Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 468 The stars hold the moon

Chapter 468 The stars hold the moon
After Qin Xiang came back, I was depressed all the time, and I didn't say hello to anyone, but just sat quietly by the side.

Driven by curiosity, Qin Ying came over and wanted to ask what she was looking for now.

But as soon as she sat next to her, before she could speak, Qin Xiang had already spoken to stop her.

"Don't ask anything."

The more she refused to ask, the more Qin Ying wanted to know.

Not only Qin Ying, Qin Min and Qin Yue also hurried over.

Qin Yue took Qin Xiang's hand: "Eldest sister, what did mother ask you for just now? Just tell us, otherwise everyone will feel uneasy."

Qin Min also took over the conversation: "That's right, we are all sisters, we can talk about everything, so we can discuss and come up with an idea together, you and mom are always so secretive, let's mess around here Guess, it's really bad, as if our sisters are all outsiders."

Qin Xiang's eyes widened involuntarily: "What are you all talking about? Who said you are outsiders? You are all my sisters. If there is anything I can let you know, I will definitely let you know. You shouldn't let me know. You know, so don’t ask too many questions, because there’s no way to help.”

It is rare for everyone to see Qin Xiang really lose his temper, but this also shows that this matter is really trivial.

If it was in normal times, once Qin Xiang was really angry, the younger sisters would not dare to speak anymore, but now it is different, the more she refuses to say anything, the more the younger sisters want to know.

Qin Yue even shed tears of anxiety: "Sister, can you not be like this, what happened? Do you know that if you don't say this, we will be worried to death, and we will think that the matter is more serious than we imagined .”

Qin Xiang stood up impatiently and glanced at them.

"Why are you so disobedient? If it's really serious, how could I hide it from you? Just now, my mother just talked to me about some work matters. This business made me a little upset, so I don't want to tell you."

Qin Xiang actually said this on purpose, and she also did it on purpose, because she knows the temperament of the younger sisters too well. If she just said it was a matter of work, the younger sisters would never believe it, but would chase after her. I asked, so I deliberately created a serious atmosphere, and finally said that it was because of work, which will undoubtedly increase the credibility of what I said.

This is exactly the method that Qin Xiang has cultivated over the years. Although Qin Ying understands a little bit, she is unwilling to believe that the eldest sister will play such a trick at this time.

The room was quiet again, no one spoke, everyone was thinking about something, but the difference was that these sisters were thinking about common people and common things.

Finally the door of the operating room opened, and a person wearing a white coat, mask and hat came out. Although it was tightly wrapped, the Qin family sisters could tell from the doctor's eyes that this was the family doctor.

So he hurried over, Qin Yue couldn't wait to ask.

"How is it? Was the operation successful?"

The family doctor took off his mask and looked at them with a smile.

"The operation was very successful. After all, I used to focus on orthopedics when I was in college. Although Chen Kai's injury was not minor, at least it was not particularly serious. Within my ability, such a minor operation , is not worth mentioning at all.”

Having said that, he suddenly sighed again.

The Qin family sisters were relieved when they heard that the operation had been successful, but when they saw the doctor's face suddenly changed, they thought that something was wrong again, and immediately became worried again.

Qin Ying grabbed the doctor's hand excitedly: "What's wrong? Didn't you say that the operation was very successful? Why did you suddenly sigh again? Did something happen to Chen Kai?"

The family doctor hurriedly shook his head in denial, and smiled apologetically.

"I'm really sorry. I just sighed out of habit. In fact, it was mainly because Chen Kai was unwilling to undergo surgery. I talked a lot by myself, but he just refused to listen, so I called you as a last resort. Otherwise, at this time, Chen Kai might have already rested comfortably at home."

Having said this, he suddenly fell silent again, as if hesitating to speak.

Even Qin Xiang couldn't stand it now: "What's the matter? Can you finish what you have to say in one breath? It's really shameful for you to keep talking like this to whet people's appetites."

The family doctor didn't smile this time, but still looked serious.

He thought that Chen Kai might not listen to his instructions and honestly not move that hand, but then everything he did just now would be in vain, and now this hand must not be moved, and must be Protect.

Seeing that the sisters were so anxious again, the family doctor sighed again.

"Actually, I hope you can help me with this matter. You also understand Chen Kai's temper, because you have been together longer than I have known him. If he can use the hand that has just undergone surgery, he must not use it." , This is very important, but Chen Kai's temper is really not the temperament of obeying the doctor's orders, so you must take a good look at it in the next period of time."

When the few sisters heard what the doctor said, they really breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Yue kept patting her chest and rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction.

"Doctor, do you know that you are really scary like this, even if you don't tell us, we will know, don't worry, as long as we are around, we will never let him touch that hand in the future .”

Only then did the doctor feel relieved, and nodded with a smile.

"Chen Kai is still lying in the operating room, because the anesthesia has not passed, so I'm afraid we have to wait for a while."

Qin Ying looked at the doctor with some puzzlement: "Is it general anesthesia?"

The doctor nodded again: "I originally considered local anesthesia, but after thinking about it, general anesthesia is better. Anyway, this is a hospital, so there shouldn't be any problems, and it will be dawn after a while. Otherwise, you should wait until after dawn, when Chen Kai fully wakes up, and then you can go home."

The sisters of the Qin family thought about it, and felt that this was fine, anyway, there was no need to go back in a hurry, so they followed the doctor's advice.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Kai woke up, got into the car with the support of several sisters, and took him home.

From this day on, Chen Kai became the state of the stars and the moon, being offered by the sisters of the Qin family all the time, and even if he was eating, someone would come to feed him.

Chen Kai was a little speechless: "I just can't move one hand, and the other hand can still move, and you see, my left hand is injured, and the right hand holding chopsticks is completely fine, so can you stop doing this?" exaggerate."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand holding chopsticks.

Several sisters glanced at each other and refused in unison.

"You are now a key protected animal in your family, so your every move must be approved by us. If we say we won't let you move, you must not move."

Chen Kai was completely speechless, he could only pray silently in his heart, kill Gao Ming's illegitimate son, don't come so soon.

Finally, at night in the mood of boredom, since Chen Kai couldn't cook, the family had already hired an aunt who specializes in cooking, and Chen Kai once again tried the life of opening his mouth for food.

Only then did I deeply feel that what the ancients said is that there is no unbearable sin, only unbearable blessings. It is true that such a happy life where big beauties take turns feeding meals is really not something that people like him can bear. Got it.

After finally finishing their meal, Qin Yue suddenly suggested that they should sleep in Chen Kai's room tonight.

The three sisters turned their eyes to her together: "No."

Qin Yue immediately pursed her lips in protest: "Where are you thinking? I was worried that Chen Kai would hurt that hand, so I just had to watch from the side."

The sisters looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally answered in unison.

"That's not OK!"

Qin Min rushed to say: "If you really want to accompany Chen Kai, you are not allowed to go by yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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