Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 46 In Progress

Chapter 46 In Progress

The little ancestor who suddenly played a small temper, Chen Kai smiled helplessly, and strode after him.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, I was wrong."

"It's because you read it wrong!"


At night, when the two returned home, they realized that Qin Xiang and Qin Ying hadn't come back yet, and Qin Yue stayed in school most of the time, except for the occasional visit home, so they were already familiar with it.

"Auntie, what shall we have for dinner?"

Although I played outside all day, I also ate a lot of snacks.But when it was meal time, the stomach still made a physiological hunger call.

When I got a glass of juice, I felt better when I thought about the whole day of play today.

"Just now the eldest lady called and said that she will not go home for dinner tonight because she has a social event, so she won't cook so many dishes tonight, but cook two of your favorite dishes and then two vegetarian dishes."

"is it okay?"

There are only her and Chen Kai in the family. If you cook too much and can't finish it, you will end up throwing it away.

Although the family has a lot of money, there is no need to save it at all, but the excessive waste still makes the old nannies unbearable.

It's just that if the master asks to do a lot, she won't refuse, because this is her job.

Qin Min, who wanted to eat big fish and meat, was a little disappointed when his aunt said this, but he was relieved when he thought that only two people were doing so much, and it would be a waste if they couldn't finish eating.

"Okay, then auntie, you can cook whatever you want, one meat and one vegetarian, two dishes will be fine."

After all, I ate so much dinner in the afternoon, if I eat so much again, then the fitness during this period will really be in vain.

After eating, drinking and having fun in the past few days, she can already clearly feel that the flesh on her arms has increased.

It's all Chen Kai's fault, playing around all day, causing him to gain a lot of weight.

Fortunately, the eldest sister has been busy with the company's affairs recently and has no time to take care of herself. Otherwise, if she finds that she has gained weight, then it's okay.

Qin Min felt a little rejoiced in his heart. It seemed that he had to seize the time to lose weight and not be discovered by the elder sister.

"I'll make dinner tonight, Auntie, you go to rest first, it's nothing to do with you."

Chen Kai who was sitting on the sofa spoke suddenly, then put down the phone in his hand and walked over.

"This...isn't this good?" The nanny was in a dilemma.

Although he is not from the Qin family, but he has lived here for so long now, he is still half of the Qin family.

And as a nanny, how can I let the master do these things?

"It's okay, don't worry, I used to cook and eat by myself at home. So it's not difficult for me to cook a meal."

Looking at Qin Min suddenly, "I believe she also wants to eat the dishes I cook myself."

"Auntie, since he wants to cook, you can let her do it. How about I come to taste his cooking skills?"

Although he had eaten the breakfast made by his novice, it was just a porridge and a few side dishes.

Strictly speaking, it can't be regarded as a taste of his cooking skills.

Now he actually personally said that he would make dinner. How could she miss such an opportunity.

Qin Min even spoke up in person, and the aunt couldn't say anything more, so she took off her apron and went to clean the vegetables to help Chen Kai.

Soon there was a burst of aroma from the kitchen, and the prickling sound of the meat rolling in the oil pan was full of fireworks.

Although sitting in the living room, watching the Korean drama on TV seriously, Qin Min's little thoughts have already flown to the kitchen.

'Oh my god, it smells so good, doesn't it? '

'No, you give me reserve! '

The butt is as uncomfortable as sitting on an iron bench. Qin Min's small head always glances at the kitchen from time to time, looking at the man's back with great peace of mind.

"Okay, come and eat!"

Finally, when Qin Min and the others almost fell asleep, Chen Kai prepared all the dishes.

"Wow!" Qin Min covered his mouth and exclaimed.

On the dining table, there were five neat dishes, and the portion of each dish was only a little bit, but it was enough to feed two people.

The appearance and appearance of the dishes can be called excellent, and they are even more attractive under the lighting of the restaurant at the moment, as well as the scent that can kill people's sense of smell in seconds, it is simply irresistible.

"Try it!"

Chen Kai picked up a piece of boneless fish and held it to Qin Min's mouth to feed her.

The sudden approach of the man, and such an intimate behavior made Qin Min feel a little uncomfortable for a moment, but he didn't feel any rejection.

Opening the mouth slightly, the taste of the fish spread out in the mouth, without a trace of fishy smell, but full of the unique deliciousness of the fish.

"How about it?"

Chen Kai looked at Qin Min expectantly, his deep eyes made Qin Min fall for a moment.

"Delicious!" She shyly avoided the man's gaze, and then ate with big mouthfuls.

Ever since this ambiguous dinner was over, Qin Min found himself relying on Chen Kai more and more, to the point where he wanted to stay with him every day, so that he was always by Chen Kai's side.

One day, Chen Kai, who was playing online games with Qin Min at home, suddenly received a call from Qin Yue from school.

On the phone, Qin Yue was in trouble, she logically and logically told Chen Kai what happened to her.

"Okay, I'll be right over."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kai could only interrupt the game with Qin Min apologetically, and then prepared to go to school.

"Did something happen to Simei at school?"

"It was a gangster who bullied him at the school gate before, and I beat him up. Now that gangster has something to do with a rich young man in their school, and has been harassing Qin Yue non-stop."

Chen Kai didn't hide anything.

Qin Min nodded, with a worried look on his face, "Since the young man of the rich family is involved, this matter must not be easy. You must be careful when you go, maybe he will find some gangsters."

"Don't worry, although I'm not a superhero, it's still possible to teach a few little ones a lesson."

Chen Kai pretended to be profound, and his playful appearance made Qin Min laugh.

"I'm leaving, you should rest early at home!"

"it is good."

He drove quickly to Qin Yue's university. She had no class this afternoon, so it happened to pick her up at this time.

It took less than 10 minutes to arrive at Qin Yue's school. According to the number Qin Yue said, she came to the downstairs of her dormitory and stopped to wait.

However, just behind his car, there was another Dior parked there, as if it was also waiting for someone.

Just as Qin Yue came out of the dormitory, Chen Kai just got out of the car, but the owner of the Dior immediately ran up to Qin Yue behind him.

Seeing this, Chen Kai stepped forward, not to be outdone, and went directly to Qin Yue's side to protect her behind him, staring at the man with a defensive face.

"Want a hero to save the beauty? You deserve it?"

With his hands in his pockets, the rich young master shook his right leg and snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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