Chapter 426
Before Chen Kai could ask anything, the kidnapper had already hung up the phone.

Chen Kai's complexion has changed. During the recent period, to be exact, after moving into Qin's house, he seems to receive such calls every so often. There will always be all kinds of kidnappers who don't have eyesight to trouble him. .

Even Lin Yuanshan in front of him is probably here to kidnap Qin Ying, but the irony is that the family members of the kidnapper who kidnapped others were also kidnapped by other kidnappers.

Chen Kai looked at Lin Yuanshan in front of him and let out a long sigh.

Lin Yuanshan was taken aback, and immediately had an ominous premonition, thinking that Chen Kai was going to kill him.

"A villain can't see Mount Tai, I hope you will forgive me this time, I will never dare again."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly: "Don't say these things are useless, isn't Lin Ke already kidnapped by others?"

Lin Yuanshan didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at first, he clearly came here with this group of people to kidnap Qin Ying, or to beat Chen Kai up, Lin Keke was still at home when he came out If you just stay there, maybe you will be kidnapped by others all of a sudden?
Seeing Lin Yuanshan's confused face, Chen Kai didn't know that he must know nothing.

But I still couldn't help asking: "I'm asking you something, has Lin Keke been kidnapped by someone else?"

Lin Yuanshan was so frightened that his whole body trembled again, he was busy and kowtowed like garlic.

"I really don't know. I left the house a few hours ago, and I haven't seen or contacted Lin Keke since I left."

Qin Ying sighed softly. Although Lin Keke didn't do some things well, she lived in Qin's family before. Before she fell in love with Chen Kai, the relationship between the few sisters was relatively good.

Qin Ying also knew how important Lin Keke was in Chen Kai's heart. If something happened to Lin Keke, the relationship between herself and Chen Kai might also be affected.

When two people are together, they will always think of this girl inadvertently, and it will become a wound that can never be healed.

Compared with this, what worried Qin Ying even more was that Lin Keke had something wrong, not to mention dead, even if he was molested by others, Chen Kai would feel guilty because of this, and might suffer Spend your whole life with her, and at that time, you will have no chance even more.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Chen Kai sadly.

"It's better to inform the officials about this kind of thing."

Before Chen Kai could speak, Lin Yuanshan hurriedly stopped him.

"Absolutely not."

Qin Ying looked at him puzzled: "I know that Lin Ke is your niece, and since you returned to China, you have taken great care of Lin Ke's cuteness. It stands to reason that you should be very anxious. Why didn't you notify J?"

Lin Yuanshan couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"It's a long story to say. You should know what I do, right? When I was abroad, I also did this kind of thing. Of course, it was in the early days. In recent years, we have been away from this kind of thing." The dirty things are getting farther and farther away, and they haven’t even been done for a long time.”

Chen Kai frowned: "You'd better pick the more important ones, no one is in the mood to listen to your history of blood and tears."

Lin Yuanshan nodded hastily: "Yes, yes, yes, I will pick the most important thing, it is kidnapping, and it is most taboo to inform the officials, because those kidnappers are also very afraid, as the so-called danger zone, once the Japanese party really The first thing they thought of was tearing up the ticket, on the one hand, revenge on the hostage's family, and on the other hand, they ran away quickly, because they can't run far with a hostage anyway, and it will be troublesome wherever they go."

Chen Kai nodded silently, feeling that Lin Yuanshan deserved to be in the arena, and this kind of thing was more thoughtful than he thought.

Qin Ying was a little anxious: "Then what should we do? We can't really take the money to redeem it. This little money is nothing, but what should we do if the other party refuses to let you go after spending the money?"

Chen Kai could only smile wryly: "There seems to be no other way now, no matter whether the money is given to them or not, we must prepare several million now, because the bank is closed at this moment, and the kidnapper just said that he will call later Come, but where to find the cash?"

Qin Ying is also in a bit of a dilemma. It is said that the Qin family is very rich, let alone 100 million, even tens of millions, even hundreds of millions can be taken out casually, but it is indeed necessary to take out 100 million in cash. Can't - who doesn't have that much cash hidden in the house these days?

Chen Kai was silent for a while, then gritted his teeth suddenly.

"I think we should find out the details of the kidnappers first, and find out who they are talking about."

As he spoke, he turned and looked at Brother Wuxing lore.

"Miss Qin Er will be handed over to you to take care of. Remember what I said, don't let her lose a hair."

Wuxing lore hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Qin Ying stomped her feet anxiously: "When is this, you still consider my safety, you must know that I am very safe now."

Of course, these words are well-founded. Lin Yuanshan's all-out respect for Chen Kai is definitely not pretending. He is sincerely afraid of Gao Ming's family. He also knows that Gao Ming and Chen Kai have such a good relationship. I believe that he will never embarrass himself and the Qin family again. any of the sisters.

The corner of Chen Kai's mouth raised an imperceptible smile. Although Lin Keke's accident was also what he didn't want, Chen Kai felt a little relieved that the sisters of the Qin family could be safe and sound.

Thinking of this, he nodded silently.

"Then let's make a deal like this. I'll go to Gao Ming first and see what can be done there."

Turning around to leave, Lin Yuanshan suddenly stopped Chen Kai.

"I think it's my niece who was kidnapped. If I, as an uncle, don't show up, it's a bit unreasonable. The brothers behind me are not all idiots. It's better to deal with ordinary gangsters and hooligans." More than enough."

Chen Kai looked at Lin Yuanshan meaningfully, and said lightly: "You wait here first, if you really need your help, I will call you at any time, it's better not to startle the snake now."

Lin Yuanshan felt that this was also the case. Originally, Chen Kai didn't need to remind her of this kind of thing. She also became confused because she cared about it, so she forgot about it for a while.

Chen Kai turned around and left here quickly.

He drove in the direction of Gao Ming's villa while calling his phone.

"I'm Chen Kai. What are you doing now? You kid has been going too far recently. You ran away before I finished dealing with my affairs."

Gao Ming heard that Chen Kai's tone seemed to be in trouble again, so he frowned.

"Don't tell me that Lin Yuanshan got worse after I left?"

Chen Kai smiled contemptuously: "Don't tell me, before today, I really thought Lin Yuanshan was a character, but I didn't expect it to be nothing more than that."

While speaking, he suddenly sighed again: "But this time there is a new trouble, Lin Keke was kidnapped by others."

At the moment, I briefly described the matter that Faye Wong asked for 100 million.

Gao Ming couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly: "This is the ups and downs. To be honest, Brother Chen Kai, even I think you are a little tired after you are dealing with these girls."

Chen Kai couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly: "Don't talk so much now, I'll be at your villa in a while, you can find out what these kidnappers are doing."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone. Before he could put the phone in his pocket, the phone rang again. Chen Kai subconsciously thought that it might be Gao Ming who called back. There might be something he didn't say clearly just now, but he didn't expect it to be That strange number.

Chen Kai connected the phone carefully, but before he could speak, he heard the kidnapper's voice coldly.

"Chen Kai, let me warn you. I know that your social relationship is very complicated. You have many powerful helpers, but you'd better not contact anyone, or you will wait to collect Lin Keke's body."

Chen Kai hated this group of people very much. Just as he was about to speak, the other party's voice came again.

(End of this chapter)

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