Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 40 Incomplete Childhood

Chapter 40 Incomplete Childhood

"Did you hear that? Chen Kai said he agreed to your invitation to fight. I think it's just tonight, so it won't take so long."

After speaking, Qin Min hung up the phone directly, without giving the other party any chance to speak.

Now the initiative is on them. Wouldn't it be too bad if she didn't gain the upper hand for a while?
Whether he has time or not, will love come tonight?Better not to come.

"Aren't you too straightforward? I think I can go to bed early tonight."

The corner of Chen Kai's mouth couldn't help twitching, she really would make trouble for herself.

It was only then that Qin Min realized that he had agreed too quickly and forgot to ask the people around him, so he felt a little embarrassed.

But he also said that because he was at home all day and had nothing to do.

"Sorry, I didn't know you wanted to rest, so are you tired now?"

Qin Min looked at him apologetically.

The big deal is that I won't go tonight. Anyway, even if they don't go, the coaches of Koryo country can't do anything to them.

"Just kidding, I actually didn't do anything today."

"In this case, let's go, make a quick decision, and come back early to rest."

Arriving at an agreed abandoned garage, the coach of Koryo has already brought his seniors to wait here.

When the masters met, they didn't talk too much, but directly fought.

"In that case, let's do it!"

Chen Kai yawned, stretched his waist, twisted his muscles and bones, and then made a move directly.

With the mentality of making quick decisions, Chen Kai's moves are deadly. His clean and neat moves are without any sloppiness, and his body that moves quickly seems like a phantom in the air.

The Gao Liguo coach brother, who was originally extremely arrogant, could no longer be arrogant under the pressure of layers, and his complexion gradually became dignified.

Finally, as a strong air pressure dissipated, the two people who were entangled and inseparable finally separated.

The coach's brother knelt on the ground to support his body from falling down, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.


The coach worriedly stepped forward to support his brother, and was even more shocked when he touched the blood at the corner of his mouth.

There are not many people in the world who can hurt senior brother, what kind of rank is this man?
"you lose!"

Looking at the half-kneeling man expressionlessly, Chen Kai took Qin Min away without saying anything.

However, it was precisely because of the underground garage that Qin Min became even more devoted to Chen Kai, and for the next three days, he followed Chen Kai all the time.

"Third sister, have you been a little out of order recently?"

Qin Xiang, who noticed this, couldn't help asking out of inner concern.

He has been observing them for the past few days. Qin Min hated Chen Kai from the bottom of his heart before, but now he gets tired of being with him all day, which is really abnormal.

"Sister, you think too much. I've been very normal recently, so I should eat and drink."

Qin Min gave a perfunctory explanation, and then immediately found an excuse to leave.

Because she didn't know why she found out by accident that she really liked the feeling of staying with Chen Kai.

Qin Xiang looked at Qin Min who was fleeing away, although she was a little confused about what was going on with her recently, since she didn't want to talk about it, it wasn't easy to ask.

Time flies, and the younger sister grows up, and she is unwilling to tell her elder sister what is on her mind.

Bird Live.

The night before, he received a message from the general manager saying that something happened in the company and he needed to come back to deal with it. Chen Kai came to the company after having breakfast in the morning.

"The boss is this contract. You need to sign it before this contract can take effect."

The general manager took out the contract that had already been prepared, and Chen Kai glanced at the densely packed words, seemingly inadvertently, but saw all the contents inside without missing a word.

Then he picked up the brush on the table and wrote his name on it.

"Is there anything else besides this?"

"No, no, boss, you are busy."

The general manager immediately shook his head, and then left the office with the contract.

Thinking that he hadn't entered the company for a long time to check, Chen Kai entered his account number on the computer and went in to check.

buckle buckle...


Qin Min opened the door and walked in: "Are you done?"

"It's you, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Chen Kai realized that it was Qin Min who came.

Isn't she a little too diligent in following her recently?
"I want to meet you for lunch, are you free?"

It's only ten o'clock in the morning and we have lunch. I'm afraid you want to go out to play?
Glancing at the time under the computer, Chen Kai instantly understood what she was thinking. There was nothing going on in the company right now, so Chen Kai didn't refuse.

"Let's go."

I wanted to lead her to find a quiet place to visit the supermarket, but when she passed the amusement park suddenly, Qin Min asked to go in to play.

"Let's go, I've never played in an amusement park since I was a child, why don't you play with me!"

Seeing the man's hesitation, Qin Min took out his own unique trick - acting like a baby!
After dawdling for a while, Chen Kai had no choice but to play with Qin Min.

"Come on, I want to play the carousel!"

Pointing to the center point in the distance, the two-story carousel, Qin Min's eyes flashed with light.

Ever since she was a child, she always felt envious when she saw other people sitting on the merry-go-round like little princesses accompanied by her parents.

But she knew that her parents were very busy and didn't have time to accompany her, and she didn't have any extra time to waste on these rides.

Chen Kai caught the light in her eyes inadvertently, and suddenly felt distressed.

Even if she is a rich lady, it is a pity that she has no childhood, and under the eyes of the outside world, she must maintain elegance at all times.

"Okay, let's do it together!"

Now that I have come here today, I simply let go and play with her, so that she can experience the joy that she didn't have in her childhood.

After buying a general pass at the ticket office, Chen Kai took Qin Min on the carousel first, and then played all the items in the amusement park one after another.

Qin Min, who is in her early twenties, expresses the innocence that a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl should have when facing these interesting amusement facilities. At this moment, she is no longer a representative of the Qin family. Missy.

It was an ordinary girl, a girl who was indistinguishable from her peers.

"Does this headband look good?"

Qin Min took a Mickey headband from the street vendor and put it on his head, looking at Chen Kai expectantly.

It can be seen that she likes this headband very much.

"Of course, everything you bring looks good!"

Not stingy with praise, Chen Kai paid for the headband directly.

(End of this chapter)

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