Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 45 Patronus

Chapter 45 Patronus

"You little bitch, stop being a tyrant here, do you think we will be afraid of you if you say that?"

"My husband's big brother on the road will never let you go, and when the time comes, I will let you, little bitch, go to the brothers on the road and let everyone trample on you!"

Chen He, who was slapped, was unwilling in his heart, and at this moment, this little bitch was still domineering in front of her, how could she bear it.

If it gets out in the future, and she knows that she was bullied like this by a junior in front of her sisters, will she still lose face?

"Even if you are lucky today, when we go back, we will never let you go!"

"Give you to the brothers on the road to get comfortable first, and then sell you to the kiln, and you!"

Chen He pointed at Qin Min and then pointed at Liu Ling'er, feeling a little crazy.

"And you, with a pretty face, look like someone who eats soft food. If you can realize your mistake now, apologize to us, and catch these two women, maybe I can recommend you to me The rich woman next to you will make sure you eat delicious food and drink spicy food!"

"How is it? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Compared with the woman next to you, you will have a better life with a rich woman!"

Thinking that he had thrown out a complete temptation, Chen He was extraordinarily confident at the moment, just waiting for him to kneel in front of him and beg for mercy crying bitterly.

"That's right, you kneel down and kowtow to apologize to me and my parents right now, maybe I can let you go!"

With Jia's father's support, Jia Kun, who barely stood up, also ran out to act as a demon.

He looked at Chen Kai's expressionless face, although there was no anger, but the chill in his eyes was already very obvious.

The courage that was finally summoned up in his heart was gone at this moment, and he shrank beside his father in fear, not daring to fart.

"I never beat women, but there are always women who are not afraid of death and want to come forward for me to beat!"

With a helpless expression on his face, Chen Kai picked up Chen He and beat him up.

A mournful howl sounded, but Chen Kai showed no mercy.

He used to think that a man who hit a woman was not a gentleman and was not worthy of being a man, but now it seems that some women are even worse than men.

Just like the disrespectful old woman in front of him, he has given her many chances, but her mouth is really stinky.

It would be fine if she scolded someone else, but the person she absolutely shouldn't scold is Qin Min, and the Qin family is something she can judge.

Does she deserve it?
Although he didn't use his own martial arts internal strength, his strength in attacking when he was angry was not inferior. For a pampered woman, it was enough to kill her half.

Chen Kai didn't stop until Chen He was dying and could not speak.

"If you continue to speak like this, it will not be as simple as just beating you up."

After teaching Chen He a lesson, he realized that Qin Min was looking at him with shrunken eyes at this moment, and Chen Kai knew that his crazy behavior just now had frightened her.

I was too emotional just now, I moved my hands until I forgot to restrain myself, I completely regarded Chen He as a sandbag, like a lunatic.

Wiping her hands with the tablecloth, she looked at Qin Min innocently and explained, "I'm sorry. I couldn't help but want to beat her up when I saw her insulting you. Did I scare you just now?"

"Uh... no... no."

Qin Min couldn't tell what it was like, anyway, she wasn't scared, but for a moment she felt full of boyfriend power.

His actions just now were too manly, right?

"That's good!"

"What she said just now is really too much. As long as I think that the person she said is you, I will feel angry and want her to regret saying that."

Seeing that she said she was not frightened, Chen Kai was relieved, and put his arm around her shoulder and looked at Liu Ling'er.

"Thank you for coming in time, although I have almost dealt with the matter."

The corner of his mouth curled into a beautiful arc, and he snapped his fingers and put his arms around Qin Min, preparing to leave.

When I walked to the door of the store, I seemed to suddenly think of something and stopped, and said sideways: "If the boss of the health care company is crazy at that time, you can tell him the matter and tell him that you want to move Qin Min and ask him first." Do I agree?"

"The women of the Qin family will be protected by me, and no one can touch them!"

The women of the Qin family dare not even say a bad word to him. What right do these insignificant outsiders have to point fingers or even threaten them?


Liu Ling'er was speechless, secretly surprised, and didn't say much, but she began to speculate about the relationship between them.

And the last sentence he said seems to have a good relationship with the Qin family, but why didn't President Qin know that there was such a man beside him?
Forget it, don't think about it, let's report this matter to Mr. Qin first.

As for that company, you can get your hands on it now!
Glancing at the distressed Jia family, Liu Ling'er left the western restaurant indifferently on her ten-centimeter high heels.

Strolling on the quiet sidewalk, occasionally a car speeds by, but it doesn't affect the two walking at the moment.

Even though he had just experienced a fierce struggle just now, Qin Min's thoughts were all attracted by what Chen Kai said just now.

He said that the women of the Qin family will be guarded by him!

Could it be...was he already tempted from the very beginning?
Thinking of this possibility, Qin Min felt extremely shy inside, and inadvertently smiled at the corner of his mouth, immersed in his little thoughts.

"What are you thinking? Smiling so happily?"

"Why don't you share it?"

This little woman thought that if she lowered her head and smiled, she wouldn't be able to see.

Chen Kai's doting tone rang in his ears, and his gentle voice exploded in Qin Min's ears like a thunderbolt.

"No way!"

She subconsciously scrunched her face, only to realize that she was actually smiling without realizing it.

Feeling the heat on his face, he quickly covered his face with his hands.

It's too embarrassing, your face must be very red now, right?

Qin Min, Qin Min, don't be so worthless, okay?
She was a little desperate, but she couldn't control her emotions in front of this guy.

"Really? Maybe I misread it." Chen Kai replied distractedly.

It was only then that Qin Min realized that he had been tricked, and immediately scratched the man several times like a wild cat with its hair fried, before giving up.

"Really, I don't want to talk to you anymore."

He strode forward in a fit of anger, not looking at the man behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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