Chapter 427
"I won't tell you that much about anything else. You drive your own car and bring 100 million cash to the bottom of the Tianhe Bridge. If I find anyone following you, you will know the consequences."

Chen Kai hurriedly asked: "I said you didn't choose a time to kidnap the ticket. Look at what time it is now. Do you know what time the bank closes? Where can I find you 100 million in cash now, or else I have a A bank card, if there is some money in the card, don’t you just give it to you? It’s definitely much more than 100 million.”

The kidnapper sneered: "Do you think I'm stupid? I took your bank card, and you report the loss later, even if you don't report the loss, do you think there is no risk for us to withdraw the money? So, I still like cash transactions, you'd better Well, do as I said, as for where to find the 100 million cash, that's not something I need to consider, I think, as long as you want Lin Keke to live, you must have a way."

After finishing speaking, he resolutely hung up the phone.

Chen Kai was very helpless. When he caught the robbers, he must let them know how powerful he was, but the most important thing now was to find the 100 million in cash. Fortunately, he was not far from Gao Ming's villa.

Chen Kai found a parking spot and rang the doorbell of Gao Ming's villa, but he thought helplessly that he had called Gao Ming before, but now he had already greeted him at the door.

I don't know what happened recently, maybe he doesn't want to learn Wing Chun, or maybe he thinks I'm in too much trouble, anyway, he's getting more and more arrogant, which really makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

But no matter what, now I need Gao Ming's help, so I can't control so much.

When Gao Ming heard that Chen Kai was really coming, he came out to greet him in person.

Chen Kai looked at Gao Ming and sighed: "What's the matter with you? I remember you were very respectful to me before..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Ming opened the door and held Chen Kai's hand enthusiastically.

"Didn't you come out to greet me in person? You see, my villa is so high-end, and the door is electronically controlled. What can I say if I come down directly to greet you?"

Chen Kai really didn't want to get entangled in such a trivial matter, so he walked into the villa with Gao Ming, and said straight to the point as soon as he sat down.

"The kidnapper called me again just now and said that he must let me hold 100 million in cash. You know that all my money is in the bank card, so I have to exchange it from you."

Gao Ming waved his hand generously: "Brother, don't worry about such trivial matters, let's see why Lin Keke was kidnapped first."

Chen Kai looked at him suspiciously: "Can you know at home?"

Gao Ming smiled faintly: "Brother Chen Kai doesn't know something. Lin Keke and his family are all under surveillance. As long as the computer technology is strong, I can call up the surveillance video near their home here."

It's not that Chen Kai didn't know this, but he didn't expect Gao Ming to have mastered this kind of technology. Hearing what he said, he thought he had some kind of computer engineer under him.

But Gao Ming took out the laptop himself, tapped his fingers on the keyboard for a while, and a picture appeared on the computer screen.

Chen Kai has been to Lin Keke's house before, and he can even be said to be very familiar with it. Of course, he can recognize the door of Lin Keke's house in the picture.

Gao Ming looked at Chen Kai with some pride: "We want to know why she was kidnapped, so let's not watch the surveillance video of their house, it involves spying on other people's privacy."

Chen Kai patted Gao Ming on the shoulder: "With these two things, don't you just watch whoever you want?"

Gao Ming smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's not as simple as you said. For example, in some private places, people don't install cameras in the bedroom, or in the bathroom and bathroom. The room here is at most the living room, unless there is an accident. There’s no place for privacy.”

Chen Kai nodded silently, but he still felt that the technology Gao Ming had mastered was cutting-edge. He wanted to know what kind of existence a hacker was, but when he knew that Gao Ming had mastered this technology, he still felt a little unbelievable. .

Chen Kai and Gao Ming stared at the computer screen, and after a while they saw Lin Keke appearing in the screen, Gao Ming had a camera, a camera tune, Lin Keke kept appearing in the screen.

The last scene of the surveillance video showed Lin Keke entering a shopping mall, and then never came out again.

Gao Ming pointed at the shopping mall on the computer screen and smiled meaningfully.

"This is where Lin Keke last appeared, and that's where she disappeared."

Chen Kai's eyes widened: "Is that all? There are many cameras in the shopping mall. Can't we call out the surveillance video in the shopping mall?"

Gao Ming also shook his head lightly: "It's okay to call out these, the problem is still not knowing who kidnapped Lin Keke?"

Chen Kai was incredulous: "Where is the surveillance at the back door of the mall?"

Gao Ming shook his head helplessly: "I tried it just now, maybe the camera at the back door of the shopping mall is broken, or maybe the previous kidnappers had already made preparations, so they broke it on purpose. In short, there is no surveillance video there. Because the camera is no longer working."

Chen Kai was speechless. He was silent for a while, and finally gritted his teeth.

"There's nothing I can do now. I'm afraid I really have to take 100 million cash from you and go to the agreed place to change."

Gao Ming nodded: "I have a pile of cash ready at any time, just because I am worried that sometimes I need money urgently and I am too lazy to go to the bank, so I can take out several million at any time, but you go alone Can you? Do you want me to help?"

Chen Kai smiled meaningfully: "Have you forgotten that time when the two of us beat more than 170 people?"

Gao Ming will never forget it for the rest of his life, even that has become a huge psychological shadow. He thought that he could catch up with Chen Kai with a little effort, but only after that experience did he realize that this is simply impossible.

So he didn't neglect Chen Kai, but felt a little desperate. This kind of feeling is too good to describe, and it shows that the distance between the two people is drifting away.

But Gao Ming also knew that Chen Kai was his lifelong friend, no matter who had any troubles between the two, the other would stand up.

Under the superficial indifference, there are two fiery hearts hidden. Gao Ming doesn't want to say that he is in love with each other, or that he shares life and death with these rotten terms, but Gao Ming really feels this way in his heart.

Gao Ming quickly prepared 100 million in cash, bumped it into another cash box, and handed it to Chen Kai.

Chen Kai was not polite either, took the money box, nodded slightly, patted Gao Ming's shoulder lightly, and finally turned around and left silently without saying anything.

After going out, he checked the time and found that it was already very late. Lin Keke didn't know what was going on, so he hurriedly drove the car and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom of the Tianhe Bridge alone.

It is already late at night, and there are very few cars on the street, so there is no trouble along the way. Chen Kai arrived at the bottom of the Tianhe Bridge 5 minutes earlier than expected, and waited until here. It was found that there was no one at all.

Chen Kai got out of the car with some doubts. After careful inspection, he still didn't find anything suspicious. The person who looked like a kidnapper just found a homeless man. These homeless men knew it was not a disguise, because The dirt on his body and the stench that he smelled from afar cannot be disguised.

Chen Kai sighed helplessly, just about to take out his mobile phone and try to dial the kidnapper's number, and ask him what's going on here.

But when he took out his mobile phone, he suddenly hesitated again, wondering if he should wait for the other party to contact him?
Chen Kai knew that the more anxious he acted, the more complacent the kidnappers would be. Maybe there would be additional conditions. Chen Kai was not afraid of spending money, the only thing he was afraid of was trouble. The most important thing now was to find Lin Keke and bring her back safe and sound. , extra problems mean that there will be more uncontrollable risks.

Chen Kai would rather spend 100 million more than have any more troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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