Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 425 Coco was tied up

Chapter 425 Coco was tied up
There was even a period of time when he often carried photos of members of the Gao family with him. Whenever he met some powerful people, he would immediately take out the photos for comparison, so as not to cause any misunderstanding.

The reason why Lin Yuanshan is still alive today is because there is no face-to-face confrontation with the members of the Gao family, and the Gao family has never put a small Lin Yuanshan in their eyes, so they let it grow.

Gao Ming has already walked in front of Lin Yuanshan.

Lin Yuanshan was trembling all the time, he was already standing reluctantly, when Gao Ming came in front of him, before he could speak, Lin Yuanshan suddenly fell to his knees with a "plop".

"Are you Gao Ming, the young master of the Gao family? I'm really sorry, I don't know Taishan, I don't know that the young master is here, please forgive me."

After speaking, he waved at Lei Ting and the others.

"What are you still doing stupidly? Why don't you hurry up and greet the young master Gao Ming! Don't you all want to live?"

Gao Ming looked at Lin Yuanshan blankly, he didn't know this person, but he knew Lin Yuanhan, and he had already heard from Chen Kai that this person had some reputation abroad.

Originally, he was still thinking that his family's reputation might not be able to overwhelm others, and there must be a fierce battle, but he didn't expect that Lin Yuanshan would kneel down and beg for mercy when he saw him, which made him a little unexpected.

Lin Yuanshan's subordinates are also at a loss, they have followed the boss for so many years, they have never seen the boss so cowardly, and now he keeps kowtowing to a young man, making their subordinates' faces hot, and they feel so ashamed .

Lei Ting walked over and lowered his voice: "Brother? What's the matter? The young man in front of him is only in his 20s. Even if he has martial arts, he is not strong enough to make you smash your head and beg for mercy. There are so many of us..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yuanshan suddenly grabbed Lei Ting's hair, and first gave dozens of mouths positively and negatively.

"Trying things that are not enough to reveal things, do you know who this person is in front of you? That's the young master of the Gao family, why don't you knelt down and begged for mercy, and are still talking sarcasticly here, if you want to die, you should hurry up Hit yourself into the wall and die, don't implicate me."

Gao Ming looked at Chen Kai helplessly, and Chen Kai also had a puzzled expression on his face, looking at him with a wry smile.

Sighing softly, he walked up to Lin Yuanshan and smiled faintly.

"I've heard of your name, and I know that you are a ruthless person, and you have some influence abroad, but I don't understand, why did you become like this after seeing me?"

Seeing Gao Ming approaching him, Lin Yuanshan kowtowed and backed away in fright.

Gao Ming had no choice but to stop, and stopped five meters away from him.

"Now we can talk normally, and you don't have to kowtow all the time."

Lin Yuanshan still kowtowed non-stop: "To be honest, if I knew that the young master of the Gao family was here, I wouldn't dare to come even if I borrowed a hundred courage from me."

Gao Ming couldn't help but sighed again: "I have a few questions I want to ask you now, if you show what you think in your heart and really respect me so much, would you still stand up and talk to me now? You make me feel uncomfortable."

Lin Yuanshan didn't stand up, but kowtowed even more like pounding garlic.

"What kind of thing is Lin Yuanshan? How dare you stand up and talk to the young master of the Gao family, let alone the little Lin Yuanshan. Even anyone would not dare to go against the young master Gao, one of the three major families in the capital."

After Chen Kai heard his helpless tone, he knew that Gao Ming was not easy behind him, but he didn't expect to be so tough, and thought that luckily he made friends with him at the beginning.

If I become an enemy, I don't know how this person will deal with me. Although I may not be afraid of him, it will undoubtedly bring me a lot of trouble.

Gao Ming turned around and looked at Chen Kai: "I think today is just what I need, I'm afraid I don't need to fight any more, right? Besides, I don't seem to need me anymore, brother, you are here to teach Lin Yuanshan a lesson slowly, I Just leave first, and call me anytime if you need anything."

