Chapter 469
Qin Yue's eyes widened, and she looked at Qin Min thoughtfully. She naturally remembered the embarrassing past when she was accidentally bumped into by the eldest sister because of an argument with her in Chen Kai's room.

So he smiled meaningfully: "You don't mean to say that you will rob me tonight?"

Qin Mingang nodded again and said yes, and Qin Ying took over the conversation.

"Neither of you is allowed to sleep in the room where you live today."

Qin Yue and Qin Min cast their eyes on her at the same time.


Qin Ying raised an imperceptible smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Chen Kai has just undergone an operation, with the two of you beside him, can he still sleep?"

Qin Min and Qin Yue blushed slightly, and Qin Yue protested with a dissatisfied laugh.

"I've already said it. It was because I was worried about Chen Kai that I went to sleep with him in his room tonight."

Qin Xiang couldn't stand it anymore: "Everyone, stop arguing. I'm also a little worried. Chen Kai will accidentally hurt his arm when he sleeps alone, but it feels inappropriate to let the two of you sleep in his room. .”

Everyone stared at Qin Xiang quietly, thinking that she could come up with some good ideas.

Seeing the eyes of several younger sisters, Qin Xiang was a little proud, but she remained calm on the surface, but said lightly.

"If you really want to take care of Chen Kai, I have a solution here. Anyway, Chen Kai's room is very big, and we also prepare an air mattress at home, so today the four of us can squeeze into Chen Kai's room at the same time."

She was afraid that her younger sisters would misunderstand, so she hurriedly continued to explain.

"Don't think about it wrongly. I went to Chen Kai's room to watch you. If you plot against Chen Kai, I will not spare you."

The three younger sisters all lowered their heads, Qin Ying hadn't shown anything yet, Qin Yue and Qin Min lowered their heads and covered their mouths and smiled.

Qin Xiang's eyes widened immediately: "Why are you laughing? You can't sell it on consignment, so hurry up and prepare, or you can go back to sleep in your own room."

The younger sisters just turned around, took out the bedding from the room, and moved to Chen Kai's room.

Chen Kai stared dumbfounded at all this, and secretly smiled wryly in his heart, thinking that just one girl sleeping next to him would already make me unable to sleep, and now there are four beauties sleeping in my room, isn't that simply Are you dying?
But he also knows that it is useless to say anything now, because the four sisters have already prepared all the applicable things, and indeed, as Qin Xiang said, this room is spacious enough to accommodate a few air mattresses Not a problem at all.

Everyone took their places, because the sisters all lived in the same house, so no one decided to sleep on Chen Kai's bed, and they were indeed worried about hurting his hands.

So tonight, the five of them still slept soundly.

The next morning, Chen Kai was still the first to wake up. According to his previous habit, he still wanted to get up and make breakfast, but when he got up, he remembered that he had just had an operation yesterday, and now it is difficult to even get dressed .

So I had no choice but to sit there with a helpless wry smile, thinking that I should ask a few sisters to help me change clothes in the future, right?
That's really embarrassing, if it's just a change of something like a coat, it's okay, if it's underwear...

Thinking of this, Chen Kai didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Not knowing what to do there, Qin Xiang suddenly sat up.

"Are you awake? You are now a key animal protection, so you don't have to worry about making breakfast at all, and didn't you already know about it yesterday? The family has already hired a special cooking aunt, so you really don't have to be busy anymore , the most important thing is to heal your injury as soon as possible."

Chen Kai nodded silently. Just as he was about to speak, the other three sisters also woke up and turned their gazes to Chen Kai and Qin Xiang.

Unlike before, the sisters didn't speak, but got up silently and left Chen Kai's room.

Chen Kai was a little puzzled, and looked at Qin Xiang with a puzzled expression.

"What happened to them?"

Qin Xiang also felt a little strange in her heart, it was too incompatible with the characters of the younger sisters, especially Qin Yue, because she was the youngest, so the older sisters liked to let her go, so Qin Yue developed a With a tricky and eccentric personality, she would never be involved in such a case, but why did she become so cute after sleeping in Chen Kai's room and waking up?

Seeing that she was silent, Chen Kai smiled and said.

"I see. They probably went back to their rooms to change clothes, and it's almost time for breakfast now. After eating, you have to go to work in the company, and I seem to have to go too."

Qin Xiang was listening quietly at first, but when she heard Chen Kai's last words, her eyes widened immediately.

"What did you say? Do you still want to go to work in your current physical condition? You stay at home honestly, and you are absolutely not allowed to go out."

Chen Kai was taken aback by Qin Xiang's attitude, and wanted to justify a few words at first, but suddenly realized that she wouldn't listen to anything she said now.

Anyway, these sisters will go to work in a while, and only myself and mother Qin are left at home. At that time, if I am really bored at home, go out for a stroll, or really go to the company. , I am afraid no one will stop it.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai nodded silently, speaking with infinite sentimentality.

"Since you've said that, then I'm not going."

Only then did Qin Xiang smile with satisfaction: "Then get up quickly, it's time for breakfast."

After Qin Xiang finished speaking, she stood up, packed up the bedding, and moved to her room.

The breakfast is very rich, because I know that Chen Kai is now a wounded person, and the nutrition is very rich, but the few sisters are very dissatisfied, because the taste of the food is still somewhat different from that of Chen Kai.

Seeing that the aunt who was cooking didn't pay attention, Qin Yue secretly stuck out her tongue at Chen Kai and made a grimace.

"You'd better heal your injury quickly, or we won't be able to eat your meals."

Chen Kai had no choice but to smile wryly: "I thought you were really worried about my safety, and you just wanted me to cook for you after making a fuss for a long time."

One sentence made everyone laugh, breakfast was finished soon, and the sisters had their own affairs, so they didn't stay at home, but when they went out, they asked Chen Kai not to go out.

Chen Kai had no choice but to agree.

The sisters finally walked out of the house, and the big room suddenly became quiet. Chen Kai sat on the sofa and rested for a while, feeling bored at home, so he thought of going out for a walk again. .

"As long as you are holding back at home every day, I'm afraid you will get sick if you don't get sick."

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly, and then I stood up. In fact, he was not just doing it for relaxation, but also to observe the surrounding situation. Prepare, if you are caught off guard by the opponent, it will really ruin the dish.

But just as he walked to the door of the villa, he suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him.

Chen Kai was taken aback. This person was naturally Mother Qin.

He had no choice but to turn around helplessly: "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Qin's mother sighed softly: "It's nothing else, I just saw you walking outside and wanted to ask what you were doing."

Chen Kai had no choice but to tell the truth: "Staying at home is a bit boring, I want to go out for a stroll."

Qin's mother didn't say anything else, but walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, then pointed to the opposite sofa.

"Come here, I have a few questions I want to ask you."

Chen Kai felt an ominous premonition, knowing that Qin's mother probably already knew something, so he could only obediently sit on the sofa.

"Auntie, if you have any questions, just ask."

Mother Qin nodded slightly: "Did something happen to you?"

Chen Kai was shocked again, thinking that Mother Qin was indeed Mother Qin, but on the surface she remained calm.

"Auntie, where did you say that?"

Qin's mother sighed lightly: "Have you ever heard of Gao Xiaotian?"

(End of this chapter)

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