chinese Empire's martial arts are simply too powerful, please teach us!"


At this moment, the melon eaters surrounded Chen Kai and Qin Min one after another, and kept praying that Chen Kai could teach them powerful martial arts.

Originally, I just wanted to teach Gao Liguo's coach a lesson so that he would not harass Qin Min in the future, but I imagined it would end up like this.

Chen Kai was a little caught off guard, but he had no choice but to politely reject them.

"I'm really sorry, these kung fu are inherited from our family and will never be passed on to the outside world. If you really like it, you can go to the martial arts hall of our empire to learn."

While Chen Kai politely refused, he pulled Qin Min's wrist and tried to squeeze a way out of the crowd.

After going through a lot of trouble and rushing out of the crowd, he immediately pulled Qin Min into the car and left.

Looking at the people behind the car who were unwilling to chase through the rearview mirror, Qin Min couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that this time you not only defeated the coach of Korea, but also won the trust of the students. I was pleasantly surprised."

When she was surrounded by the crowd just now, she almost thought she was a star.

Unexpectedly, the first time I felt such an atmosphere was because of the man beside me.

Does this count as touching his light?

"So do you feel better now?"

"Of course, you don't know how happy I was when I looked at that arrogant woman with a face of unwillingness, but didn't dare to say anything."

Qin Min almost couldn't help laughing when he thought of the woman's unwilling face just now but could only hold back.

How arrogant she was before, how useless she was just now.

"Hey, isn't this the way home?"

Patronizing on being happy, Qin Min later found that this was not the way home at all.

"Take you to a fun place, anyway, there is nothing to do when you go home."

"Okay, where are we going then?"

"You'll know when you go, I promise to make you happy."

Chen Kai smiled mysteriously, increased the horsepower, and the car rushed out instantly.

The two came to the food conference held in this city. Along the entire street, well-known special snacks from all over the country gathered.

In the crowded aisles, vendors shouted, and the delicious and tempting aroma of food wafted in the air.

Qin Min looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, the little angel in his heart had already been seduced by the smell of food.

"Let's go!"

Chen Kai raised his eyebrows and led Qin Min into the crowd.

"I want to eat that, and that... I want ice cream too!"

Looking at all kinds of delicacies around, Qin Min didn't worry about whether her stomach could hold so much, she just wanted to eat everything.

"Okay, I'll buy it for you when I'm done eating."

Chen Kai looked at her dotingly, helped her hold the milk tea, and let her eat it all the way to the end.

Although I don't know how to make a girl happy, Qin Min is a greedy little cat. As long as you take her to eat delicious food, she will definitely feel better.

After walking around the long food street, Qin Min's originally slender waist became twice as thick as before.

She supported the man's arm and dragged her stomach, with a satisfied expression on her face.

"It's so refreshing, I haven't eaten like this for a long time."

"If you like it, I will bring you to eat in the future."

Seeing the grease stains on the corners of her mouth that hadn't been wiped off, Chen Kai gently wiped them off with his fingertips.

"That can't be done. If I eat like this every day, then I will have to be fat. The previous weight loss and fitness will be in vain."

Although the food is very delicious, Qin Min reluctantly refuses when he thinks of his devilish figure when he wears a bikini in summer.

After all, the days of losing weight are really tough, and she doesn't want to go through it again.

"Eat and drink enough, should we go home?"

Seeing that she was finally relieved, Chen Kai proposed to go home.

Qin Min nodded, then packed some delicacies and prepared to take them home to share with his sisters.

Back home, Qin Min presented these delicious snacks in front of the eldest sister, second sister and fourth sister as if offering treasures. Qin Min felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart when he saw their eyes filled with delicious food.

She knew that although they usually keep in good health and lose weight, they still have no resistance when it comes to delicious food.

"Eat, eat, I bought these specially for you, no thanks!"

"God, you're so bad."

Qin Ying pouted and complained, but honestly picked up the chicken chop and started to eat it.

"Hahaha, let's get fat together."

"You're so bad, but I like it so much hahaha."



'I fly clumsily~the sky is so blue~'

"Why does the wind in my face always hold me back~"

Qin Min, who was wearing a mask and humming, suddenly received a call. Looking at the note on the phone screen, it turned out to be the coach of Korea.

It's so late, why is he calling?
Is it because of something during the day?
After being taught so badly, he still has the face to call. Is it courageous or shameless?

Qin Min's tone was not very good, he almost rolled his eyes.

"I want to challenge like the man who came with you today, I want my brother to challenge him!"

"Oh, then I'll ask him if he wants to go first."

Moving the phone away, Qin Min yelled loudly: "Chen Kai, the guy you beat up today found his senior brother to single out you, will you accept it?"

"Of course!"

Chen Kai stepped forward and agreed without thinking.

"Let's not talk about Qu Qu's senior brother, even if he calls his master and all his helpers, it's not a problem. For you, these fists and embroidered legs are nothing at all."

Chen Kai approached suddenly, and the breath of male hormones covered Qin Min.

"It's like hundreds of people have come, and I will also be obliged to stand in front of you."

The corners of Qin Min's mouth curled up slightly, and the sweetness in his heart became even more intense.

(End of this chapter)

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