Chen Kai thought to himself, what role do you have in front of me, kid?Isn't this the time when you cried and asked me to be your teacher?But it was hard to say anything more at the moment, so he nodded silently.

"Gao Ming, I promise you just this once. If you still dare to be so rude to me later, I won't be so polite to you."

Gao Ming smiled helplessly, with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Brother Chen Kai, I originally wanted to worship you as my teacher, but you refused to agree to it, and insisted on letting me be your younger brother. Since I am a younger brother? Sometimes I am a little rude to my elder brother, and my elder brother has to take care of me." Wait, are you right?"

After speaking, he left with a smile.

Lin Yuanshan was dumbfounded when he heard that, he never thought that Chen Kai was Gao Ming's eldest brother, so it goes without saying how powerful Chen Kai will be.

As soon as Gao Ming left, Lin Yuanshan began to beg Chen Kai for mercy again and again.

"I really didn't know that you are such a powerful person. I hope you will forgive me. I will never dare to trouble you again. I hope that you will ignore the villain and let us go this time."

After Chen Kai finished reading it, he felt his stomach shrinking one after another. Lin Yuanshan is not too young. When I met him before, I thought this person was quite tough, at least he had more backbone than Lin Yuanhan, but now I see It turned out to be a virtue, and Lin Yuanshan was not even as good as his brother.

Immediately suppressed the nausea: "Why did you come back to this place? Is it because you were ordered by your niece?"

Lin Yuanshan was in a dilemma, because he didn't know how Chen Kai would deal with him if Lin Keke told him to come, and he didn't know why Lin Keke broke up suddenly.

While hesitating, Chen Kai's phone rang suddenly.

Chen Kai looked at Lin Yuanshan meaningfully: "Now I have a call to answer, you can take this time to think it over carefully, I hope you don't lie to me, because even if there is no clever help, I will It can also beat you all over the ground."

Lin Yuanshan froze for a moment when he heard this sentence, instinctively thought that Chen Kai was talking big, but then remembered that Gao Ming wanted to be a teacher. As one of the three major families in Kyoto, Gao Ming must have many martial arts masters in his family.

If Gao Ming wants to learn martial arts, he can find any kind of teacher, even if he finds a random teacher, they are definitely first-class martial arts masters, but why does he worship Chen Kai as his teacher?

It is obvious that Chen Kai must have something extraordinary, so that people like Gao Ming admire him.

Lei Ting really couldn't stand it anymore, now that the boss is so polite to Chen Kai and Gao Ming, what should he do with his brothers in the future?

And just now I got another good beating, which made me feel even more shameless in front of these brothers. I used to think that Lin Yuanshan was someone who could at least eat well, drink spicy food, and make a small fortune with him. Although the amount of money is not much, it is enough for him to live for several lifetimes, but he did not expect Lin Yuanshan to be so soft-boned.

He remembered that when he first walked in the rivers and lakes, the seniors once told him that a person can be beaten to death, but he must not be scared to death by the other party. He believed that Lin Yuanshan must understand this truth, but why did he still do this?
Is it just because of greed for life and fear of death?According to what he knew, Lin Yuanshan didn't seem to be such a person who was afraid of death. Although it is everyone's nature to be afraid, but when he sees someone who is stronger than himself, he kowtows and begs for mercy. Isn't this a bit too much?
Chen Kai didn't know what the group of people in front of him were thinking. He took out his mobile phone to check the caller ID, and found that it was an unfamiliar number. He answered the call suspiciously.

"I'm Chen Kai, who are you looking for?"

A gloomy voice came from the earpiece, obviously processed.

"It's good that you are Chen Kai. Lin Keke is in my hands now. If you want a living Lin Keke, you'd better prepare 100 million. As for the location of the transaction, I will inform you next time I call."

(End of this chapter)

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