Chapter 4
"What?" Chen Kai was immediately stunned on the spot!

"You! Why are you pretending to be sloppy with me?"

"And you! Have you ever been to a nightclub? Look at the makeup on your face! Those who don't know think you are from an alien!"

"And you! What's the matter? Don't you usually blush when you see a man? Are you like a bitch when you hire a bunch of male models? Why don't you take off all your clothes and play with them?"

After Qin Xiang scolded, Chen Kai knew that Qin Yiyao, that is, Qin Xiang's mother, had already ordered that if Engong was found, Engong's son would not be married!Then one of the four of them must become benefactor's daughter-in-law!

That is his wife!

Obviously, all their performances today are to leave a bad impression on Chen Kai today!

"Elder Sister, it's not kind of you to expose us, right?" Third Miss Qin Min casually took off her nose ring.

Fourth Miss also took off her oiled wig. "Sister, after all, is it because we didn't tell you the plan in advance? On the contrary, it makes you look beautiful and normal? Let me tell you, you and Chen Kai are actually quite suitable. Do you remember that when you were young, you were the only one who could survive?" Him? Neither of us can do it!"

"Yes, big sister, my mother also said that whoever is selected by Chen Kai will inherit 80.00% of her property! But the three of us don't have your ability to manage the group well, so we won't rob you. You can inherit it." Second Miss sighed and took off her square glasses.

I saw Qin Xiang's face was ashen. "What are you talking about! I'm five years older than Chen Kai! I'm not the right age!"

"Then I'm four years older than him!" The second lady quickly followed.

"Don't say that! What's the age now? How old is it? Don't you still say that the female junior is holding a golden brick? Hey! Third sister, aren't you just three years older than Chen Kai? Besides, the two of you have astrological signs. That's right!" Fourth Miss pointed her finger at Third Miss.

For a moment, the four women fought with each other, as if Chen Kai was the god of plague, and they just wanted to push it to others!

Chen Kai was really happy.

Having not seen each other for many years, he has always felt a little guilty towards the four of them.

I wanted to apologize to them, but looking at the situation, Chen Kai thought it was better to forget it, instead of apologizing, it's better to tease them!
"Hey! Little greedy cat!" Chen Kai opened his mouth and called out Qin Min's nickname. "I remember when you were young, you ate my bread secretly, and you took the mustard as a jam, and you pissed your pants in one bite, didn't you?"

Qin Min was taken aback!
It was fixed on the spot like a stone statue!

This matter is really a disgrace to her life!Besides her mother and Uncle Chen, only Chen Kai, a bastard, knows about it!
The other three sisters don't know it!
"What? Third sister, there is such a thing?" Fourth Miss laughed loudly! "I'll spread the news tomorrow! The third miss of the Qin family who is famous for being cold and mean is so greedy that she eats mustard and pees in her pants! Hahaha!"

Fourth Miss couldn't straighten her back from laughing, and Second Miss also had a dull expression on her face. She couldn't believe that her own sister was so stupid.

"Chen Kai! I'm going to fight with you!" The third lady was furious after being exposed!
He rushed towards Chen Kai with all his teeth and claws!

But there is one thing she seems to have forgotten, Chen Kai's grandfather is a direct disciple of the ninth generation of Wing Chun!
And Chen Kai!
He is a rare martial art genius!From childhood to adulthood!Relying on his good martial arts talent since he was a child, except for Qin Xiang, the other three girls were eaten to death by Chen Kai!
After subduing the screaming third lady with one hand, Chen Kai looked at the fourth child who was laughing the most.

"Don't laugh, it's not like you haven't peed in your pants before. You were the most cowardly when you were a child, right? I watched a movie about Master Xing and thought I would get pregnant if I kissed you. My dad saw that you were good, so he kissed you. Are you scared?" I didn't sleep for two days and two nights, and finally cried to your mother, asking if you would give birth to Uncle Chen's child! Your mother took a kitchen knife and wanted to chop us and my father!"

"Finally, the police went to ask you what's going on. You peed your pants on the spot in fright. I really wonder if your sisters have kidney problems!"

Chen Kai pouted, Chen Kai vaguely remembered that the scene of Aunt Qin holding a kitchen knife back then was extremely scary.

What's for the young and the old?
Chop it first!
Finally, the police came to restrain her and asked Qin Yue to explain everything clearly.

"And this thing?"

Qin Xiang was taken aback. Although there was a lot of trouble back then, the irrelevant people really didn't know about it. At first, Aunt Qin thought that Chen Kai's father had violated the fourth child. Know.

So I went there when Chen Kai's father picked him up from school.

"It was indeed my fault back then, I was ignorant." Miss Si's complexion was flushed, and she lowered her head weakly.

Speaking of this matter, even after she became sensible, she always felt guilty in her heart.Although it was said that Chen Kai made things difficult for them back then, to be honest, Uncle Chen had always been kind to the four little girls.

"But Chen Kai!"

Miss Si gritted her teeth, raised her head, and looked at Chen Kai with anger! "You are really as mean as you were when you were young! You are annoying!"

Chen Kai shrugged.

He looked at Qin Xiang who was sitting upright...

Following Chen Kai's gaze, even Miss San, who was still captured by Chen Kai, looked at Qin Xiang.

The three sisters are really curious, they have always been cautious and upright, and what kind of embarrassment does the domineering eldest sister have with Chen Kai.

(End of this chapter)

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