Chapter 5
Seeing everyone looking at her, Qin Xiang was taken aback!Immediately, her pretty face flushed, and she gave Chen Kai a hard look!
"Chen Kai! Do you think I'm afraid of you too!" Qin Xiang no longer cared about Chen Kai in every possible way.

And her reaction really shocked everyone!

Threatening Chen Kai?

This is obviously a secret!
"Eldest sister, what's the matter with you?" Although the second young lady was quiet, she was the most curious and asked the question first.

Even Miss San and Miss Si temporarily put aside their grievances with Chen Kai.Seeing that Miss San was not making trouble, Chen Kai let her go too.

"I thought there was nothing embarrassing about the eldest sister and the second sister, but I didn't expect it." The third lady looked a little surprised, and then looked at Chen Kai. "Chen Kai, it's not fair for you to expose the shortcoming between me and my fourth sister, right? Tell me about the embarrassing things between the eldest sister and the second sister!"

From Miss San's point of view, if everyone gets caught by Chen Kai, it will be considered a tie, and no one will have to laugh at anyone in the future!
Chen Kai was delighted when he heard this.

An inexplicable feeling came to my heart, that feeling was like... back to my childhood!
The trouble of the sisters made him feel a lot less unfamiliar with them.

"Otherwise? Do I still have to be covered by the rain?" Chen Kai's eyes swept over the four girls one by one.

The four daughters of the Qin family are famous in the upper city!

Not just pretty!

Even hotter!

Even the quietest second miss of the Qin family has a history of violently beating suitors.

If someone knew about it, someone would be shocked to say such a thing in front of the fourth daughter of the Qin family.

"How shameless!" Miss San clenched her fists again! "Big sister, second sister and fourth sister! Have you seen this bastard? What does he think of us? Let me tell you! Let's beat him together! It can be regarded as revenge for being abused by him when we were young!"

"Miss San knows that she is invincible, so she encourages others to join her?" Chen Kai glanced at Miss San lightly, and finally his eyes fell on Qin Xiang.Although the four sisters were making trouble, they actually listened to the eldest sister's words.

and so……

He kept a hand!
The three girls were all waiting for Qin Xiang to speak, Qin Xiang's complexion changed.

"You are not children anymore! Why are you still as ignorant as you were when you were young? Mom has already said it! We will be a family with Chen Kai in the future! Is there such a trouble in the family?"

In the end, Qin Xiang scolded her three younger sisters!
Then, she looked at Chen Kai again, her complexion changed, and she still smiled. "Chen Kai, you're not a child anymore. The kindness and resentment we had when we were young were all ignorant. After all, we were still young at that time, and no one had a good-looking face. Just forget it. "

"En." Chen Kai nodded, and gave Qin Xiang a meaningful look. "Eldest sister is right, she is different from us since she was a child, she is the most sensible one!"

Chen Kai made the "most" sound very long, and Qin Xiang's face turned red again...

You can tell at a glance that there is definitely something going on here!The other three sisters looked at each other, making various eye contact...

The brief contact made everyone more acquainted, and everyone was not shy about thinking about their own little thoughts, that is, how can they avoid marrying Chen Kai!At the same time, there is another matter, that is, what kind of excuse does Chen Kai have for the eldest sister, so that the eldest sister is so nervous, first threatens Chen Kai, and immediately pulls Chen Kai out to buy things for Chen Kai after lunch?

Shangpin Mall, a gathering place for luxury goods.

"Choose anything here, buy whatever you like, it doesn't matter how expensive it is." Buying a watch here can buy a house outside, but in Qin Xiang's eyes, what is sold here are just small toys.

"Bribe me?" Chen Kai's mouth was filled with a triumphant smile.

When Qin Xiang was thirteen, in order to let the sisters live, she found herself again and negotiated terms, saying that she was willing to be a daughter-in-law in exchange for their mother and daughter living in their home.

But at that time, Chen Kai didn't know what a daughter-in-law was.

"Don't leave any pot unopened!" Qin Xiang's slender phoenix eyes widened!Warn Chen Kai. "It's not what it used to be, you'd better look at the situation and see who is under the fence!"

"Well, okay, it's me." Chen Kai laughed, full of perfunctory.

No matter how fierce Qin Xiang was, it was just to cover up her shyness.

But after shopping for a long time, Chen Kai only chose a set of clothes that Qin Xiang thought was the best, and bought everything else.

To be honest, he was already very grateful for the kindness that the Qin family could save his grandfather, and he didn't want to spend too much money on the Qin family.

But Chen Kai didn't buy anything, which made Qin Xiang feel a little guilty. Did she go too far in what she said just now? "Chen Kai, are you unhappy because of what I just said?"

"What?" Chen Kai asked back.

"It's nothing, by the way, I have something I want to ask you for help." Seeing that Chen Kai didn't seem to be paying attention at all, Qin Xiang changed the subject and asked Chen Kai.

Then he took Chen Kai directly to a small company under the Qin family.

Asuka Live!

"I didn't expect that even the famous Asuka Live Broadcasting Company is under the name of your Qin family!"

Following Qin Xiang all the way to the general manager's office, Chen Kai sighed from the bottom of his heart, he deserves to be the heroine of the family.

"Miss, I don't know why you came here suddenly, why?"

Facing the eldest lady who suddenly pushed the door open, the general manager immediately got up from his seat and went forward to greet her.

"This is Chen Kai. He will be the boss of this company from now on. You must obey his orders." She pulled Chen Kai forward and pushed him in front of the general manager.

"What?" Chen Kai and the general manager were taken aback!
new boss?

"I have a meeting this afternoon." Qin Xiang raised her hand and looked at her watch. "Chen Kai, you just graduated and you don't have much to do. Young people nowadays should be familiar with live broadcasting, right? I'm too busy, so I'll leave this company to you."

"I..." Chen Kai wanted to refuse. After all, he had never been a boss. Although money is nothing in the Qin family, it is not good to lose money in his own hands.

But Qin Xiang didn't leave time for Chen Kai to refuse at all, turned around and left directly after speaking.

What the hell is this?

Suddenly becoming the boss of this company, Chen Kai obviously hadn't reacted yet, he didn't know what to do for a while, and stood there stupidly.

I don't know, this is Qin Xiang's wishful thinking.The live streaming company is full of beauties. As a man, Chen Kai cannot remain indifferent when he sees beauties.

When the time comes to send a few beauties to seduce him, I don't believe he will have no trouble.

At that time, if my mother knew that he lived a rough life, she would definitely not make it difficult for the sisters to marry Chen Kai.

Putting on the sunglasses, he drove his own Ferrari to leave the live broadcast company in a good mood.

Compared with the stupid behavior of several younger sisters, it is better to start from principle.

(End of this chapter)

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